【中文标题】如何迭代或递归确定二维数组中的邻居?【英文标题】:How to iteratively or recursively determine neighbors in a two-dimensional array? 【发布时间】:2021-12-09 17:41:13 【问题描述】:我尝试使用 Python 3.7 确定二维数组中的邻居。
array([[ 1., 2., nan, nan, 5.],
[nan, 2., nan, 5., nan],
[nan, 2., 4., nan, 6.],
[nan, nan, nan, 5., 5.],
[nan, nan, nan, nan, nan],
[ 1., 2., 4., nan, nan],
[ 1., 2., nan, nan, 4.],
[nan, 4., nan, nan, 5.]])
test_arr = np.array([[1,2,np.nan,np.nan,5],
row = test_arr.shape[0]
col = test_arr.shape[1]
temp_amatrix = np.matrix(test_arr)
p = np.argwhere(test_arr == np.nanmax(temp_amatrix)).flatten()[0]
q = np.argwhere(test_arr == np.nanmax(temp_amatrix)).flatten()[1]
def neighbours(test_arr_in,countnotnan_in):
for r in range(len(np.where(countnotnan_in==1)[0])):
x = np.where(countnotnan_in == 1)[0][r]
y = np.where(countnotnan_in == 1)[1][r]
indexlist = [[x-1,y-1],[x-1,y],[x-1,y+1],[x,y-1],[x,y+1],[x+1,y-1],[x+1,y],[x+1,y+1]]
for c in indexlist:
if 0 <= c[0] < row and 0 <= c[1] < col:
if np.isnan(test_arr_in[c[0],c[1]]) == False:
countnotnan_in[c[0],c[1]] = 1
return countnotnan_in
countnotnan = np.zeros_like(test_arr)
countnotnan[p][q] = 1
notnan_arr = neighbours(test_arr,countnotnan)
notnan_arr = array([[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
是的,没关系。实际上,我想使用新的“1”值来确定他们的邻居,即确定 (1,3)、(3,3) 和 (3,4) 位置的邻居。重复此过程,直到识别出从 (2,4) 位置开始的值的所有位置。结果将是这样的:
notnan_arr = array([[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 1],
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
notnan_arr = array([[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 1],
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 1],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]])
我不是 100% 清楚你需要什么。有点相关,numpy 有一个滑动窗口 (numpy.org/devdocs/reference/generated/…),它可以用于这样的事情。 非常感谢。但是我不明白如何使用你提到的方法。 @Searuru 这与将数组中的非 nan 值切换为 1 有何不同?我不明白你的问题。您对中间结果感兴趣吗? @qouify 其实我已经完成了上面提到的第二个结果。我附上了打击。但我无法递归确定。 @Searuru 您应该阅读文档并稍微使用该方法。但基本上,您不必像以前那样以某种方式迭代数据......滑动窗口将返回一个 elarge 数组。有点像你所做的所有迭代的串联。但好消息是每个元素只是单次迭代所需的数据。 【参考方案1】:def neighbours(test_arr_in,fstnotnan_in,count_in,countused_in):
for r in range(len(np.where(fstnotnan_in==1)[0])):
x = np.where(count_in == 1)[0][r]
y = np.where(count_in == 1)[1][r]
if np.isnan(countused_in[x][y]) == True:
countused_in[x,y] = np.nan
indexlist = [[x-1,y-1],[x-1,y],[x-1,y+1],[x,y-1],[x,y+1],[x+1,y-1],[x+1,y],[x+1,y+1]]
for c in indexlist:
if 0 <= c[0] < row and 0 <= c[1] < col:
if np.isnan(test_arr_in[c[0],c[1]]) == False:
fstnotnan_in[c[0],c[1]] = 1
count_in = np.where(fstnotnan_in == 1,1.,0)
return fstnotnan_in,count_in,countused_in
test_arr = np.array([[1,2,np.nan,np.nan,5],
row = test_arr.shape[0]
col = test_arr.shape[1]
temp_amatrix = np.matrix(test_arr)
p = np.argwhere(test_arr == np.nanmax(temp_amatrix)).flatten()[0]
