我可以通过 Dropbox 共享 MS-Access 数据库应用程序吗?
【中文标题】我可以通过 Dropbox 共享 MS-Access 数据库应用程序吗?【英文标题】:Can I share an MS-Access database application via Dropbox? 【发布时间】:2013-10-11 22:42:24 【问题描述】:我有一个只有 3 或 4 人会使用的小型 Access 应用程序,但我希望他们能够从不同的位置使用它。一次只有一个人会使用它。他们是一个非营利组织,几乎没有资金。他们没有服务器,目前在所有人之间来回共享 Excel 电子表格。我能想到的最简单的事情是将.accdb
文件上传到 Dropbox 帐户并让他们从那里访问它。我知道您可以将其发布到 SharePoint,但他们只有 Office 的本地副本。做 Dropbox 的事情有什么问题吗?或者你们有没有更好的选择?
如果您保证一次只有一个人会使用它,那么 DropBox 可能会起作用。但是您每月只需花费几美元就可以获得一些带有 Access 支持的在线托管服务,这可能对您更有效。寻找折扣网络托管,或者甚至可能有一些公司专门提供 Access。 我认为这将取决于尝试像网络共享一样使用 DropBox 的延迟。当您要求 Access 执行某项操作时,它必须在处理之前将所有数据从远程位置转移到本地计算机。 【参考方案1】:我同意使用 Dropbox 文件夹作为共享位置可能工作只要在任何时候只有一个人打开数据库。如果不止一个人同时打开数据库,那么当 Dropbox 去同步文件时,它可能会破坏其他人的更改,或者出现同步冲突,或者可能只是变得非常混乱。
如果我要尝试使用这种方法,我当然不会依赖告诉用户“在打开数据库之前始终检查其他人是否正在使用数据库”或“始终以独占模式打开数据库”。相反,我会使用如下 VBScript 之类的小启动器脚本来管理对数据库的访问。它使用第二个文件扩展名(.Available
)来指示数据库文件的状态,制作本地(未同步)副本,在 Access 中打开该副本,然后将更新后的文件复制回 Dropbox 文件夹这样就可以同步了。
Option Explicit
Dim WshShell, fso, f, AccessPath, DropboxFolder, WorkingFolder, DatabaseName
Const TemporaryFolder = 2
DropboxFolder = "C:\Users\Gord\Dropbox\dbStorage\"
DatabaseName = "myDatabase.accdb"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
WorkingFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) & "\"
If fso.FileExists(DropboxFolder & DatabaseName & ".Available") Then
Set f = fso.GetFile(DropboxFolder & DatabaseName & ".Available")
f.Name = DatabaseName & ".IN_USE"
WScript.Echo "Copying database file to working folder..."
f.Copy WorkingFolder & DatabaseName
Set f = Nothing
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
AccessPath = WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Access.MDBFile\shell\Open\command\")
AccessPath = Left(AccessPath, InStr(AccessPath, "MSACCESS.EXE") + 12)
WScript.Echo "Launching Access..."
WshShell.Run AccessPath & " """ & WorkingFolder & DatabaseName & """", 1, True
WScript.Echo "Copying database file back to Dropbox folder..."
fso.CopyFile WorkingFolder & DatabaseName, DropboxFolder & DatabaseName & ".IN_USE"
Set f = fso.GetFile(DropboxFolder & DatabaseName & ".IN_USE")
f.Name = DatabaseName & ".Available"
Set f = Nothing
If fso.FileExists(DropboxFolder & DatabaseName & ".IN_USE") Then
MsgBox "The database is currently in use. Try again later."
MsgBox "The database could not be found."
End If
End If
Set fso = Nothing
CSCRIPT.EXE C:\wherever\launchMyDatabase.vbs
【参考方案2】:这是 Gord Thompsons 脚本的增强版本,它试图通知用户帮助他们做“正确的事”。
' This uses a second file extension (.Available or .InUse) to indicate the status of the database file,
' makes a local (not synced) copy inthe temp folder and opens that copy in Access.
' The updated file is copied back to the Dropbox folder so it can be synced.
' A backup fodler and file can be created with a date in the filename if the suer chooses to.
