Google 可视化仪表板错误



【中文标题】Google 可视化仪表板错误【英文标题】:Google Visualization Dashboard Errors 【发布时间】:2017-04-21 09:55:49 【问题描述】:

我正在尝试使用 Google 可视化工具创建仪表板,但遇到了一些问题。

我通过在 ChartWrapper 中设置 calc 属性来引入所有文本的数据并即时计算图表数据,当数据表准备好时,我调用一个函数来设置图表的视图。完整代码如下。


    使用控件过滤表时出现无效行索引错误。一旦设置视图并重新绘制图表,这些就会消失,但“一个或多个参与者未能绘制()”错误仍然存​​在。 第一次加载时,图表与视图设置之前的原始数据一起显示。 我返回带有数字的文本数据(即“1. Male”),因此列排序正确,但我不想在图表中看到数字。关于如何清理标签的任何想法?




<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

.chart_divdisplay:inline-block;border:1px solid #888;margin-right:10px;


<!--Div that will hold the dashboard-->
<div id="dashboard_div">
  <!--Divs that will hold each control and chart-->
  <div id="filter_div"></div>
  <div id="table_div"></div>


var data=
["Gender","Last time","Origin\/transfer","How arrived","Reason for flight","Section","Shop concessions","Purchase merchandise","Purchase services","Connect to WIFI","Overall experience","Country","Age group","Zip code","Education","Employment Status","Employment Status Group","Household income","Hispanic","Race","2. Children"],
["1. Male","3. 1-2 years","1. Starting","8. Other","3. Other","1. First\/Business","1. Yes","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","4. Very good","2. Other","5. 45-54",75201,"5. College degree","4. Student","2. Not Employed","4. 100k - 150k","1. Yes","4. Native American \/ American Indian","1. No children"],
["2. Female","2. 6-12 months","2. Connection","1. Drove self","1. Business","1. First\/Business","2. No","1. Yes","1. Yes","1. Yes","4. Very good","1. USA","3. 26-34",32003,"4. Some college","2. Part-time","1. Employed","2. 40k - 75k","1. Yes","2. Black \/ African American","1. No children"],
["1. Male","2. 6-12 months","2. Connection","5.R ental","2. Leisure","2. Economy\/Coach","1. Yes","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","4. Very good","1. USA","5. 45-54",64101,"4. Some college","5. Homemaker","2. Not Employed","5. 150k+","1. Yes","5. Other","1. No children"],
["2. Female","2. 6-12 months","2. Connection","1. Drove self","2. Leisure","1. First\/Business","2. No","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","4. Very good","1. USA","5. 45-54",75201,"2. Some HS","4. Student","2. Not Employed","4. 100k - 150k","2. No","4. Native American \/ American Indian","Children"],
["2. Female","2. 6-12 months","2. Connection","5.R ental","2. Leisure","2. Economy\/Coach","1. Yes","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","4. Very good","1. USA","2. 22-25",84101,"4. Some college","4. Student","2. Not Employed","4. 100k - 150k","1. Yes","4. Native American \/ American Indian","1. No children"],
["2. Female","5. 3+ years","1. Starting","4. Bus\/shuttle","2. Leisure","1. First\/Business","2. No","2. No","2. No","1. Yes","4. Very good","2. Other","3. 26-34",32003,"5. College degree","6. Unemployed not looking","2. Not Employed","6. Refused","2. No",null,"1. No children"],
["2. Female","4. 2-3 years","1. Starting","8. Other","3. Other","2. Economy\/Coach","2. No","2. No","2. No","2. No","1. Poor","2. Other","6. 55-64",99501,"4. Some college","3. Retired","2. Not Employed","3. 75k - 100k","2. No","3. Asian","1. No children"],
["2. Female","5. 3+ years","1. Starting","5.R ental","3. Other","1. First\/Business","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","1. Yes","1. Poor","1. USA","1. 16-21",15668,"4. Some college","1. Full-time","1. Employed","1. < 40k","2. No","1. White \/ Caucasian","1. No children"]

var proc = function()
    //get the data from the server (php that gets data from mysql and reruns json array

        //load the library
        google.charts.load('current', 'packages':['corechart', 'controls']);

        //function that is called when libary loaded

            data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(data);
            dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard(document.getElementById('dashboard_div'));

            //create Gender filter
            var genderSelection = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper(
                'controlType': 'CategoryFilter',
                'containerId': 'filter_div',
                    'filterColumnLabel': 'Gender',

