


【中文标题】如何反序列化肥皂响应?【英文标题】:How to deserialize soap response? 【发布时间】:2018-07-17 14:21:07 【问题描述】:

我正在尝试将以下 xml 反序列化为 c# 对象:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <ns2:topupResponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.claro.com.hn/esb/ws/topups/" 


[XmlRoot("Envelope", Namespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/")]
public class Response

    public ResponseBody Body  get; set; 

public class ResponseBody

    [XmlElement(ElementName = "topupResponse", Namespace = "http://www.claro.com.hn/esb/ws/topups/, http://www.claro.com.hn/esb/ws/ops/")]
    public TopupResponse topupResponse  get; set; 

public class TopupResponse

    public Result result  get; set; 

public class Result

    public string conversionRate  get; set; 
    public string datetime  get; set; 
    public string distAmount  get; set; 
    public string msisdn  get; set; 
    public string newBalance  get; set; 
    public string operAmount  get; set; 
    public string responseCode  get; set; 
    public string transId  get; set; 


  private static object XmlDeserializeFromString(string objectData, Type type)
        objectData = RemoveInvalidXmlCharacters(objectData);//customizeoption if you know the xml you receive wont have any invalid characters you can remove this function

        var serializer = new XmlSerializer(type);
        object result;
        using (var reader = new StringReader(objectData))
            result = serializer.Deserialize(reader);
        return result;

但我没有在我的对象中获得结果值。它只反序列化到 TopupResonse 并且为空。我已经尝试了谷歌,但找不到任何具体的东西。我认为,问题出在命名空间上,并不完全确定。任何帮助将非常感激。


先尝试序列化样本类数据,这样更容易调试。一旦序列化数据与您的实际 xml 匹配,您就可以轻松地反序列化数据。 好主意!会尝试的。谢谢。 【参考方案1】:


 public class TopupResponse

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public Result result  get; set; 

public class Result

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string conversionRate  get; set; 

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string datetime  get; set; 

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string distAmount  get; set; 

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string msisdn  get; set; 

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string newBalance  get; set; 

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string operAmount  get; set; 

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string responseCode  get; set; 

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string transId  get; set; 




或者,我们可以使用 Visual Studio 的选择性粘贴功能从 xml 或 json 创建 c# 类,非常简单高效。


private static object XmlDeserializeFromString(string objectData, Type type)

    objectData = RemoveInvalidXmlCharacters(objectData);//customizeoption if you know the xml you receive wont have any invalid characters you can remove this function

    var serializer = new XmlSerializer(type);
    object result;
    using (var reader = new StringReader(objectData))
        result = serializer.Deserialize(reader);
    return result;

我能知道您在上述函数中使用的类型是什么吗?你通过什么类型的?我相信 Objectdata 会是 xml。




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