通过 Google Cloud Vision api (TEXT_DETECTION) 获取正确的图像方向



【中文标题】通过 Google Cloud Vision api (TEXT_DETECTION) 获取正确的图像方向【英文标题】:Get correct image orientation by Google Cloud Vision api (TEXT_DETECTION) 【发布时间】:2017-05-08 05:19:03 【问题描述】:

我在 90 度旋转图像上尝试了 Google Cloud Vision api (TEXT_DETECTION)。它仍然可以正确返回已识别的文本。 (见下图)

这意味着即使图像旋转 90、180、270 度,引擎也可以识别文本。

但是响应结果不包含正确图像方向的信息。 (文档:EntityAnnotation)

有没有办法不仅获得可识别的文本,还获得方向? 谷歌可以支持它类似于 (FaceAnnotation: getRollAngle)


如果您希望此功能存在,请考虑通过code.google.com/p/google-cloud-platform/issues/list 向 google-cloud-platform 问题跟踪器发布功能请求。 谢谢。我不知道有这样的问题列表。我刚刚发布了请求。 code.google.com/p/google-cloud-platform/issues/detail?id=194 【参考方案1】:

您可以利用我们知道单词中字符序列的事实来推断单词的方向,如下所示(对于非 LTR 语言,逻辑显然略有不同):

for page in annotation:
    for block in page.blocks:
        for paragraph in block.paragraphs:
            for word in paragraph.words:
                if len(word.symbols) < MIN_WORD_LENGTH_FOR_ROTATION_INFERENCE:
                first_char = word.symbols[0]
                last_char = word.symbols[-1]
                first_char_center = (np.mean([v.x for v in first_char.bounding_box.vertices]),np.mean([v.y for v in first_char.bounding_box.vertices]))
                last_char_center = (np.mean([v.x for v in last_char.bounding_box.vertices]),np.mean([v.y for v in last_char.bounding_box.vertices]))

                #upright or upside down
                if np.abs(first_char_center[1] - last_char_center[1]) < np.abs(top_right.y - bottom_right.y): 
                    if first_char_center[0] <= last_char_center[0]: #upright
                        print 0
                    else: #updside down
                        print 180
                else: #sideways
                    if first_char_center[1] <= last_char_center[1]:
                        print 90
                        print 270




如Public Issue Tracker 中所述,我们的工程团队现在已了解此功能请求,并且目前没有针对其实施的 ETA。

请注意,您的图片元数据中可能已经包含方向信息。在Third-party library 中可以看到如何提取元数据的示例。



很想知道谷歌云视觉如何从图像中获取正确的文本,即使图像没有水平对齐并且需要旋转。 API 是如何知道图像要旋转多少的?如果该信息不在图像的元数据中,云 API 是如何找到的? 您已解决的问题,如 cloud.google.com/vision/docs/reference/rest/v1p4beta1/… 中所述,仅允许您区分旋转 0、90、180、270 度(并且仅在经过一些数学运算之后)。您已经掌握了校正图像所需的所有信息,为什么不返回它呢?【参考方案3】:

我发布了我的解决方法,它确实适用于旋转 90、180、270 度的图像。请看下面的代码。

 * @param ea  The input EntityAnnotation must be NOT from the first EntityAnnotation of
 *            annotateImageResponse.getTextAnnotations(), because it is not affected by
 *            image orientation.
 * @return Exif orientation (1 or 3 or 6 or 8)
public static int GetExifOrientation(EntityAnnotation ea) 
    List<Vertex> vertexList = ea.getBoundingPoly().getVertices();
    // Calculate the center
    float centerX = 0, centerY = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
        centerX += vertexList.get(i).getX();
        centerY += vertexList.get(i).getY();
    centerX /= 4;
    centerY /= 4;

    int x0 = vertexList.get(0).getX();
    int y0 = vertexList.get(0).getY();

    if (x0 < centerX) 
        if (y0 < centerY) 
            //       0 -------- 1
            //       |          |
            //       3 -------- 2
            return EXIF_ORIENTATION_NORMAL; // 1
            //       1 -------- 2
            //       |          |
            //       0 -------- 3
            return EXIF_ORIENTATION_270_DEGREE; // 6
        if (y0 < centerY) 
            //       3 -------- 0
            //       |          |
            //       2 -------- 1
            return EXIF_ORIENTATION_90_DEGREE; // 8
            //       2 -------- 3
            //       |          |
            //       1 -------- 0
            return EXIF_ORIENTATION_180_DEGREE; // 3

更多信息 我发现我必须添加语言提示才能使 annotateImageResponse.getTextAnnotations().get(1) 始终遵守规则。


ImageContext imageContext = new ImageContext();
String [] languages =  "zh-TW" ;