            //create the table
            var table = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper(
                'chartType': 'Table',
                'containerId': 'table_div',
                'options': 'width': '800px'

            //create the charts (one chart for each column in the table)
            for(qidx=0;qidx < nCols;qidx++) 

                var createChart = function(qidx) 

                    //add place for chart
                    $('#dashboard_div').append('<div class="chart_div" id="chart'+qidx+'_div"></div>');

                    //create chart
                    charts[qidx] = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper(
                        'chartType': 'ColumnChart',
                        'containerId': 'chart'+qidx+'_div',
                            'title': data.getColumnLabel(qidx),
                            'xwidth': 400,
                            'xheight': 300,
                                'minValue': 0,
                                'maxValue': 100
                                'width': '80%',
                                'height': '60%',
                                'top': 30,
                            'columns': [qidx, calc:function(dataTable, rowNum) 
                                var curr_stat = dataTable.getValue(rowNum,qidx);
                                var distinct_values = dataTable.getDistinctValues(qidx);
                                var count = 0;
                                var numRows=dataTable.getNumberOfRows();

                                for (var ii=0; ii<numRows; ii++) 
                                    stat = dataTable.getValue(ii,qidx);
                                    if (stat == curr_stat) 
                                return count/numRows*100; //return percentage
                            , type:'number', label: '1Q']


            //set the rows of the chart
            function setChartRows () 

                //loop though the charts
                for(qidx=0;qidx < nCols;qidx++) 

                    var dt = charts[qidx].getDataTable();
                    var rows = dt.getNumberOfRows();
                    var distinct_values = dt.getDistinctValues(qidx);
                    var arRows = [];

                    for (var ii=0; ii<distinct_values.length; ii++) 
                        for (var jj=0; jj<rows; jj++) 
                            var curr_stat = dt.getValue(jj,qidx);
                            if (curr_stat == distinct_values[ii]) 

                    var view = charts[qidx].getView() || ;
                    view.rows = arRows;


            //when the table is created/changed update the chart
  , 'ready', setChartRows);

            dashboard.bind(genderSelection, charts);




//refresh every 5 minutes
var run = setInterval(proc,300000)





1 & 2) 可以通过断开chartsdashboard 的连接来纠正这些问题

charts 可以在'ready' 事件在table 上触发时独立绘制, 使用来自table 图表的过滤数据


3) 自定义排序标签,在数据数组 中使用对象表示法

数据表中的每个单元格都必须有一个值(v:), 并且可选地,可以有一个格式化的值(f:

在数据数组中,而不是使用 --> "1. Male"

改为使用对象表示法 --> v: "1", f: "Male"


