使用 EPPlus 库从 SQL Server 导出到 Excel 时出现“内存不足”异常



【中文标题】使用 EPPlus 库从 SQL Server 导出到 Excel 时出现“内存不足”异常【英文标题】:"Out Of Memory" exception while exporting from SQL Server to Excel, using EPPlus library 【发布时间】:2012-12-16 13:53:17 【问题描述】:

我正在使用 EPPlus .NET 库将数据从 SQL Server 导出到 Excel 文件。

我正在使用SqlConnection 类来读取数据。对于SqlDataReader游标的每一行,我都会遍历对应行的所有excel单元格,并输入来自阅读器的数据。

问题是当我将这个函数用于大型表时出现“内存不足”错误。我需要一种在Read CURSOR 中创建某种缓冲区的方法。


Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection()
sqlConnection.ConnectionString = sqlConnectionString.ConnectionString 'connectionstring built before

Dim query As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(query...)

Dim newFileStream As New FileStream("c:\junk\test.xlsx", System.IO.FileMode.Create,System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite)

Using excelApp As New ExcelPackage(newFileStream)
    Dim sqlReader As SqlDataReader = query.ExecuteReader()

    Dim numOfColumns As Byte = sqlReader.FieldCount()
    Dim rowNumber As Integer = 1

    While sqlReader.Read()
        Dim currentColumn As Byte

        For currentColumn = 1 To numOfColumns
            ws.Cells(rowNumber,currentColumn).Value = sqlReader.Item(currentColumn - 1)
     rowNumber += 1             
    End While

End Using



这是相当不完整的。 rowNumber 在哪里定义和增加? query 中有多少列? 那些东西与问题无关,所以我把它们排除在外。无论如何,我编辑了代码并添加了它。 我正在尝试复制问题,我们在这里谈论的表大小大约是多少?你知道 excel = 2007 有 1M 行限制:office.microsoft.com/en-001/excel-help/…, office.microsoft.com/en-001/excel-help/… 我知道这些规格。谢谢你。数据库中的表大小约为 470 MB。 【参考方案1】:

因为当您达到 Excel 的限制时,无论如何您都必须拆分文件,所以这里有一些代码可以从数据库中分块读取到多个 Excel 文件中:

static class Program

    private static string _dataSource;
    private static string _database;
    private static string _table;
    private static string _outputPath;
    private static int _batchSize;

    public static void Main()
           _dataSource = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataSource"];
           _database = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Database"];
           _table = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Table"];
           _outputPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OutputPath"];
           _batchSize = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BatchSize"]);

            CreateExcel(_dataSource, _database, _table, _outputPath, "SELECT * FROM " + _table);
        catch (Exception e)

        Console.WriteLine("All done!");

    public static void CreateExcel(string dataSource, string databaseName, string tableName, string outputFilePath, string queryNoParameters)
        var sqlConnectionString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
                DataSource = dataSource,
                InitialCatalog = databaseName,
                IntegratedSecurity = true

        using (var connection = new SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString.ConnectionString))
            using (var command = new SqlCommand  Connection = connection, CommandType = CommandType.Text, CommandText = queryNoParameters )
            using (var sqlReader = command.ExecuteReader())
                int i = 0;
                while (WriteExcelFile(tableName, GetFileInfo(databaseName, tableName, outputFilePath, i++),
                                      sqlReader, sqlReader.FieldCount, _batchSize))
                    Console.WriteLine("Reading next batch...");

    private static bool WriteExcelFile(string tableName, FileInfo fileInfo, IDataReader sqlReader, int numOfColumns, int count)
        using (var excelPackage = new ExcelPackage(fileInfo))
            ExcelWorksheet worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(tableName);

            Console.WriteLine("Populating header row...");
            for (var currentColumn = 1; currentColumn <= numOfColumns; currentColumn++)
                worksheet.Cells[1, currentColumn].Value = sqlReader.GetName(currentColumn - 1);
                worksheet.Column(currentColumn).Style.Numberformat.Format =
                    TranslateSystemtypeToExceltype(sqlReader.GetFieldType(currentColumn - 1));

            Console.WriteLine("Reading data rows...");
            int rowNumber = 2;
            while (rowNumber <= count + 1 && sqlReader.Read())
                for (var currentColumn = 1; currentColumn <= numOfColumns; currentColumn++)
                    worksheet.Cells[rowNumber, currentColumn].Value = sqlReader[currentColumn - 1];

            if (rowNumber == 2) //nothing read
                Console.WriteLine("Nothing to read, reached end of table!");
                return false;

            Console.WriteLine("Saving Excel file...");
            return rowNumber == count + 2; //in which case we want to read more

    private static FileInfo GetFileInfo(string databaseName, string tableName, string outputFilePath, int i)
        return new FileInfo(Path.Combine(outputFilePath,
                                          string.Format("0_1_2", databaseName, tableName.Replace('.', '-'), i), "xlsx")));

    public static string TranslateSystemtypeToExceltype(Type sysType)
        if (sysType == typeof(string))
            return "@";
        if (sysType == typeof(DateTime))
                return "dd/MM/YYYY";
        if (sysType == typeof(Decimal))
                return "0.000";
        if (sysType == typeof(bool))
                return "@";
        if (sysType == typeof(int))
                return "0";
        if (sysType == typeof(short))
                return "0";
        if (sysType == typeof(double))
                return "0.000";
        return "General";



以上是关于使用 EPPlus 库从 SQL Server 导出到 Excel 时出现“内存不足”异常的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何使用 EPPLUS 从 Excel 电子表格单元格中获取值?


使用 Epplus 在 C# 中对 Excel 进行 SQL 查询

Oracle导数据到SQL server的方法总结

VisualSVN 将存储库从 server1 移动到 server2
