在两点之间绘制 SceneKit 对象



【中文标题】在两点之间绘制 SceneKit 对象【英文标题】:Draw SceneKit object between two points 【发布时间】:2016-05-02 07:56:31 【问题描述】:

在geometry side 方面取得了一些进展,我正着手将整个场景组合在一起。该场景有几十个对象,每个对象由一个边界立方体定义,其角由两个 SCNVector3(最初是两组 x、y、z)指定。

这是我目前所拥有的一个示例 - 它是一个 11 元素对数周期天线,就像 70 年代的老式电视天线一样。每条灰线都是一个“元素”,通常由铝棒制成。我使用了从 +ve 到 -ve Y 的 SCNCylinders,整个内容不到 100 行(SK 非常棒)。

问题是如果元素在 X 上不对称并且因此必须旋转 SCNCylinder 会发生什么情况。我找到了this example,但我无法理解细节......它似乎利用了球体是对称的这一事实,因此角度有点“消失”。

有没有人有一个通用的函数,它将获取两个 3D 点并返回适合设置节点的 eulerAngle 的 SCNVector3,或类似的解决方案?


您找到解决方案了吗?谢谢! 恐怕运气不好。我转到了应用程序的其他部分。 【参考方案1】:


//extension code starts

func normalizeVector(_ iv: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 
    let length = sqrt(iv.x * iv.x + iv.y * iv.y + iv.z * iv.z)
    if length == 0 
        return SCNVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    return SCNVector3( iv.x / length, iv.y / length, iv.z / length)

extension SCNNode 

    func buildLineInTwoPointsWithRotation(from startPoint: SCNVector3,
                              to endPoint: SCNVector3,
                              radius: CGFloat,
                              color: UIColor) -> SCNNode 
        let w = SCNVector3(x: endPoint.x-startPoint.x,
                           y: endPoint.y-startPoint.y,
                           z: endPoint.z-startPoint.z)
        let l = CGFloat(sqrt(w.x * w.x + w.y * w.y + w.z * w.z))

        if l == 0.0 
            // two points together.
            let sphere = SCNSphere(radius: radius)
            sphere.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = color
            self.geometry = sphere
            self.position = startPoint
            return self


        let cyl = SCNCylinder(radius: radius, height: l)
        cyl.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = color

        self.geometry = cyl

        //original vector of cylinder above 0,0,0
        let ov = SCNVector3(0, l/2.0,0)
        //target vector, in new coordination
        let nv = SCNVector3((endPoint.x - startPoint.x)/2.0, (endPoint.y - startPoint.y)/2.0,

        // axis between two vector
        let av = SCNVector3( (ov.x + nv.x)/2.0, (ov.y+nv.y)/2.0, (ov.z+nv.z)/2.0)

        //normalized axis vector
        let av_normalized = normalizeVector(av)
        let q0 = Float(0.0) //cos(angel/2), angle is always 180 or M_PI
        let q1 = Float(av_normalized.x) // x' * sin(angle/2)
        let q2 = Float(av_normalized.y) // y' * sin(angle/2)
        let q3 = Float(av_normalized.z) // z' * sin(angle/2)

        let r_m11 = q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3
        let r_m12 = 2 * q1 * q2 + 2 * q0 * q3
        let r_m13 = 2 * q1 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q2
        let r_m21 = 2 * q1 * q2 - 2 * q0 * q3
        let r_m22 = q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3
        let r_m23 = 2 * q2 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q1
        let r_m31 = 2 * q1 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q2
        let r_m32 = 2 * q2 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q1
        let r_m33 = q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 + q3 * q3

        self.transform.m11 = r_m11
        self.transform.m12 = r_m12
        self.transform.m13 = r_m13
        self.transform.m14 = 0.0

        self.transform.m21 = r_m21
        self.transform.m22 = r_m22
        self.transform.m23 = r_m23
        self.transform.m24 = 0.0

        self.transform.m31 = r_m31
        self.transform.m32 = r_m32
        self.transform.m33 = r_m33
        self.transform.m34 = 0.0

        self.transform.m41 = (startPoint.x + endPoint.x) / 2.0
        self.transform.m42 = (startPoint.y + endPoint.y) / 2.0
        self.transform.m43 = (startPoint.z + endPoint.z) / 2.0
        self.transform.m44 = 1.0
        return self

//extension ended.