杰克范的回答对我有用。这是我的 VanillaJS 版本。

 * @param gOCR  The Google Vision response
 * @return orientation (0, 90, 180 or 270)
function getOrientation(gOCR) 
    var vertexList = gOCR.responses[0].textAnnotations[1].boundingPoly.vertices;

    const ORIENTATION_270_DEGREE = 270;
    const ORIENTATION_90_DEGREE = 90;
    const ORIENTATION_180_DEGREE = 180;

    var centerX = 0, centerY = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
        centerX += vertexList[i].x;
        centerY += vertexList[i].y;
    centerX /= 4;
    centerY /= 4;

    var x0 = vertexList[0].x;
    var y0 = vertexList[0].y;

    if (x0 < centerX) 
        if (y0 < centerY) 

            return ORIENTATION_NORMAL;
            return ORIENTATION_270_DEGREE;
        if (y0 < centerY) 
            return ORIENTATION_90_DEGREE;
            return ORIENTATION_180_DEGREE;



有时无法从元数据中获取方向。例如,如果用户使用方向错误的移动设备的相机拍摄照片。 我的解决方案基于 Jack Fan 的回答和 google-api-services-vision(可通过 Maven 获得)。

我的 TextUnit 类

  public class TextUnit 
        private String text;

        //    X of lowest left point
        private float llx;

        //    Y of lowest left point
        private float lly;

        //    X of upper right point
        private float urx;

        //    Y of upper right point
        private float ury;


 List<TextUnit> extractData(BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response) throws AnnotateImageResponseException 
            List<TextUnit> data = new ArrayList<>();

            for (AnnotateImageResponse res : response.getResponses()) 
                if (null != res.getError()) 
                    String errorMessage = res.getError().getMessage();
                    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "AnnotateImageResponse ERROR: " + errorMessage);
                    throw new AnnotateImageResponseException("AnnotateImageResponse ERROR: " + errorMessage);
                    List<EntityAnnotation> texts = response.getResponses().get(0).getTextAnnotations();
                    if (texts.size() > 0) 

                        //get orientation
                        EntityAnnotation first_word = texts.get(1);
                        int orientation;
                            orientation = getExifOrientation(first_word);
                         catch (NullPointerException e) 
                                orientation = getExifOrientation(texts.get(2));
                             catch (NullPointerException e1) 
                                orientation = EXIF_ORIENTATION_NORMAL;
                        logger.log(Level.INFO, "orientation: " + orientation);

                        // Calculate the center
                        float centerX = 0, centerY = 0;
                        for (Vertex vertex : first_word.getBoundingPoly().getVertices()) 
                            if (vertex.getX() != null) 
                                centerX += vertex.getX();
                            if (vertex.getY() != null) 
                                centerY += vertex.getY();
                        centerX /= 4;
                        centerY /= 4;

                        for (int i = 1; i < texts.size(); i++) //exclude first text - it contains all text of the page

                            String blockText = texts.get(i).getDescription();
                            BoundingPoly poly = texts.get(i).getBoundingPoly();

                                float llx = 0;
                                float lly = 0;
                                float urx = 0;
                                float ury = 0;
                                if (orientation == EXIF_ORIENTATION_NORMAL) 
                                    poly = invertSymmetricallyBy0X(centerY, poly);
                                    llx = getLlx(poly);
                                    lly = getLly(poly);
                                    urx = getUrx(poly);
                                    ury = getUry(poly);
                                 else if (orientation == EXIF_ORIENTATION_90_DEGREE) 
                                    //invert by x
                                    poly = rotate(centerX, centerY, poly, Math.toRadians(-90));
                                    poly = invertSymmetricallyBy0Y(centerX, poly);
                                    llx = getLlx(poly);
                                    lly = getLly(poly);
                                    urx = getUrx(poly);
                                    ury = getUry(poly);
                                 else if (orientation == EXIF_ORIENTATION_180_DEGREE) 
                                    poly = rotate(centerX, centerY, poly, Math.toRadians(-180));
                                    poly = invertSymmetricallyBy0Y(centerX, poly);
                                    llx = getLlx(poly);
                                    lly = getLly(poly);
                                    urx = getUrx(poly);
                                    ury = getUry(poly);
                                else if (orientation == EXIF_ORIENTATION_270_DEGREE)
                                    //invert by x
                                    poly = rotate(centerX, centerY, poly, Math.toRadians(-270));
                                    poly = invertSymmetricallyBy0Y(centerX, poly);
                                    llx = getLlx(poly);
                                    lly = getLly(poly);
                                    urx = getUrx(poly);
                                    ury = getUry(poly);

                                data.add(new TextUnit(blockText, llx, lly, urx, ury));
                             catch (NullPointerException e) 
                                //ignore - some polys has not X or Y coordinate if text located closed to bounds.
            return data;


private float getLlx(BoundingPoly poly) 
            List<Vertex> vertices = poly.getVertices();

