大 UICollectionViewCell 在滚动时消失



【中文标题】大 UICollectionViewCell 在滚动时消失【英文标题】:Large UICollectionViewCell disappear on scrolling 【发布时间】:2013-07-15 15:07:55 【问题描述】:

我遇到了与here 相同的问题,即大型 UICollectionViewCell(显然是 UICollectionView 高度的两倍以上)在给定的滚动偏移量处消失,然后在给定的滚动偏移量后又重新出现。

我已经实现了@JonathanCichon solution,它是 UICollectionView 的子类,并在 _visibleBounds 上执行自定义操作(我知道这是一个私有 API,但没关系,我不需要在 Apple Store 上提交)


#import "CollectionView.h"

@interface UICollectionView ()

- (CGRect)_visibleBounds;


@implementation CollectionView

- (CGRect)_visibleBounds

    CGRect rect = [super _visibleBounds];
    rect.size.height = [self heightOfLargestVisibleCell];
    return rect;

- (CGFloat)heightOfLargestVisibleCell

    // get current screen height depending on orientation
    CGFloat screenSize = [self currentScreenHeight];

    CGFloat largestCell = 0;

    NSArray *visibleCells = self.visibleCells;

    // get the largest height between visibleCells
    for (UITableViewCell *c in visibleCells)
        CGFloat h = c.frame.size.height;
        largestCell = h > largestCell ? h : largestCell;

    // return higher value between screen height and higher visible cell height
    return MAX(largestCell, screenSize);

这有效,滚动时不再消失,但我仍然有一个问题:如果我在滚动位置位于大单元格中间时执行reloadData,它会像之前一样消失...... 我注意到在重新加载数据后,visibleCells 返回nil(在我的heightOfLargestVisibleCell 方法中),所以我的屏幕高度为_visibleBounds 但由于屏幕高度






@interface CollectionView : UICollectionView
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat lastLargestCellHeight;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldEvalLargestCellHeight;


@implementation CollectionView

- (CGRect)_visibleBounds

    CGRect rect = [super _visibleBounds];
    rect.size.height = [self heightOfLargestVisibleCell];
    return rect;

- (CGFloat)heightOfLargestVisibleCell

    if (self.shouldEvalLargestCellHeight) 
        // get current screen height depending on orientation
        CGFloat screenSize = self.frame.size.height;

        CGFloat largestCell = 0;

        NSArray *visibleCells = self.visibleCells;

        // get the largest height between visibleCells
        for (UITableViewCell *c in visibleCells)
            CGFloat h = c.frame.size.height;
            largestCell = h > largestCell ? h : largestCell;
        //return higher value between screen height and higher visible cell height
        self.lastLargestCellHeight = MAX(largestCell, screenSize);
        self.shouldEvalLargestCellHeight = NO;
    return self.lastLargestCellHeight;

- (void)reloadData

    self.shouldEvalLargestCellHeight = NO;
    [super reloadData];

- (void)setContentOffset:(CGPoint)contentOffset

    self.shouldEvalLargestCellHeight = YES;
    [super setContentOffset:contentOffset];



以上是关于大 UICollectionViewCell 在滚动时消失的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

UICollectionViewCell -- 使 selectedBackgroundView 比单元格本身大

创建 UICollectionViewCell 时子视图框架不正确

scrollToItemAtIndexPath 破坏 UICollectionViewCell 布局

滚动时大型 UICollectionViewCell 停止显示


创建方法来动态确定哪个 UICollectionViewCell 在屏幕的中心