' The launcher could be invoked by a shortcut whose target is
' CSCRIPT.EXE C:\!AA\OpenFMFtoolDatabase.vbs
' Or to debug (it can open in VS if VS has been setup right with an external tool)
' CSCRIPT.EXE /X C:\!AA\OpenFMFtoolDatabase.vbs
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' This file is used to open and backup the FMFtool university and Subject database
' It can be invoked by a shortcut whose target is CSCRIPT.EXE C:\!AA\OpenFMFtoolDatabase.vbs
' See the tag #DOTHESE below for constants that need to be changed for each specific user
'Option Explicit
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Supporting functions
Function LPad(MyString, MakeStringThisLong, PadWithThisChar)
Dim n: n = 0
If MakeStringThisLong > Len(MyString) Then n = MakeStringThisLong - Len(MyString)
LPad = String(n, PadWithThisChar) & MyString
End Function
Function BuildDateForFile()
Dim TheMonth, TheDay
TheMonth = LPad(Month(Date), 2, "0")
TheDay = LPad(Day(Date), 2, "0")
BuildDateForFile = DatePart("yyyy", Now) & TheMonth & TheDay & "_"
End Function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Main Procedure
Sub OpenDatabase()
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
Const SupportEmail = "mr@harveyfrench.co.uk"
' This script may prompt the user to contact support using this email address.
Const DropboxFolder = "C:\!AA\DropBox\"
' A typical value is "C:\Users\Gord\Dropbox\dbStorage\" Note that it must END WITH a backslash
' It is set to the name of the LOCAL folder (ie a folder on the PC running this script) which is synced with dropbox
' (or any internet based file sharing system like Dropbox, Onedrive, GDrive, etc)
Const DatabaseCalled = "University and Subject Database"
' The name of the database file without the file extension (ie no .accdb)
Const DatabaseExtension = ".accdb"
' The file extension (eg .accdb)
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' General constants
Const TemporaryFolder = 2
Const TAGForINUSE = ".InUse"
Const TAGForAVAILABLE = ".Available"
Const TAGForOldLocalFile = ".OldFile"
Dim WshShell, f, AccessPath, WorkingFolder, DatabaseName
Dim FileNameWhenInUse, FileNameWhenAvailable
Dim DropBoxInUse, DropBoxAvailable
Dim DropboxBackupFolder, DropboxBackupFileName, DropboxDONOTBackupFileName
Dim LocalFile, OldLocalFile
Dim blnOpenLocalFile
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' Use these lines when delivering the code
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' Use may use these lines when writing the code
'Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
'Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' About files and folders
DatabaseName = DatabaseCalled & DatabaseExtension
FileNameWhenInUse = DatabaseName & TAGForINUSE
FileNameWhenAvailable = DatabaseName & TAGForAVAILABLE
DropBoxInUse = DropboxFolder & FileNameWhenInUse
DropBoxAvailable = DropboxFolder & FileNameWhenAvailable
DropboxBackupFolder = DropboxFolder & "Backups"
WorkingFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) & "\"
' eg often: C:\Users\Harvey\AppData\Local\Temp\
LocalFile = WorkingFolder & DatabaseName
OldLocalFile = LocalFile & TAGForOldLocalFile
blnOpenLocalFile = False
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' WARN User
If vbNo = MsgBox("This will open " & DatabaseName & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & _
"Do not click YES unless you are sure you do as the web is needed to prevent other people from opening the above file while you have it open. " & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & _
"NOTE 1: It is OK to loose web access once the file is opened - but others will not be able to use it again until you have web access (and have closed the file)." & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & _
"NOTE 2: If you click YES and you do not have web accesss, either you or someone else WILL LOOSE ALL changes made to the file!)", vbYesNo) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Main processing -
' The file is only opened if it is available (ie not in use by another person).
' It can also be opened if it is determined that the file was not copied back to the dropbox folder
' but was "accidentally" left in the temp folder
' When it is opened the file is renamed on dropbox to indicate it is unavailable
If fso.FileExists(DropBoxAvailable) Then
Set f = fso.GetFile(DropBoxAvailable)
' This renames the file on dropbox to be "InUse"
f.Name = FileNameWhenInUse
' Allow dropbox to upload the file ASAP (if possible, force dropbox to sync here )
WScript.Echo "Copying database file to temp folder..."
f.Copy LocalFile
Set f = Nothing
blnOpenLocalFile = True
If fso.FileExists(DropBoxInUse) Then
If fso.FileExists(LocalFile) Then
MsgBox "The database was found locally and will be opened " & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & _
"(it had already been previoulsy opened by you, but not written back to the dropbox folder (perhaps a process crashed)."
blnOpenLocalFile = True
MsgBox "The database is currently in use by someone else. Try again later."
blnOpenLocalFile = False
End If
MsgBox "The database could not be found on dropbox " & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & _
"(Both " & TAGForINUSE & " and " & TAGForAVAILABLE & " versions are missing from dropbox!)."
