


【中文标题】如何在python中查找给定日期每周的总播放时间?【英文标题】:how to find total play time of each week for the given date in python? 【发布时间】:2021-07-17 07:22:18 【问题描述】:


   'created':[ '2/09/2021','2/10/2021','2/16/2021','2/17/2021','3/09/2021','3/10/2021','3/18/2021','3/19/2021',


df['created']=pd.to_datetime(df['created'], format='%m/%d/%Y')
df['total_play_time'] = df['stop_time'] - df['play_time']

现在我们需要使用每个 user_id 的第一个日期作为第一周的开始日期,例如我们需要选择 '2/9/2021' 是 user_id 1 的第一周开始日期和 '3/09 /2021' 作为 user_id 2 的第一周开始日期。

我们需要将 user_id 每周的总游戏时间相加,它继续给出每个时间的总和,直到当前日期(例如,如果运行报告到今天,它必须给出每周的总和,直到今天)并给出如下结果

ID  week1   week2     week3  week4  week5  week6 week7  week8     week9  week10  week11  week12
1   3        2        0      0      0      0     0      0         0       0       0      0
2   1        2        0      0      0      0     0


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# Get a list of unique id's
user_ids = df["user_id"].unique()

# Get the start date of each user
start_dates = [min(df[df["user_id"]==usr]["created"]) for usr in user_ids]

# We will subtract the start date to have a common baseline for all users
df["time_since_start"] = None
for i, usr in enumerate(user_ids):
    df.loc[df["user_id"]==usr,"time_since_start"] = df.loc[df["user_id"]==usr,"created"] - start_dates[i]
# we got a Timedelta object, but its more useful as a float
df['t'] = [x.value for x in df["time_since_start"]]

# get the maximum time any user has ever ..played? to make our bins
max_time = df["time_since_start"].max()
# convert it from microseconds to weeks, rounding up
max_weeks = int(np.ceil(max_time.value/8.64e+13/7))

# make the bins and add corresponding readable labels
bins = [pd.Timedelta(weeks = wk).value for wk in range(max_weeks+1)]
labels = ["week " + str(wk+1) for wk in range(max_weeks)]

# bin the data and aggregate the result
df["bin"] = pd.cut(df['t'], bins, labels = labels)
user_id  bin   
1        week 1    2
         week 2    1
         week 3    0
         week 4    1
         week 5    0
         week 6    0
2        week 1    0
         week 2    2
         week 3    0
         week 4    0
         week 5    0
         week 6    0
3        week 1    2
         week 2    1
         week 3    1
         week 4    0
         week 5    0
         week 6    0
4        week 1    0
         week 2    1
         week 3    0
         week 4    0
         week 5    0
         week 6    0
5        week 1    1
         week 2    0
         week 3    0
         week 4    0
         week 5    0
         week 6    0
Name: total_play_time, dtype: int64



运行您的代码时出现以下错误。 AttributeError Traceback(最近一次调用最后) in 4 df.loc[df["user_id"]==usr,"time_since_start"] = df .loc[df["user_id"]==usr,"created"] - start_dates[i] 5 # 我们得到了一个 Timedelta 对象,但它作为浮点数更有用 ----> 6 df['t'] = [x.value for x in df["time_since_start"]] AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'value' 通过复制粘贴您的问题中的代码,然后是我的代码,我无法重现此错误。 pandas==1.2.4 numpy==1.20.2 python:3.7.10 平台:ubuntu 20.04


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