//in your code, you can like this.
let twoPointsNode1 = SCNNode()
            from: SCNVector3(1,-1,3), to: SCNVector3( 7,11,7), radius: 0.2, color: .cyan))


顺便说一句,当您使用圆柱在上述 3 种方法中的两点之间画一条线时,您将得到相同的结果。但实际上,它们会有不同的法线。换句话说,如果你在两点之间使用盒子,盒子的边,除了顶部和底部,将面向与上述3种方法不同的方向。



当我使用 ARImageTrackingConfiguration 而不是 ARWorldTrackingConfiguration 时,是否将线路放在固定位置?【参考方案2】:

编辑:对于低于或等于 ios 11

我要告诉你一个好消息!您可以链接两个点并在此 Vector 上放置一个 SCNNode !


class   CylinderLine: SCNNode

    init( parent: SCNNode,//Needed to add destination point of your line
        v1: SCNVector3,//source
        v2: SCNVector3,//destination
        radius: CGFloat,//somes option for the cylinder
        radSegmentCount: Int, //other option
        color: UIColor )// color of your node object

        //Calcul the height of our line
        let  height = v1.distance(v2)

        //set position to v1 coordonate
        position = v1

        //Create the second node to draw direction vector
        let nodeV2 = SCNNode()

        //define his position
        nodeV2.position = v2
        //add it to parent

        //Align Z axis
        let zAlign = SCNNode()
        zAlign.eulerAngles.x = Float(M_PI_2)

        //create our cylinder
        let cyl = SCNCylinder(radius: radius, height: CGFloat(height))
        cyl.radialSegmentCount = radSegmentCount
        cyl.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = color

        //Create node with cylinder
        let nodeCyl = SCNNode(geometry: cyl )
        nodeCyl.position.y = -height/2

        //Add it to child

        //set contrainte direction to our vector
        constraints = [SCNLookAtConstraint(target: nodeV2)]

    override init() 
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) 
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

private extension SCNVector3
    func distance(receiver:SCNVector3) -> Float
        let xd = receiver.x - self.x
        let yd = receiver.y - self.y
        let zd = receiver.z - self.z
        let distance = Float(sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd + zd * zd))

        if (distance < 0)
            return (distance * -1)
            return (distance)


您可以使用scene.rootNode.addChildNode() 将此节点添加到您的scenekit 视图中!我已经使用这个类来模拟两个原子之间的蛋白质连接。【参考方案3】:

@maury-markowitz 的回答对我有用,这是它的最新 (Swift4) 版本。 对于在 Swift 中使用 SCNVector3 的任何人,我只能建议在代码中的某处添加 +-*/ 运算符重载 (e.g. from here)。

extension SCNNode 
    static func lineNode(from: SCNVector3, to: SCNVector3, radius: CGFloat = 0.25) -> SCNNode 
        let vector = to - from
        let height = vector.length()
        let cylinder = SCNCylinder(radius: radius, height: CGFloat(height))
        cylinder.radialSegmentCount = 4
        let node = SCNNode(geometry: cylinder)
        node.position = (to + from) / 2
        node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3.lineEulerAngles(vector: vector)
        return node

extension SCNVector3 
    static func lineEulerAngles(vector: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 
        let height = vector.length()
        let lxz = sqrtf(vector.x * vector.x + vector.z * vector.z)
        let pitchB = vector.y < 0 ? Float.pi - asinf(lxz/height) : asinf(lxz/height)
        let pitch = vector.z == 0 ? pitchB : sign(vector.z) * pitchB

        var yaw: Float = 0
        if vector.x != 0 || vector.z != 0 
            let inner = vector.x / (height * sinf(pitch))
            if inner > 1 || inner < -1 
                yaw = Float.pi / 2
                yaw = asinf(inner)
        return SCNVector3(CGFloat(pitch), CGFloat(yaw), 0)


请注意,如果您正在使用 Swift 4(因此可能针对 iOS 11 / macOS 10.13 / 等),您可以更轻松地使用 SIMD 向量类型而不是 SCNVector,从而得到东西像免费的运算符重载(因为它们使用 CPU 内在函数而更快)。此外,SCNNode.look(at:) 等新的便利功能也可能是相关的。【参考方案4】:


在我的例子中,节点总是放置在一个固定的平面上,该平面切割 Y 轴。

// Create Cylinder Geometry                    
let line = SCNCylinder(radius: 0.002, height: node1.distance(to: node2))

// Create Material 
let material = SCNMaterial()
material.diffuse.contents = UIColor.red
material.lightingModel = .phong
line.materials = [material]