q = np.argwhere(test_arr == np.nanmax(temp_amatrix)).flatten()[1]
countused = np.zeros_like(test_arr)
fstnotnan = np.zeros_like(test_arr)
count = np.full((row,col),np.nan)
fstnotnan[p,q] = 1
count[p,q] = 1
fstnotnan_out,count_out,countused_out = neighbours(test_arr,fstnotnan,count,countused)
fstnotnan_out1,count_out1,countused_out1 = neighbours(test_arr,fstnotnan_out,count_out,countused_out)
fstnotnan_out2,count_out2,countused_out2 = neighbours(test_arr,fstnotnan_out1,count_out1,countused_out1)
fstnotnan_out3,count_out3,countused_out3 = neighbours(test_arr,fstnotnan_out2,count_out2,countused_out2)
fstnotnan_out4,count_out4,countused_out4 = neighbours(test_arr,fstnotnan_out3,count_out3,countused_out3)
def neighbours(test_arr_in,fstnotnan_in,count_in,countused_in):
if (np.where(fstnotnan_in== 1)[0].shape[0] == np.where(np.isnan(countused_in))[0].shape[0]) == True:
return fstnotnan_in,count_in,countused_in
for r in range(len(np.where(fstnotnan_in==1)[0])):
x = np.where(count_in == 1)[0][r]
y = np.where(count_in == 1)[1][r]
if np.isnan(countused_in[x][y]) == True:
countused_in[x,y] = np.nan
indexlist = [[x-1,y-1],[x-1,y],[x-1,y+1],[x,y-1],[x,y+1],[x+1,y-1],[x+1,y],[x+1,y+1]]
for c in indexlist:
if 0 <= c[0] < row and 0 <= c[1] < col:
if np.isnan(test_arr_in[c[0],c[1]]) == False:
fstnotnan_in[c[0],c[1]] = 1
count_in = np.where(fstnotnan_in == 1,1.,0)
return neighbours(test_arr_in,fstnotnan_in,count_in,countused_in)
@qouify 我完成了!刚刚。【参考方案2】:我写完了。代码如下:
def sechmax(arr_in):
temp_amatrix = np.matrix(arr_in)
r_max = np.argwhere(arr_in == np.nanmax(temp_amatrix)).flatten()[0]
c_max = np.argwhere(arr_in == np.nanmax(temp_amatrix)).flatten()[1]
return r_max,c_max
def neighbours(arr_in,fstnotnan_in,countused_in):
if (np.where(fstnotnan_in == 1)[0].shape[0] == np.where(np.isnan(countused_in))[0].shape[0]):
n_arr_in = np.where(countused_in == 0,arr_in,np.nan)
if np.isnan(n_arr_in).all():
return fstnotnan_in,countused_in
r_max,c_max = sechmax(n_arr_in)
fstnotnan_in[r_max,c_max] = 1
return neighbours(n_arr_in,fstnotnan_in,countused_in)
count = fstnotnan_in.copy()
for r in range(len(np.where(fstnotnan_in==1)[0])):
x = np.where(count == 1)[0][r]
y = np.where(count == 1)[1][r]
if np.isnan(countused_in[x][y]):
countused_in[x,y] = np.nan
indexlist = [[x-1,y-1],[x-1,y],[x-1,y+1],[x,y-1],[x,y+1],[x+1,y-1],[x+1,y],[x+1,y+1]]
for c in indexlist:
if 0 <= c[0] < row and 0 <= c[1] < col:
if np.isnan(arr_in[c[0],c[1]]) == False:
fstnotnan_in[c[0],c[1]] = 1
return neighbours(arr_in,fstnotnan_in,countused_in)
test_arr = np.array([[1,2,np.nan,np.nan,5],
row = test_arr.shape[0]
col = test_arr.shape[1]
r_max,c_max = sechmax(test_arr)
countused = np.zeros_like(test_arr)
fstnotnan = np.zeros_like(test_arr)
fstnotnan[r_max,c_max] = 1
fstnotnan_out,countused_out = neighbours(test_arr,fstnotnan,countused)