但是,CategoryFilter 上必须设置两个选项

设置选项 --> useFormattedValue: true -- 在控件中显示格式化值

设置选项 --> ui.sortValues: false -- 显示在数据中找到的类别

请参阅以下工作 sn-p


//load the library
  callback: function () 
    var data = [
      ["Gender","Last time","Origin\/transfer","How arrived","Reason for flight","Section","Shop concessions","Purchase merchandise","Purchase services","Connect to WIFI","Overall experience","Country","Age group","Zip code","Education","Employment Status","Employment Status Group","Household income","Hispanic","Race","2. Children"],
      [v: "1", f: "Male",v: "3", f: "1-2 years","1. Starting","8. Other","3. Other","1. First\/Business","1. Yes","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","4. Very good","2. Other","5. 45-54",75201,"5. College degree","4. Student","2. Not Employed","4. 100k - 150k","1. Yes","4. Native American \/ American Indian","1. No children"],
      [v: "2", f: "Female",v: "2", f: "6-12 months","2. Connection","1. Drove self","1. Business","1. First\/Business","2. No","1. Yes","1. Yes","1. Yes","4. Very good","1. USA","3. 26-34",32003,"4. Some college","2. Part-time","1. Employed","2. 40k - 75k","1. Yes","2. Black \/ African American","1. No children"],
      [v: "1", f: "Male",v: "2", f: "6-12 months","2. Connection","5.R ental","2. Leisure","2. Economy\/Coach","1. Yes","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","4. Very good","1. USA","5. 45-54",64101,"4. Some college","5. Homemaker","2. Not Employed","5. 150k+","1. Yes","5. Other","1. No children"],
      [v: "2", f: "Female",v: "2", f: "6-12 months","2. Connection","1. Drove self","2. Leisure","1. First\/Business","2. No","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","4. Very good","1. USA","5. 45-54",75201,"2. Some HS","4. Student","2. Not Employed","4. 100k - 150k","2. No","4. Native American \/ American Indian","Children"],
      [v: "2", f: "Female",v: "2", f: "6-12 months","2. Connection","5.R ental","2. Leisure","2. Economy\/Coach","1. Yes","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","4. Very good","1. USA","2. 22-25",84101,"4. Some college","4. Student","2. Not Employed","4. 100k - 150k","1. Yes","4. Native American \/ American Indian","1. No children"],
      [v: "2", f: "Female",v: "5", f: "3+ years","1. Starting","4. Bus\/shuttle","2. Leisure","1. First\/Business","2. No","2. No","2. No","1. Yes","4. Very good","2. Other","3. 26-34",32003,"5. College degree","6. Unemployed not looking","2. Not Employed","6. Refused","2. No",null,"1. No children"],
      [v: "2", f: "Female",v: "4", f: "2-3 years","1. Starting","8. Other","3. Other","2. Economy\/Coach","2. No","2. No","2. No","2. No","1. Poor","2. Other","6. 55-64",99501,"4. Some college","3. Retired","2. Not Employed","3. 75k - 100k","2. No","3. Asian","1. No children"],
      [v: "2", f: "Female",v: "5", f: "3+ years","1. Starting","5.R ental","3. Other","1. First\/Business","2. No","1. Yes","2. No","1. Yes","1. Poor","1. USA","1. 16-21",15668,"4. Some college","1. Full-time","1. Employed","1. < 40k","2. No","1. White \/ Caucasian","1. No children"]

    data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(data);
    dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard(document.getElementById('dashboard_div'));

    //create Gender filter
    var genderSelection = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper(
      'controlType': 'CategoryFilter',
      'containerId': 'filter_div',
        'filterColumnLabel': 'Gender',
        'useFormattedValue': true,
          'sortValues': false

    //create the table
    var table = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper(
      'chartType': 'Table',
      'dataTable': data,
      'containerId': 'table_div',
      'options': 'width': '800px'

    //create the charts
    for(qidx=0;qidx < nCols;qidx++) 
      var createChart = function(qidx) 
        //add place for chart
        $('#dashboard_div').append('<div class="chart_div" id="chart'+qidx+'_div"></div>');

        //create chart
        charts[qidx] = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper(
          'chartType': 'ColumnChart',
          'containerId': 'chart'+qidx+'_div',
            'title': data.getColumnLabel(qidx),
            'xwidth': 400,
            'xheight': 300,
              'minValue': 0,
              'maxValue': 100
              'width': '80%',
              'height': '60%',
              'top': 30,
            'columns': [qidx, calc:function(dataTable, rowNum) 
              var curr_stat = dataTable.getValue(rowNum,qidx);
              var distinct_values = dataTable.getDistinctValues(qidx);
              var count = 0;
              var numRows=dataTable.getNumberOfRows();

              for (var ii=0; ii<numRows; ii++) 
                stat = dataTable.getValue(ii,qidx);
                if (stat == curr_stat) 
              return count/numRows*100; //return percentage
            , type:'number', label: '1Q']

    //set the rows of the chart
    function setChartRows (dt) 
      //loop though the charts
      for(qidx=0;qidx < nCols;qidx++) 
        var rows = dt.getNumberOfRows();
        var distinct_values = dt.getDistinctValues(qidx);
        var arRows = [];

        for (var ii=0; ii<distinct_values.length; ii++) 
          for (var jj=0; jj<rows; jj++) 
            var curr_stat = dt.getValue(jj,qidx);
            if (curr_stat == distinct_values[ii]) 

        var view = charts[qidx].getView() || ;
        view.rows = arRows;

    //when the table is created/changed update the chart, 'ready', function () 

    dashboard.bind(genderSelection, table);
  packages: ['corechart', 'controls']
.chart_divdisplay:inline-block;border:1px solid #888;margin-right:5px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="dashboard_div">
  <div id="filter_div"></div>
  <div id="table_div"></div>



以上是关于Google 可视化仪表板错误的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

将 用于 Google 可视化仪表板

带有过滤器和 DataView 的 Google 可视化仪表板



通过负载平衡器在 Google App Engine 上的多个实例中可视化请求分布

可视化负载均衡器在Google App Engine上的多个实例上分发请求