【中文标题】TypeError:尝试制作不和谐机器人时无法读取未定义的属性“id”【英文标题】:TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined when trying to make discord bot 【发布时间】:2019-01-27 07:01:09 【问题描述】:我正在尝试制作一个简单的不和谐机器人,但是每当我运行-setcaps
我不确定是什么原因造成的。我将不胜感激您能提供的任何帮助。不完全确定要添加什么以提供更多详细信息,我正在使用 node.js 的最新稳定版本并使用 notpad++ 进行编辑
// Call Packages
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const economy = require('discord-eco');
// Define client for Discord
const client = new Discord.Client();
// We have to define a moderator role, the name of a role you need to run certain commands
const modRole = 'Sentinel';
// This will run when a message is recieved...
client.on('message', message =>
// Variables
let prefix = '-';
let msg = message.content.toUpperCase();
// Lets also add some new variables
let cont = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(" "); // This slices off the prefix, then stores everything after that in an array split by spaces.
let args = cont.slice(1); // This removes the command part of the message, only leaving the words after it seperated by spaces
// Commands
// Ping - Let's create a quick command to make sure everything is working!
if (message.content.toUpperCase() === `$prefixPING`)
// Add / Remove Money For Admins
if (msg.startsWith(`$prefixSETCAPS`))
// Check if they have the modRole
if (!message.member.roles.find("name", modRole)) // Run if they dont have role...
message.channel.send('**You need the role `' + modRole + '` to use this command...**');
// Check if they defined an amount
if (!args[0])
message.channel.send(`**You need to define an amount. Usage: $prefixSETCAPS <amount> <user>**`);
// We should also make sure that args[0] is a number
if (isNaN(args[0]))
message.channel.send(`**The amount has to be a number. Usage: $prefixSETCAPS <amount> <user>**`);
return; // Remember to return if you are sending an error message! So the rest of the code doesn't run.
// Check if they defined a user
let defineduser = '';
if (!args[1]) // If they didn't define anyone, set it to their own.
defineduser = message.author.id;
else // Run this if they did define someone...
let firstMentioned = message.mentions.users.first();
defineduser = firstMentioned.id;
// Finally, run this.. REMEMBER IF you are doing the guild-unique method, make sure you add the guild ID to the end,
economy.updateBalance(defineduser + message.guild.id, parseInt(args[0])).then((i) => // AND MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS PARSE THE NUMBER YOU ARE ADDING AS AN INTEGER
message.channel.send(`**User defined had $args[0] added/subtraction from their account.**`)
// Balance & Money
if (msg === `$prefixBALANCE` || msg === `$prefixMONEY`) // This will run if the message is either ~BALANCE or ~MONEY
// Additional Tip: If you want to make the values guild-unique, simply add + message.guild.id whenever you request.
economy.fetchBalance(message.author.id + message.guild.id).then((i) => // economy.fetchBalance grabs the userID, finds it, and puts the data with it into i.
// Lets use an embed for This
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(`**$message.guild.name Stash**`)
.setColor(0xff9900) // You can set any HEX color if you put 0x before it.
.addField('Stash Owner',message.author.username,true) // The TRUE makes the embed inline. Account Holder is the title, and message.author is the value
.addField('Stash Contents',i.money,true)
// Now we need to send the message
client.login('TOKEN HIDDEN');
能否将整个错误发送给我们,请在我们查看哪个代码行导致此错误的地方 【参考方案1】:我不确定这是否会导致您的错误,但让我们试一试。我编辑了用户是否提到某人的检查。
// Call Packages
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const economy = require('discord-eco');
// Define client for Discord
const client = new Discord.Client();
// We have to define a moderator role, the name of a role you need to run certain commands
const modRole = 'Sentinel';
// This will run when a message is recieved...
client.on('message', message =>
// Variables
let prefix = '-';
let msg = message.content.toUpperCase();
// Lets also add some new variables
let cont = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(" "); // This slices off the prefix, then stores everything after that in an array split by spaces.
let args = cont.slice(1); // This removes the command part of the message, only leaving the words after it seperated by spaces
// Commands
// Ping - Let's create a quick command to make sure everything is working!
if (message.content.toUpperCase() === `$prefixPING`)
// Add / Remove Money For Admins
if (msg.startsWith(`$prefixSETCAPS`))
// Check if they have the modRole
if (!message.member.roles.find("name", modRole)) // Run if they dont have role...
message.channel.send('**You need the role `' + modRole.name + '` to use this command...**');
// Check if they defined an amount
if (!args[0])
message.channel.send(`**You need to define an amount. Usage: $prefixSETCAPS <amount> <user>**`);
// We should also make sure that args[0] is a number
if (isNaN(args[0]))
message.channel.send(`**The amount has to be a number. Usage: $prefixSETCAPS <amount> <user>**`);
return; // Remember to return if you are sending an error message! So the rest of the code doesn't run.
// Check if they defined a user
let defineduser = '';
let user = message.mentions.users.first() || msg.author;
defineduser = user.id
// Finally, run this.. REMEMBER IF you are doing the guild-unique method, make sure you add the guild ID to the end,
economy.updateBalance(defineduser + message.guild.id, parseInt(args[0])).then((i) => // AND MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS PARSE THE NUMBER YOU ARE ADDING AS AN INTEGER
message.channel.send(`**User defined had $args[0] added/subtraction from their account.**`)
// Balance & Money
if (msg === `$prefixBALANCE` || msg === `$prefixMONEY`) // This will run if the message is either ~BALANCE or ~MONEY
// Additional Tip: If you want to make the values guild-unique, simply add + message.guild.id whenever you request.
economy.fetchBalance(message.author.id + message.guild.id).then((i) => // economy.fetchBalance grabs the userID, finds it, and puts the data with it into i.
// Lets use an embed for This
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(`**$message.guild.name Stash**`)
.setColor(0xff9900) // You can set any HEX color if you put 0x before it.
.addField('Stash Owner', message.author.username, true) // The TRUE makes the embed inline. Account Holder is the title, and message.author is the value
.addField('Stash Contents', i.money, true)
// Now we need to send the message
client.login('TOKEN HIDDEN')
不和谐.js | TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性“0”
如何修复“TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性 'toString'” |不和谐.js
TypeError:每当我在不和谐的情况下向我的机器人输入 PM 时,都无法读取未定义的属性“id”
Discord.js 在尝试将游戏消息转换为不和谐消息时给我留下“TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性 'includes'”