包含固定数组的托管不安全结构上的 C# 固定语句的开销是多少?



【中文标题】包含固定数组的托管不安全结构上的 C# 固定语句的开销是多少?【英文标题】:What is the overhead of C# fixed statement on a managed unsafe struct containing fixed arrays? 【发布时间】:2012-01-19 18:53:20 【问题描述】:

我一直在尝试确定在 C# 中对包含固定数组的托管不安全结构使用固定语句的真正成本。请注意,我指的不是非托管结构。

具体来说,是否有任何理由避免下面的“MultipleFixed”类显示的模式?简单地修复数据的成本是非零的,接近于零(== 成本类似于在进入/退出固定范围时设置和清除单个标志),还是在可能的情况下足以避免?

显然,这些类是为了帮助解释问题而设计的。这是针对 XNA 游戏中的高使用率数据结构,其中该数据的读/写性能至关重要,所以如果我需要修复数组并将其传递到任何地方,我会这样做,但如果没有区别,我'希望将 fixed() 保留在方法的本地,以帮助保持函数签名对不支持不安全代码的平台稍微更具可移植性。 (是的,它有一些额外的 grunt 代码,但不管它需要什么......)

不安全的结构 ByteArray 公共固定字节数据[1024]; 类MultipleFixed unsafe void SetValue(ref ByteArray bytes, int index, byte value) 固定(字节*数据=字节。数据) 数据[索引] = 值; unsafe bool Validate(ref ByteArray bytes, int index, byte expectedValue) 固定(字节*数据=字节。数据) 返回数据[索引] == 预期值; 无效测试(参考 ByteArray 字节) SetValue(ref bytes, 0, 1); 验证(参考字节,0, 1); 类 SingleFixed unsafe void SetValue(byte* data, int index, byte value) 数据[索引] = 值; unsafe bool Validate(byte* data, int index, byte expectedValue) 返回数据[索引] == 预期值; 不安全的无效测试(参考 ByteArray 字节) 固定(字节*数据=字节。数据) SetValue(数据, 0, 1); 验证(数据,0, 1);




也许改变接受的答案。很明显,接受的那个是不准确的。 【参考方案1】:




在没有 IntPtr 的情况下,使用带有纯指针 (x*) 的“固定”的性能与在托管代码中一样好;在发布模式下,如果不经常使用固定,甚至会更好 - 这是访问多个数组值的最有效方式 在调试模式下,使用“固定”(在循环内)会对性能产生很大的负面影响,但在发布模式下,它的效果几乎与普通数组访问(方法 FixedAccess)一样好; 在引用类型参数值 (float[]) 上使用“ref”始终具有更高或相同的性能(两种模式) 在使用 IntPtr 算术 (IntPtrAccess) 时,调试模式与发布模式相比性能显着下降,但对于这两种模式,性能都比普通数组访问差 如果使用未与数组值的偏移量对齐的偏移量,则无论模式如何,性能都很糟糕(这两种模式实际上需要相同的时间)。这适用于“float”,但对“int”没有影响

多次运行测试,得出的结果略有不同但大致一致。也许我应该进行许多系列测试并取平均时间 - 但没有时间这样做:)


class Test 
    public static void NormalAccess (float[] array, int index) 
        array[index] = array[index] + 2;

    public static void NormalRefAccess (ref float[] array, int index) 
        array[index] = array[index] + 2;

    public static void IntPtrAccess (IntPtr arrayPtr, int index) 
            var array = (float*) IntPtr.Add (arrayPtr, index << 2);
            (*array) = (*array) + 2;

    public static void IntPtrMisalignedAccess (IntPtr arrayPtr, int index) 
            var array = (float*) IntPtr.Add (arrayPtr, index); // getting bits of a float
            (*array) = (*array) + 2;

    public static void FixedAccess (float[] array, int index) 
            fixed (float* ptr = &array[index]) 
                (*ptr) = (*ptr) + 2;

    public unsafe static void PtrAccess (float* ptr) 
        (*ptr) = (*ptr) + 2;


    static int runs = 1000*1000*100;
    public static void Print (string name, Stopwatch sw) 
        Console.WriteLine ("0, items/sec = 1:N \t 2", sw.Elapsed, (runs / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) * 1000, name);

    static void Main (string[] args) 
        var buffer = new float[1024*1024*100];
        var len = buffer.Length;

        var sw = new Stopwatch();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)  
            Test.FixedAccess (buffer, 55);
            Test.NormalAccess (buffer, 66);

