【中文标题】映射内存和托管内存有啥区别?【英文标题】:What is the difference between mapped memory and managed memory?映射内存和托管内存有什么区别? 【发布时间】:2021-11-10 08:26:36 【问题描述】:我一直在阅读 CUDA 提供的各种内存管理方法,但我正在努力理解映射内存之间的区别:
int *foo;
std::size_t size = 32;
cudaHostAlloc(&foo, size, cudaHostAllocMapped);
int *foo;
std::size_t size = 32;
cudaMallocManaged(&foo, size);
它们似乎都在主机和设备之间隐式传输内存。 cudaMallocManaged
似乎是较新的 API,它使用所谓的“统一内存”系统。也就是说,cudaHostAlloc
似乎在 64 位系统上共享了许多这些属性,这要归功于统一的虚拟地址空间。
它们还对应于驱动程序 API 中的不同函数(cuMemHostAlloc
和 cuMemAllocManaged
固定内存的作用与普通设备内存相同。如果请求一个字节的固定内存,则一个字节将通过 PCIe 总线透明地传输到 GPU。 (也许驱动程序合并了连续内存位置的请求,我不知道。)
另一方面,托管内存具有内存页面的访问粒度。如果设备上不存在所请求字节的页面,则不仅将单个字节而且整个页面(在许多系统上为 4096 字节)从其当前位置迁移到 GPU,该位置可以是主机内存,也可以是设备内存另一个 GPU。
以下程序尝试显示不同的行为。 分配了 256 MB,相当于 64 * 1024 个大小为 4096 字节的页面。 然后,在内核中,每个线程访问每个页面的第一个字节,即每个第 4096 个字节。时间是针对固定内存、托管内存和普通设备内存测量的。
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
void kernel(char* __restrict__ data, int pagesize, int numpages)
const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if(tid < numpages)
data[tid * pagesize] += 1;
int main()
const int pagesize = 4096;
const int numpages = 1024 * 64;
const int bytes = pagesize * numpages;
cudaError_t status = cudaSuccess;
float elapsed = 0.0f;
const int iterations = 5;
char* devicedata;
status = cudaMalloc(&devicedata, bytes);
assert(status == cudaSuccess);
char* pinneddata;
status = cudaMallocHost(&pinneddata, bytes);
assert(status == cudaSuccess);
char* manageddata;
status = cudaMallocManaged(&manageddata, bytes);
assert(status == cudaSuccess);
status = cudaMemPrefetchAsync(manageddata, bytes, cudaCpuDeviceId);
//status = cudaMemPrefetchAsync(manageddata, bytes, 0);
assert(status == cudaSuccess);
cudaEvent_t event1, event2;
for(int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++)
kernel<<<numpages / 256, 256>>>(pinneddata, pagesize, numpages);
status = cudaEventSynchronize(event2);
assert(status == cudaSuccess);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed, event1, event2);
float bandwith = (numpages / elapsed) * 1000.0f / 1024.f / 1024.f;
std::cerr << "pinned: " << elapsed << ", throughput " << bandwith << " GB/s" << "\n";
for(int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++)
kernel<<<numpages / 256, 256>>>(manageddata, pagesize, numpages);
status = cudaEventSynchronize(event2);
assert(status == cudaSuccess);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed, event1, event2);
float bandwith = (numpages / elapsed) * 1000.0f / 1024.f / 1024.f;
std::cerr << "managed: " << elapsed << ", throughput " << bandwith << " MB/s" << "\n";
status = cudaMemPrefetchAsync(manageddata, bytes, cudaCpuDeviceId);
assert(status == cudaSuccess);
for(int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++)
kernel<<<numpages / 256, 256>>>(devicedata, pagesize, numpages);
status = cudaEventSynchronize(event2);
assert(status == cudaSuccess);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed, event1, event2);
float bandwith = (numpages / elapsed) * 1000.0f / 1024.f / 1024.f;
std::cerr << "device: " << elapsed << ", throughput " << bandwith << " MB/s" << "\n";
pinned: 1.4577 ms, throughput 42.8759 MB/s
pinned: 1.4927 ms, throughput 41.8703 MB/s
pinned: 1.44947 ms, throughput 43.1192 MB/s
pinned: 1.44371 ms, throughput 43.2912 MB/s
pinned: 1.4496 ms, throughput 43.1153 MB/s
managed: 40.3646 ms, throughput 1.54839 MB/s
managed: 35.8052 ms, throughput 1.74555 MB/s
managed: 36.7788 ms, throughput 1.69935 MB/s
managed: 37.3166 ms, throughput 1.67486 MB/s
managed: 35.3378 ms, throughput 1.76864 MB/s
device: 0.052256 ms, throughput 1196.03 MB/s
device: 0.061312 ms, throughput 1019.38 MB/s
device: 0.060736 ms, throughput 1029.04 MB/s
device: 0.060096 ms, throughput 1040 MB/s
device: 0.060352 ms, throughput 1035.59 MB/s
nvprof 确认在托管内存的情况下,所有 256 MB 都传输到设备。
==27443== Unified Memory profiling result:
Device "TITAN Xp (0)"
Count Avg Size Min Size Max Size Total Size Total Time Name
6734 38.928KB 4.0000KB 776.00KB 256.0000MB 29.95677ms Host To Device
当我们移除循环内的预取时,迁移的页面仍保留在 GPU 上,这将访问时间提高到正常设备内存的水平。
pinned: 1.46848 ms, throughput 42.561 MB/s
pinned: 1.50842 ms, throughput 41.4342 MB/s
pinned: 1.44285 ms, throughput 43.3171 MB/s
pinned: 1.45802 ms, throughput 42.8665 MB/s
pinned: 1.4431 ms, throughput 43.3094 MB/s
managed: 41.9972 ms, throughput 1.4882 MB/s <--- need to migrate pages
managed: 0.047584 ms, throughput 1313.47 MB/s <--- pages already present on GPU
managed: 0.059552 ms, throughput 1049.5 MB/s
managed: 0.057248 ms, throughput 1091.74 MB/s
managed: 0.062336 ms, throughput 1002.63 MB/s
device: 0.06176 ms, throughput 1011.98 MB/s
device: 0.062592 ms, throughput 998.53 MB/s
device: 0.062176 ms, throughput 1005.21 MB/s
device: 0.06128 ms, throughput 1019.91 MB/s
device: 0.063008 ms, throughput 991.937 MB/s