【中文标题】从基于访问的数据库中提取数据【英文标题】:Extracting data from a Database that was built on access 【发布时间】:2016-12-19 20:54:01 【问题描述】:如何使用 access 而不是它运行的 GUI 打开数据库?
您好,我正在尝试从基于访问但不使用访问运行的数据库中提取数据。这是一款名为“Gemma”的旧软件,由 Castle Personnel 早在 1999 年发布。他们不再为其数据库提供支持,我们作为一家公司正在尝试迁移到基于不同浏览器的在线数据库。
打开 Gemma 时,它不会通过 Access 打开,而是有自己的 GUI。当我打开数据库的位置时,它被保存为 .mdb 有一天我在玩这些文件,当我选择了一个数据库时,我点击了 shift enter。它在 Access 中打开了整个数据库,这显然让我可以访问所有数据。但是,这种方法似乎不再起作用了。
在以下链接中查看有关从 Excel 打开 MDB 文件的信息:***.com/questions/24116593/… 如果我认为我可以从我的开放许可证门户或 MSDN 专业人士那里下载 Access95。 也许这会有所帮助:allenbrowne.com/ser-48.html ODBC 或 JDBC 应该是编程方式 【参考方案1】:只需启动 Access 的副本,然后打开有问题的数据库。正如您所注意到的,在大多数情况下按住 shift 键有效(但可以禁用)。 所以请注意我建议先打开 Access(不是通过单击 mdb 文件来启动访问,然后根据文件扩展名启动 Access)。
如果上述方法不起作用(按住 shift 键),则只需创建一个空白的新数据库,然后从您的 mdb 导入所有对象。我推荐这个过程,因为:
当您从该应用程序导入表时,您可以(应该)使用更新版本的 Access。
所以不要尝试打开该访问文件 - 启动 Access 并创建一个空白文件,然后导入表。
【参考方案2】:由于它只是后端的东西,您不必担心表单或报告。您可以使用 ODBC 以编程方式打开数据库,读取 tabledef,读取每个表中的字段,然后在空白数据库中创建表。比如:
For Each tblRep In dbRep.TableDefs
Set rec1 = dbRep.OpenRecordset("SELECT MSysObjects.Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE ([Name] = '" & tblRep.Name & "') AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=4 or (MSysObjects.Type)=6)")
If rec1.EOF Then
XF = 0
XF = 1
End If
' Ignore system tables and CMDB tables.
If InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "MSys", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "CMDB", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
XF = 0 Then
'***** Table definition
' Create a table definition with the same name.
Set tblNew = dbNew.CreateTableDef(tblRep.Name)
' Set properties.
tblNew.ValidationRule = tblRep.ValidationRule
tblNew.ValidationText = tblRep.ValidationText
' Loop through the collection of fields in the table.
For Each fldRep In tblRep.Fields
' Ignore replication-related fields:
' Gen_XXX, s_ColLineage, s_Generation, s_GUID, s_Lineage
If InStr(1, fldRep.Name, "s_", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
InStr(1, fldRep.Name, "Gen_", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
'***** Field definition
Set fldNew = tblNew.CreateField(fldRep.Name, fldRep.Type, _
' Set properties.
On Error Resume Next
fldNew.Attributes = fldRep.Attributes
fldNew.AllowZeroLength = fldRep.AllowZeroLength
fldNew.DefaultValue = fldRep.DefaultValue
fldNew.Required = fldRep.Required
fldNew.Size = fldRep.Size
' Append the field.
tblNew.Fields.Append fldNew
'On Error GoTo Err_NewShell
End If
Next fldRep
'***** Index definition
' Loop through the collection of indexes.
For Each idxRep In tblRep.Indexes
' Ignore replication-related indexes:
' s_Generation, s_GUID
If InStr(1, idxRep.Name, "s_", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
' Ignore indices set as part of Relation Objects
If Not idxRep.Foreign Then
' Create an index with the same name.
Set idxNew = tblNew.CreateIndex(idxRep.Name)
' Set properties.
idxNew.Clustered = idxRep.Clustered
idxNew.IgnoreNulls = idxRep.IgnoreNulls
idxNew.Primary = idxRep.Primary
idxNew.Required = idxRep.Required
idxNew.Unique = idxRep.Unique
' Loop through the collection of index fields.
For Each fldRep In idxRep.Fields
' Create an index field with the same name.
Set fldNew = idxNew.CreateField(fldRep.Name)
' Set properties.
fldNew.Attributes = fldRep.Attributes
' Append the index field.
idxNew.Fields.Append fldNew
Next fldRep
' Append the index to the table.
tblNew.Indexes.Append idxNew
End If
End If
Next idxRep
' Append the table.
dbNew.TableDefs.Append tblNew
End If
Next tblRep
' Loop through the list of table definitions.
For Each tblRep In dbRep.TableDefs
Set rec1 = dbRep.OpenRecordset("SELECT MSysObjects.Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE ([Name] = '" & tblRep.Name & "') AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=4 or (MSysObjects.Type)=6)")
If rec1.EOF Then
XF = 0
XF = 1
End If
' Ignore system tables and CMDB tables.
If InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "MSys", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "CMDB", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
XF = 0 Then
' Open a recordset for the new table.
Set rstNew = dbNew.OpenRecordset(tblRep.Name, dbOpenTable)
' Open a recordset for the old table.
Set rstRep = dbRep.OpenRecordset(tblRep.Name, dbOpenTable)
' Continue if there are records.
If Not rstRep.BOF Then
' Move to the first record.
' Loop through all the old table records.
Do Until rstRep.EOF
' Add a record to the new table.
' For each field in the new table, set the value
' to the value in the related field of the old table.
For intC = 0 To rstNew.Fields.count - 1
rstNew.Fields(intC).Value = _
' Update the new table.
' Move to the next old table record.
Loop ' rstRep
End If
' Close the new recordset.
' Close the old recordset.
End If
Next tblRep
【参考方案3】:创建空的 Access 数据库并将表从 MDB 文件链接到新数据库。您应该能够从链接表中执行查询和报告,或者可能备份和移动数据。