【中文标题】反应分页按钮前进和后退python【英文标题】:Reaction pagination button forward and back python 【发布时间】:2019-01-18 15:07:13 【问题描述】:我正在尝试制作一个按钮/反应来在 3 个不同的图像之间来回切换,但按钮在前一个图像中没有返回,只是前进到下一个图像,有人可以帮我吗?
if message.content.startswith('!image'):
msg1 = await Bot.send_file(message.channel, 'image1.png')
toReact = ('⏩')
for reaction in toReact:
await Bot.add_reaction(msg1, reaction)
def checkReaction(reaction, user):
e = str(reaction.emoji)
return e.startswith('⏩')
res = await Bot.wait_for_reaction(message=msg1, user=message.author, timeout=30, check=checkReaction)
if res is None:
await Bot.delete_message(msg1)
elif '⏩' in str(res.reaction.emoji):
await Bot.delete_message(msg1)
msg2 = await Bot.send_file(message.channel, 'image2.png')
toReact = ['⏪', '⏩']
for reaction in toReact:
await Bot.add_reaction(msg2, reaction)
def checkReaction2(reaction, user):
e = str(reaction.emoji)
return e.startswith('⏪','⏩')
res2 = await Bot.wait_for_reaction(message=msg2, user=message.author, timeout=30, check=checkReaction2)
if res2 is None:
await Bot.delete_message(msg2)
elif '⏩' in str(res.reaction.emoji):
await Bot.delete_message(mensagem2)
await Bot.send_file(message.channel, 'image3.png')
***.com/q/55075157/11146632 【参考方案1】:这就是我想出的。
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
left = '⏪'
right = '⏩'
messages = ("1", "2", "3")
def predicate(message, l, r):
def check(reaction, user):
if reaction.message.id != message.id or user == bot.user:
return False
if l and reaction.emoji == left:
return True
if r and reaction.emoji == right:
return True
return False
return check
async def series(ctx):
index = 0
while True:
msg = await bot.say(messages[index])
l = index != 0
r = index != len(messages) - 1
if l:
await bot.add_reaction(msg, left)
if r:
await bot.add_reaction(msg, right)
# bot.wait_for_reaction
react, user = await bot.wait_for_reaction(check=predicate(msg, l, r))
if react.emoji == left:
index -= 1
elif react.emoji == right:
index += 1
await bot.delete_message(msg)
async def series(ctx):
index = 0
msg = None
action = ctx.send
while True:
res = await action(content=messages[index])
if res is not None:
msg = res
l = index != 0
r = index != len(messages) - 1
if l:
await msg.add_reaction(left)
if r:
await msg.add_reaction(right)
react, user = await bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=predicate(msg, l, r))
if react.emoji == left:
index -= 1
elif react.emoji == right:
index += 1
action = msg.edit
对不起,我不知道重写,只是让我更加困惑 @LucasTesch 我已经进行了必要的修改以在异步分支上执行此代码 @PatrickHaugh while 循环何时结束?这对服务器来说不是很糟糕吗? @echan00 这是在事件循环中运行的异步代码。当它到达await bot.wait_for
@PatrickHaugh 如果没有用户按下按钮怎么办?以上是关于反应分页按钮前进和后退python的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Gatsby.js:使用 URL 参数和浏览器后退/前进按钮导航
vue中通过history api拦截浏览器的前进后退按钮事件