If fso.FileExists(LocalFile) Then
MsgBox "A Copy of the file exists locally on your computer. " & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & _
"(The file will be opened and written back to dropbox as usual BUT - " & vbCrLf & _
"please email " & SupportEmail & " as this situation should not be arising!)."
blnOpenLocalFile = True
If fso.FileExists(OldLocalFile) Then
MsgBox "A backup copy of the local file exists (know as the OldLocalFile)" & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & "Email support on " & SupportEmail & vbCrLf & _
"to find out what to do (as this is a really wierd situation)."
MsgBox "A backup copy of the local file DOES NOT EXIST " & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & "Email support on " & SupportEmail & vbCrLf & _
"..but being honest you may be in a really bad pickle, but if you've been taking backups you'll be fine!"
End If
blnOpenLocalFile = False
End If
End If
End If
If blnOpenLocalFile Then
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Take a daily backup
If Not fso.FolderExists(DropboxBackupFolder) Then
WScript.Echo "Creating backup folder."
fso.CreateFolder DropboxBackupFolder
End If
DropboxBackupFileName = DropboxBackupFolder & "\" & BuildDateForFile() & DatabaseName
DropboxDONOTBackupFileName = DropboxBackupFileName & ".NoBackup"
DropboxBackupFileName = DropboxBackupFileName & ".Backup"
If Not (fso.FileExists(DropboxBackupFileName)) And Not (fso.FileExists(DropboxDONOTBackupFileName)) Then
If vbYes = MsgBox("Do you want to take a daily backup? " & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & "(click YES if a lot of work has been done since the last backup was taken. " & vbCrLf & _
" If in doubt click YES)", vbYesNo) Then
WScript.Echo "Creating daily backup file."
fso.CopyFile LocalFile, DropboxBackupFileName
' Create an empty text file to flag no backup is wanted that day
WScript.Echo "No daily backup file will be created."
fso.CreateTextFile (DropboxDONOTBackupFileName)
End If
End If
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Open the file
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
AccessPath = WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Access.MDBFile\shell\Open\command\")
AccessPath = Left(AccessPath, InStr(AccessPath, "MSACCESS.EXE") + 12)
WScript.Echo "Launching Access and Opening temp database file: " & vbCrLf & LocalFile
WshShell.Run AccessPath & " """ & LocalFile & """", 1, True
WScript.Echo "Copying temp database file back to Dropbox folder..."
fso.CopyFile LocalFile, DropBoxInUse
Set f = fso.GetFile(DropBoxInUse)
f.Name = FileNameWhenAvailable
Set f = Nothing
' Make another copy of the file that was copied to the dropbox folder, then delete the original file
' (This might help stop a bad catastrophe!)
WScript.Echo "In Temp Folder: Copying temp database file to be .oldfile"
fso.CopyFile LocalFile, OldLocalFile
WScript.Echo "In Temp Folder: Deleting temp database file "
fso.DeleteFile LocalFile
End If
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
' Do the work!
【参考方案3】:我知道这是一个老问题,我认为不可能安全地做到这一点。问题是 LDB 文件(管理与数据库的连接共享的文件)可能会丢失对打开状态的跟踪。当外部文件通过 JOIN/IN 类型构造连接到主数据库时,就会发生这种情况。发生这种情况时,即使应用程序退出,Jet/ADO 引擎仍会锁定文件,因为在查询完成时,IN 子句中指定的文件已打开但未关闭。然后 DropBox 创建冲突的文件副本并且数据丢失。
以上是关于我可以通过 Dropbox 共享 MS-Access 数据库应用程序吗?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
我可以通过 Dropbox 共享 MS-Access 数据库应用程序吗?
在 android app 中访问 Dropbox、google drive、microsoft onedrive 等中的云共享文件
使用 curl 通过共享链接(不是公共链接)下载 Dropbox 文件夹