// Create Cylinder(line) Node                   
let newLine = SCNNode()
newLine.geometry = line
newLine.position = posBetween(first: node1, second: node2)

// This is the change in x,y and z between node1 and node2
let dirVector = SCNVector3Make(node2.x - node1.x, node2.y - node1.y, node2.z - node1.z)

// Get Y rotation in radians
let yAngle = atan(dirVector.x / dirVector.z)

// Rotate cylinder node about X axis so cylinder is laying down
currentLine.eulerAngles.x = .pi / 2

// Rotate cylinder node about Y axis so cylinder is pointing to each node
currentLine.eulerAngles.y = yAngle


func posBetween(first: SCNVector3, second: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 
        return SCNVector3Make((first.x + second.x) / 2, (first.y + second.y) / 2, (first.z + second.z) / 2)


extension SCNVector3 
    func distance(to destination: SCNVector3) -> CGFloat 
        let dx = destination.x - x
        let dy = destination.y - y
        let dz = destination.z - z
        return CGFloat(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz))




这是一个使用 simd 和四元数进行旋转的解决方案。我基于@Bersaelor 的答案扩展。

我使用这个推导 (https://***.com/a/1171995/6693924) 从两个向量创建四元数。希望这会有所帮助。

extension SCNNode 
    static func lineNode(from: simd_float3, to: simd_float3, radius : CGFloat = 0.25) -> SCNNode
        let vector = to - from
        let height = simd_length(vector)

        let cylinder = SCNCylinder(radius: radius, height: CGFloat(height))
        cylinder.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIColor.white

        //line node
        let lineNode = SCNNode(geometry: cylinder)

        //adjust line position
        let line_axis = simd_float3(0, height/2, 0)
        lineNode.simdPosition = from + line_axis

        let vector_cross = simd_cross(line_axis, vector)
        let qw = simd_length(line_axis) * simd_length(vector) + simd_dot(line_axis, vector)
        let q = simd_quatf(ix: vector_cross.x, iy: vector_cross.y, iz: vector_cross.z, r: qw).normalized

        lineNode.simdRotate(by: q, aroundTarget: from)
        return lineNode


我需要使用 lineNode.simdRotate(by: q, aroundTarget: (to+from)/2) 但除此之外,这对我来说非常有效,而且非常简洁!谢谢!【参考方案6】:

Sprout 的(哇,自动更正不允许我实际输入他的名字!)帖子确实是一个解决方案,但我在我的代码中实现了一个非常不同的解决方案。

我所做的是根据两端的 X、Y 和 Z 位置计算直线和两个端点的长度:

let w = SCNVector3(x: CGFloat(x2m-x1m), y: CGFloat(y2m-y1m), z: CGFloat(z2m-z1m))
let l = w.length()

长度只是 pythag。现在我创建一个SCNNode 来保存SCNCylinder,并将它放在行的中间:

    let node = SCNNode(geometry: cyl)
    node.position = SCNVector3(x: CGFloat((x1m+x2m)/2.0), y: CGFloat((y1m+y2m)/2.0), z: CGFloat((z1m+z2m)/2.0))


    let lxz = (Double(w.x)**2 + Double(w.z)**2)**0.5
    var pitch, pitchB: Double
    if w.y < 0 
        pitchB = M_PI - asin(Double(lxz)/Double(l))
        pitchB = asin(Double(lxz)/Double(l))
    if w.z == 0 
        pitch = pitchB
        pitch = sign(Double(w.z)) * pitchB
    var yaw: Double
    if w.x == 0 && w.z == 0 
        yaw = 0
        let inner = Double(w.x) / (Double(l) * sin (pitch))
        if inner > 1 
            yaw = M_PI_2
         else if inner < -1 
            yaw = M_PI_2
            yaw = asin(inner)
    node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(CGFloat(pitch), CGFloat(yaw), 0)





func generateLine( startPoint: SCNVector3, endPoint: SCNVector3) -> SCNGeometry 

        let vertices: [SCNVector3] = [startPoint, endPoint]
        let data = NSData(bytes: vertices, length: MemoryLayout<SCNVector3>.size * vertices.count) as Data

        let vertexSource = SCNGeometrySource(data: data,
                                             semantic: .vertex,
                                             vectorCount: vertices.count,
                                             usesFloatComponents: true,
                                             componentsPerVector: 3,
                                             bytesPerComponent: MemoryLayout<Float>.size,
                                             dataOffset: 0,
                                             dataStride: MemoryLayout<SCNVector3>.stride)

