将 UIView (Overlay) 与应用背景混合



【中文标题】将 UIView (Overlay) 与应用背景混合【英文标题】:Blend UIView (Overlay) with app background 【发布时间】:2020-05-11 14:54:34 【问题描述】:

我想使用特殊的混合模式(在我的例子中为叠加模式)将 UIView 与我的应用背景混合。但是,要混合的视图包含在复杂的视图层次结构中。

可以使用view.layer.compositingFilter = "overlayBlendMode" 将视图与其直接同级视图混合,但该视图不会与非同级视图混合,例如应用背景。


import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class MyViewController : UIViewController 
    override func loadView() 
        let parentView = UIView()
        parentView.backgroundColor = .purple

        // Child view
        let childView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 200, height: 200))
        childView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.orange.cgColor
        childView.layer.borderWidth = 3

        // Child child view
        let childChildView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 50))
        childChildView.backgroundColor = .white
        childChildView.layer.compositingFilter = "overlayBlendMode"

        self.view = parentView

// Present the view controller in the Live View window
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = MyViewController()



为了创建第二张图片,我在childView 而不是childChildView 上应用了合成滤镜,这将混合所有其他子视图——因此这不是我想要的。我只是想要混合这个特定的视图。

注意:这个视图应该可以移动,因为它在 UIScrollView 内。


import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class MyViewController : UIViewController 

    override func loadView() 
        let parentView = UIView()

        // Background image
        let backgroundImageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "image.jpg")!)
        backgroundImageView.frame = UIScreen.main.bounds

        // Page view (horizontal scrollview)
        let pageView = UIScrollView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 200, height: 200))
        pageView.contentSize = CGSize(width: 600, height: 200)
        pageView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.orange.cgColor
        pageView.layer.borderWidth = 3

        // Child view (vertical scrollview)
        let childView = UIScrollView(frame: CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 100, height: 150))
        childView.contentSize = CGSize(width: 100, height: 300)
        childView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.green.cgColor
        childView.layer.borderWidth = 3

        // Child child view
        let childChildView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 50))
        childChildView.backgroundColor = .white
        childChildView.layer.compositingFilter = "overlayBlendMode"

        self.view = parentView

// Present the view controller in the Live View window
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = MyViewController()


我认为 compositingFilterios 中不受支持(如文档中所写)...这真的适用于设备吗? 是的,它也适用于设备,我不知道为什么它在文档中写得相反 【参考方案1】:

更新 2:


一旦创建 childChildView 但在显示之前,我可能已经通过使用生成的视图图像或实际背景图像作为 childView 的内容背景找到了解决方案。我已经稍微更改了您的示例代码,以在 parentView 中添加滚动视图和背景图像。看看这是否适合你/是你想要的结果:

    import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class MyViewController : UIViewController 

    override func loadView() 
        let parentView = UIView()
        parentView.backgroundColor = .purple

        let imageName = "image.jpg"
        let image = UIImage(named: imageName)
        let imageWidth = Int((image?.size.width)!)
        let imageheight = Int((image?.size.height)!)
        let imageView = UIImageView(image: image!)
        imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: imageWidth , height: imageheight)

        // Child view as UIScrollView
        let childView = UIScrollView(frame: CGRect(x: 55, y: 55, width: imageWidth - 10, height: imageheight - 10 ))
        childView.contentSize = CGSize(width: imageWidth - 10, height: 5000)
        childView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.orange.cgColor
        childView.layer.borderWidth = 10

        // ChildChild view
        let childChildView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 15, y: 100, width: 85, height: imageheight - 180))
        childChildView.layer.compositingFilter = "overlayBlendMode"
        childChildView.backgroundColor = .white

        //Creating a static image of the background views BEFORE adding the childChildView.
        let format = UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat()
        format.scale = 1
        format.preferredRange = .standard ///color profile
        ///Change the imageView to the parentView size of the app. Not available if not set in the playground.
        let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: imageView.bounds.size, format: format)
        let imageBG = renderer.image  context in
            ///This draws all subviews of the parentView one after the other.
            ///Because the background image is not a parent of our current view, otherwise childView.drawHierachy would have been enough
            for subview in parentView.subviews 
                    ///Skip specific views or view classes you don't want to be added to the image. or if you only need the parentView itself rendered remove the for in loop.
                    subview.drawHierarchy(in: imageView.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
        //Adding the static background image. This could simply also be the actual image: UIImage if no other views are supposed to be used.
        childView.layer.contents = imageBG.cgImage


        self.view = parentView

// Present the view controller in the Live View window
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = MyViewController()



图像中的颜色具有误导性,因为您可以假设正常的透明效果是相同的。但是正如 Coconuts 指出的那样,overlayBlendMode 完全不同。我认为问题在于 compositingFilter 仅适用于下面的视图,即使此视图是透明的。 我尝试通过使用从 childview 中切出 childchild 大小的正方形的掩码来找到解决方法。但这也不起作用,因为掩码也适用于所有子视图。我让它工作的唯一方法是让 childchildview 成为 childview 的兄弟,或者是背景视图的直接子视图。但不确定这在 Coconuts 提到的复杂视图层次结构中是否可行。