        Console.WriteLine ("Starting 0:N0 items", runs);

        sw.Restart ();
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) 
            Test.NormalAccess (buffer, i % len);
        sw.Stop ();

        Print ("Normal access", sw);

        sw.Restart ();
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) 
            Test.NormalRefAccess (ref buffer, i % len);
        sw.Stop ();

        Print ("Normal Ref access", sw);

        sw.Restart ();
            fixed (float* ptr = &buffer[0])
                for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)  
                    Test.IntPtrAccess ((IntPtr) ptr, i % len);
        sw.Stop ();

        Print ("IntPtr access (fixed outside loop)", sw);

        sw.Restart ();
            fixed (float* ptr = &buffer[0])
                for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)  
                    Test.IntPtrMisalignedAccess ((IntPtr) ptr, i % len);
        sw.Stop ();

        Print ("IntPtr Misaligned access (fixed outside loop)", sw);

        sw.Restart ();
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) 
            Test.FixedAccess (buffer, i % len);
        sw.Stop ();

        Print ("Fixed access (fixed inside loop)", sw);

        sw.Restart ();
            fixed (float* ptr = &buffer[0])  
                for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)  
                    Test.PtrAccess (ptr + (i % len));
        sw.Stop ();

        Print ("float* access (fixed outside loop)", sw);

        sw.Restart ();
            for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)  
                fixed (float* ptr = &buffer[i % len])  
                    Test.PtrAccess (ptr);
        sw.Stop ();

        Print ("float* access (fixed in loop)", sw);



Starting 100,000,000 items
00:00:01.0373583, items/sec = 96,432,000.00      Normal access
00:00:00.8582307, items/sec = 116,550,000.00     Normal Ref access
00:00:01.8822085, items/sec = 53,134,000.00      IntPtr access (fixed outside loop)
00:00:10.5356369, items/sec = 9,492,000.00       IntPtr Misaligned access (fixed outside loop)
00:00:01.6860701, items/sec = 59,311,000.00      Fixed access (fixed inside loop)
00:00:00.7577868, items/sec = 132,100,000.00     float* access (fixed outside loop)
00:00:01.0387792, items/sec = 96,339,000.00      float* access (fixed in loop)


Starting 100,000,000 items
00:00:00.7454832, items/sec = 134,228,000.00     Normal access
00:00:00.6619090, items/sec = 151,285,000.00     Normal Ref access
00:00:00.9859089, items/sec = 101,522,000.00     IntPtr access (fixed outside loop)
00:00:10.1289018, items/sec = 9,873,000.00       IntPtr Misaligned access (fixed outside loop)
00:00:00.7899355, items/sec = 126,742,000.00     Fixed access (fixed inside loop)
00:00:00.5718507, items/sec = 175,131,000.00     float* access (fixed outside loop)
00:00:00.6842333, items/sec = 146,198,000.00     float* access (fixed in loop)



根据经验,在最好的情况下,开销似乎在 32 位 JIT 上约为 270%,在 64 位上约为 200%(并且开销会随着您“调用”fixed 的次数越多而变得更糟)。所以如果性能真的很关键,我会尽量减少你的 fixed 块。



我还添加了一些 TestMore 方法,它们调用您的两个测试方法 10 次而不是 2 提供一个更真实的场景,即在您的 fixed 结构上调用多个方法。


class Program

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var someData = new ByteArray();
        int iterations = 1000000000;
        var multiple = new MultipleFixed();
        var single = new SingleFixed();

        // Warmup.
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            multiple.Test(ref someData);
            single.Test(ref someData);
            multiple.TestMore(ref someData);
            single.TestMore(ref someData);

        // Environment.
        if (Debugger.IsAttached)
            Console.WriteLine("Debugger is attached!!!!!!!!!! This run is invalid!");
        Console.WriteLine("CLR Version: " + Environment.Version);
        Console.WriteLine("Pointer size: 0 bytes", IntPtr.Size);
        Console.WriteLine("Iterations: " + iterations);

        Console.Write("Starting run for Single... ");
        var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
            single.Test(ref someData);
        Console.WriteLine("Completed in 0:N3ms - 1:N2/sec", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, iterations / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

