如何在 Oracle 的表中查找特定值?



【中文标题】如何在 Oracle 的表中查找特定值?【英文标题】:How do I find specific values in a table in Oracle? 【发布时间】:2018-10-05 06:03:14 【问题描述】:

假设我的表是 TEST_123,它有以下记录:

id |  cid | result
1  |  C-1 |   TAM
2  |  C-1 |   TAM
3  |  C-2 |   RAM
4  |  C-2 |   TAM
5  |  C-3 |   SAM
6  |  C-3 |   SAM

现在我想要这样的 cid,它只有一种类型的结果,所以答案应该是 C-1 AND C-3 但不是 C-2,因为它有两种不同类型的结果。需要 Oracle 查询吗?


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select cid
from TEST_123
group by cid
having count(distinct result) = 1

注意 group byCID 中选择不同的键; having 过滤条件适用于组中的所有记录,在您的情况下为count(distinct result) = 1


谢谢 Marmite .. 虽然它很好地回答了我的查询,但我被 Cid 的 count(result) = 1 卡在了 TEST_123 组中的 select cid 中,并没有区分...但是有一个疑问,当我为 result = TAM 放置 where 子句时,使用这个查询,它给了我 C1 和 C2,但我真正想要的只是 C1,你能理解我吗? 如果您只过滤(使用WHERETAM - 那么所有剩余的组每个定义只有一个键(TAM),所以C2in 结果是可以的。如果您正在寻找只有一种结果类型的键,即TAM,则必须制定HAVING count(distinct result) = 1 AND max(result) = 'TAM'(您也可以使用MIN,因为结果只有一个值.【参考方案2】:


 select t1.* from TEST_123 t1 where exists(
             select 1 from TEST_123 t2 where t2.cid=t1.cid
                                      and t2.result=t1.result
                                      group by t2.cid,t2.result
                                      having count(*)=
                                       (select count(*) from TEST_123 t3
                                       where t3.cid=t2.cid)


with TEST_123 as
select 1 as id , 'c-1' as cid , 'tam' as result from dual
union all
select 2 as id , 'c-1' as cid , 'tam' as result from dual
union all
select 3 as id , 'c-2' as cid , 'tam' as result from dual
union all
select 4 as id , 'c-2' as cid , 'ram' as result from dual


select distinct t1.cid from TEST_123 t1 where exists(
                 select 1 from TEST_123 t2 where t2.cid=t1.cid
                                          and t2.result=t1.result
                                          group by t2.cid,t2.result
                                          having count(*)=
                                           (select count(*) from TEST_123 t3
                                           where t3.cid=t2.cid)




根据@zaynul 的回答,这里有另一个变体:

with TEST_123 as
select 1 as id , 'c-1' as cid , 'tam' as result from dual
union all
select 2 as id , 'c-1' as cid , 'tam' as result from dual
union all
select 3 as id , 'c-2' as cid , 'tam' as result from dual
union all
select 4 as id , 'c-2' as cid , 'ram' as result from dual
select * from test_123 where cid in (
    select cid from test_123 group by cid having count(distinct result) = 1);


select t.cid from 
(select cid, count(*) as count from table_1 group by cid, result) t 
group by t.cid 
having count(*)=1;





FROM table t
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table t1 WHERE t1.cid = t.cid AND t1.result <> t.result);


以上是关于如何在 Oracle 的表中查找特定值?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何使用 Oracle 廉价地验证另一个模式中的表中是不是存在列?

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