    // Sibling view with adjusted x and y
    let childChildView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 50))
    childChildView.backgroundColor = .white
    childChildView.layer.compositingFilter = "overlayBlendMode"



仅获取示例图像的视觉结果,而不是实际使用 Coconut 要求的 overlayBlendMode 过滤器。

如果您只需要混合颜色,您可以更改颜色的 alpha 值。

    // Child child view
    let childChildView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 50))
    childChildView.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 1, alpha: 0.5)
    //childChildView.layer.compositingFilter = "overlayBlendMode"


    // Child child view
    let childChildView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 50))
    childChildView.backgroundColor = .white
    childChildView.layer.opacity = 0.5


这是一个尝试解决来自 Coconut 添加的具有多个滚动视图的更复杂的视图层次结构。当应用程序更新(重绘)其视图时,性能需要改进或调整背景图像层的背景图像的部分需要同步运行。目前有点落后。

    import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class MyViewController : UIViewController 

    override func loadView() 

        let parentView = UIView()

        // Background image
        let backgroundImageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "image.jpg")!)
        backgroundImageView.frame = UIScreen.main.bounds

        // Page view (horizontal scrollview)
        let pageView = UIScrollView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 200, height: 200))
        pageView.contentSize = CGSize(width: 600, height: 200)
        pageView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.yellow.cgColor
        pageView.layer.borderWidth = 3
        pageView.clipsToBounds = true

        // Child view (vertical scrollview)
        let childView = UIScrollView(frame: CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 100, height: 150))
        childView.contentSize = CGSize(width: 100, height: 300)
        childView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.red.cgColor
        childView.layer.borderWidth = 3

        // Child child view
        let childChildView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50))

        //Child child view foreground sublayer
        let childChildFrontLayer = CALayer()
        childChildFrontLayer.frame = childChildView.frame.offsetBy(dx: -75, dy: -50)
        childChildFrontLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
        childChildFrontLayer.compositingFilter = "overlayBlendMode"

        //Child child view background sublayer
        let childChildBackLayer = CALayer()
        childChildBackLayer.contents = UIImage(named: "image.jpg")?.cgImage
        var absolutFrame = parentView.convert(childChildView.frame, from: childView)
        childChildBackLayer.frame = CGRect(x: -absolutFrame.minX, y: -absolutFrame.minY, width: backgroundImageView.frame.width, height: backgroundImageView.frame.height)


        //Checking for any scrolling. Is slightly faster then the scollview delegate methods but might cause main thread checker warning.
        DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async 
            while true 
                if pageView.isDragging || pageView.isTracking || pageView.isDecelerating || childView.isDragging || childView.isTracking || childView.isDecelerating 
                    absolutFrame = parentView.convert(childChildView.frame, from: childView)
                        childChildBackLayer.frame = CGRect(x: -absolutFrame.minX, y: -absolutFrame.minY, width: backgroundImageView.frame.width, height: backgroundImageView.frame.height)
        self.view = parentView

// Present the view controller in the Live View window
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = MyViewController()


不,重点是能够使用特殊的混合模式进行混合(在我的情况下为叠加) 我是否理解正确,您想使用叠加混合模式(如果您不仅使用紫色背景,我猜它会产生不同的效果?)但它似乎不起作用因为 childchildView 基本上是在尝试将过滤器应用于子视图(即使这个视图只有边框但没有背景颜色?) 是的,childChildView 只与它的直接兄弟混合,而我希望它与它后面的所有视图混合,直到应用程序背景。关于您的更新,我确实不可能在层次结构中向上移动视图,因为它包含在可滚动的滚动视图中 - 另外,这会使整个应用程序视图层次结构变得一团糟:/ 好的,希望这对你有用。否则我没有想法。 ;) 这是一个进步!尽管如此,这还是提出了两点:1)当childView小于图像视图时(当滚动视图不占据整个页面时)你怎么办,以及2)当childView本身在另一个滚动视图中时你怎么办?就我而言,childView 等效项(垂直滚动视图)本身包含在水平滚动视图中以制作“页面”。真的没有办法告诉视图与它后面的任何视图混合,不管视图层次结构如何?【参考方案2】:

与子视图背景相关的问题是否清晰,因此“混合”以提供白色。是否可以将子视图背景颜色设置为与应用背景相同,然后将 childView 混合到 childChildView 中?



以上是关于将 UIView (Overlay) 与应用背景混合的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

UIView 背景大小问题

UIView 高度无法跨设备正确缩放图像

Android Overlay机制总结

Android Overlay机制总结

Android Overlay机制总结

使用自动布局为 UIView 应用渐变背景