        Console.Write("Starting run for More Single... ");
        sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
            single.Test(ref someData);
        Console.WriteLine("Completed in 0:N3ms - 1:N2/sec", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, iterations / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

        Console.Write("Starting run for Multiple... ");
        sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
            multiple.Test(ref someData);
        Console.WriteLine("Completed in 0:N3ms - 1:N2/sec", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, iterations / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

        Console.Write("Starting run for More Multiple... ");
        sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
            multiple.TestMore(ref someData);
        Console.WriteLine("Completed in 0:N3ms - 1:N2/sec", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, iterations / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);


unsafe struct ByteArray

    public fixed byte Data[1024];

class MultipleFixed

    unsafe void SetValue(ref ByteArray bytes, int index, byte value)
        fixed (byte* data = bytes.Data)
            data[index] = value;

    unsafe bool Validate(ref ByteArray bytes, int index, byte expectedValue)
        fixed (byte* data = bytes.Data)
            return data[index] == expectedValue;

    public void Test(ref ByteArray bytes)
        SetValue(ref bytes, 0, 1);
        Validate(ref bytes, 0, 1);
    public void TestMore(ref ByteArray bytes)
        SetValue(ref bytes, 0, 1);
        Validate(ref bytes, 0, 1);
        SetValue(ref bytes, 0, 2);
        Validate(ref bytes, 0, 2);
        SetValue(ref bytes, 0, 3);
        Validate(ref bytes, 0, 3);
        SetValue(ref bytes, 0, 4);
        Validate(ref bytes, 0, 4);
        SetValue(ref bytes, 0, 5);
        Validate(ref bytes, 0, 5);

class SingleFixed

    unsafe void SetValue(byte* data, int index, byte value)
        data[index] = value;

    unsafe bool Validate(byte* data, int index, byte expectedValue)
        return data[index] == expectedValue;

    public unsafe void Test(ref ByteArray bytes)
        fixed (byte* data = bytes.Data)
            SetValue(data, 0, 1);
            Validate(data, 0, 1);
    public unsafe void TestMore(ref ByteArray bytes)
        fixed (byte* data = bytes.Data)
            SetValue(data, 0, 1);
            Validate(data, 0, 1);
            SetValue(data, 0, 2);
            Validate(data, 0, 2);
            SetValue(data, 0, 3);
            Validate(data, 0, 3);
            SetValue(data, 0, 4);
            Validate(data, 0, 4);
            SetValue(data, 0, 5);
            Validate(data, 0, 5);

.NET 4.0 32 位 JIT 中的结果:

CLR Version: 4.0.30319.239
Pointer size: 4 bytes
Iterations: 1000000000
Starting run for Single... Completed in 2,092.350ms - 477,931,580.94/sec
Starting run for More Single... Completed in 2,236.767ms - 447,073,934.63/sec
Starting run for Multiple... Completed in 5,775.922ms - 173,132,528.92/sec
Starting run for More Multiple... Completed in 26,637.862ms - 37,540,550.36/sec

在 .NET 4.0 中,64 位 JIT:

CLR Version: 4.0.30319.239
Pointer size: 8 bytes
Iterations: 1000000000
Starting run for Single... Completed in 2,907.946ms - 343,885,316.72/sec
Starting run for More Single... Completed in 2,904.903ms - 344,245,585.63/sec
Starting run for Multiple... Completed in 5,754.893ms - 173,765,185.93/sec
Starting run for More Multiple... Completed in 18,679.593ms - 53,534,358.13/sec


谢谢 - 好信息!我仍然想知道开销的根本原因是什么,但获得良好的性能是主要目标。 是的,我将听从 Skeet、Lippart 或 Gravel 的“为什么”。但是,如果您调整结构的大小,它可能会告诉您运行时是否正在为每个fixed 复制结构。我的猜测是固定操作复制了整个结构。 (另见:dotnetperls.com/fixed-buffer) 这个测试不准确。您以完全不合理的方式使用固定。正确的用法是修复一次,多次写入,取消修复。

以上是关于包含固定数组的托管不安全结构上的 C# 固定语句的开销是多少?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

无法将固定大小的字节数组从结构复制到 C# 结构中的另一个数组


如何在 C# 中将固定字节/字符 [100] 转换为托管字符 []?

C# 不安全/固定代码

对于写入固定大小数组的不同部分的并行线程,是不是存在线程安全的 Java 数据结构?