        let indices: [Int32] = [ 0, 1]

        let indexData = NSData(bytes: indices, length: MemoryLayout<Int32>.size * indices.count) as Data

        let element = SCNGeometryElement(data: indexData,
                                         primitiveType: .line,
                                         primitiveCount: indices.count/2,
                                         bytesPerIndex: MemoryLayout<Int32>.size)

        return SCNGeometry(sources: [vertexSource], elements: [element])



let line = generateLine(startPoint: SCNVector3Make(1, 1, 1), endPoint: SCNVector3Make(8, 8, 8))
        let lineNode = SCNNode(geometry: line)
        lineNode.position = SCNVector3Make(15, 15, 10)


func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, willRenderScene scene: SCNScene, atTime time: TimeInterval)


'glLineWidth' 已弃用:首先在 iOS 12.0 中弃用 - OpenGLES API 已弃用。【参考方案8】:

Winchill 答案的 Objective-C 版本:

-(void)lineNodeFrom:(SCNVector3)to to:(SCNVector3)from radius:(float)radius
    SCNVector3 w = SCNVector3Make(to.x - from.x, to.y - from.y, from.z - to.z);
    float l = sqrtf(powf(w.x, 2) + powf(w.y, 2) + powf(w.z, 2.0f));
    SCNCylinder * cylinder = [SCNCylinder cylinderWithRadius:radius height:l];
    SCNMaterial * material = [SCNMaterial material];
    material.diffuse.contents = [[UIColor darkGrayColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.75f];
    cylinder.materials = @[material];
    [self setGeometry:cylinder];
    //original vector of cylinder above 0,0,0
    SCNVector3 ov = SCNVector3Make(0, l/2.0,0);
    //target vector, in new coordination
    SCNVector3 nv = SCNVector3Make((from.x - to.x)/2.0, (from.y - to.y)/2.0, (from.z-to.z)/2.0);
    // axis between two vector
    SCNVector3 av = SCNVector3Make((ov.x + nv.x)/2.0, (ov.y+nv.y)/2.0, (ov.z+nv.z)/2.0);
    //normalized axis vector
    SCNVector3 av_normalized = [self normaliseVector:av];
    float q0 = 0.0f; //cos(angel/2), angle is always 180 or M_PI
    float q1 = av_normalized.x; // x' * sin(angle/2)
    float q2 = av_normalized.y; // y' * sin(angle/2)
    float q3 = av_normalized.z; // z' * sin(angle/2)
    float r_m11 = q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3;
    float r_m12 = 2 * q1 * q2 + 2 * q0 * q3;
    float r_m13 = 2 * q1 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q2;
    float r_m21 = 2 * q1 * q2 - 2 * q0 * q3;
    float r_m22 = q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3;
    float r_m23 = 2 * q2 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q1;
    float r_m31 = 2 * q1 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q2;
    float r_m32 = 2 * q2 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q1;
    float r_m33 = q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 + q3 * q3;
    SCNMatrix4 transform;
    transform.m11 = r_m11;
    transform.m12 = r_m12;
    transform.m13 = r_m13;
    transform.m14 = 0.0;
    transform.m21 = r_m21;
    transform.m22 = r_m22;
    transform.m23 = r_m23;
    transform.m24 = 0.0;
    transform.m31 = r_m31;
    transform.m32 = r_m32;
    transform.m33 = r_m33;
    transform.m34 = 0.0;
    transform.m41 = (to.x + from.x) / 2.0;
    transform.m42 = (to.y + from.y) / 2.0;
    transform.m43 = (to.z + from.z) / 2.0;
    transform.m44 = 1.0;
    self.transform = transform;

    float length = sqrt(iv.x * iv.x + iv.y * iv.y + iv.z * iv.z);
    if (length == 0)
        return SCNVector3Make(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return SCNVector3Make(iv.x / length, iv.y / length, iv.z / length);


以上是关于在两点之间绘制 SceneKit 对象的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

在 SceneKit/modelIO 中测量 3D-Obj 文件上两点之间的距离并显示它们

如何在 iOS 11 中将 SKVideoNode 添加到 ARKit-SceneKit?

在 SceneKit 中,如何在不同大小的对象上平铺纹理,同时保持最小的绘制调用?

在两点之间绘制平滑曲线 arc()

SceneKit - 在3D对象上绘图