            ArrayList<Float> xs = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Vertex v : vertices) 
                float x = 0;
                if (v.getX() != null) 
                    x = v.getX();

            float llx = (xs.get(0) + xs.get(1)) / 2;
            return llx;
         catch (Exception e) 
            return 0;

    private float getLly(BoundingPoly poly) 
            List<Vertex> vertices = poly.getVertices();

            ArrayList<Float> ys = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Vertex v : vertices) 
                float y = 0;
                if (v.getY() != null) 
                    y = v.getY();

            float lly = (ys.get(0) + ys.get(1)) / 2;
            return lly;
         catch (Exception e) 
            return 0;

    private float getUrx(BoundingPoly poly) 
            List<Vertex> vertices = poly.getVertices();

            ArrayList<Float> xs = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Vertex v : vertices) 
                float x = 0;
                if (v.getX() != null) 
                    x = v.getX();

            float urx = (xs.get(xs.size()-1) + xs.get(xs.size()-2)) / 2;
            return urx;
         catch (Exception e) 
            return 0;

    private float getUry(BoundingPoly poly) 
            List<Vertex> vertices = poly.getVertices();

            ArrayList<Float> ys = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Vertex v : vertices) 
                float y = 0;
                if (v.getY() != null) 
                    y = v.getY();

            float ury = (ys.get(ys.size()-1) +ys.get(ys.size()-2)) / 2;
            return ury;
         catch (Exception e) 
            return 0;

     * rotate rectangular clockwise
     * @param poly
     * @param theta the angle of rotation in radians
     * @return
    public BoundingPoly rotate(float centerX, float centerY, BoundingPoly poly, double theta) 

        List<Vertex> vertexList = poly.getVertices();

        //rotate all vertices in poly
        for (Vertex vertex : vertexList) 
            float tempX = vertex.getX() - centerX;
            float tempY = vertex.getY() - centerY;

            // now apply rotation
            float rotatedX = (float) (centerX - tempX * cos(theta) + tempY * sin(theta));
            float rotatedY = (float) (centerX - tempX * sin(theta) - tempY * cos(theta));

            vertex.setX((int) rotatedX);
            vertex.setY((int) rotatedY);
        return poly;

     * since Google Vision Api returns boundingPoly-s when Coordinates starts from top left corner,
     * but Itext uses coordinate system with bottom left start position -
     * we need invert the result for continue to work with itext.
     * @return text units inverted symmetrically by 0X coordinates.
    private BoundingPoly invertSymmetricallyBy0X(float centerY, BoundingPoly poly) 

        List<Vertex> vertices = poly.getVertices();
        for (Vertex v : vertices) 
            if (v.getY() != null) 
                v.setY((int) (centerY + (centerY - v.getY())));
        return poly;

     * @param centerX
     * @param poly
     * @return  text units inverted symmetrically by 0Y coordinates.
    private BoundingPoly invertSymmetricallyBy0Y(float centerX, BoundingPoly poly) 
        List<Vertex> vertices = poly.getVertices();
        for (Vertex v : vertices) 
            if (v.getX() != null) 
                v.setX((int) (centerX + (centerX - v.getX())));
        return poly;



通常我们需要知道照片中文字的实际旋转角度。 API中提供的坐标信息已经足够完整了。只需计算 xy1 和 xy0 之间的角度即可得到旋转角度。

// reset
self.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;

CGFloat x_0 = viewData.bounds[0].x;
CGFloat y_0 = viewData.bounds[0].y;

CGFloat x_1 = viewData.bounds[1].x;
CGFloat y_1 = viewData.bounds[1].y;

CGFloat x_3 = viewData.bounds[3].x;
CGFloat y_3 = viewData.bounds[3].y;

// distance
CGFloat width = sqrt(pow(x_0 - x_1, 2) + pow(y_0 - y_1, 2));
CGFloat height = sqrt(pow(x_0 - x_3, 2) + pow(y_0 - y_3, 2));
self.size = CGSizeMake(width, height);

// angle
CGFloat angle = atan2((y_1 - y_0), (x_1 - x_0));
// rotation
self.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(CGAffineTransformIdentity, angle);


您好,答案应为英文。我通过在线翻译为您翻译了它 - 请确认它仍然有意义。【参考方案7】:

v1 REST 端点的响应中已经包含 orientationDegrees


很遗憾,google-cloud-vision 3.2.0 还没有这个https://github.com/googleapis/python-vision/issues/156


以上是关于通过 Google Cloud Vision api (TEXT_DETECTION) 获取正确的图像方向的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

google vision - 在 c# 中从 google.cloud.vision.v1.entity 注释转换为 json

应用程序凭据在 Google Cloud Vision API 中不可用

json Google Cloud Vision API OpenAPI

Google Cloud Vision - 解析期间发生 PHP 错误

Google Cloud Vision Document OCR - 在结果文本中保留布局

IndexError:带有 Google Cloud Vision API 的字节数组