


【中文标题】获取点和影片剪辑之间的距离【英文标题】:Get distance between a point and a movieclip 【发布时间】:2019-03-30 10:23:32 【问题描述】:

我正在实现一个游戏,但我一直在寻找一种方法来计算从一个点到动画剪辑最近边缘的 x 和 y 距离。 例如:




MovieClip 真的总是一个圆形吗?或者它是一个不限于任何东西的随机形状? 形状随意。 哦,这很棘手。我认为最直接(以及性能低效)的方法是在该 MovieClip 上使用 getBounds(...) 方法,然后遍历其边界框像素hitTestPoint(...) 以像素为单位(shapeFlag 设置为 true,还要记住它需要 global 坐标作为参数,而不是本地)方法来确定 a) 属于 MovieClip 的点,并且 b) 最接近您想要的任何其他点 (Point.distance(. ..) 方法)。 P.S. 线条没有实质内容,即使您将它们设置为 100px 宽度也不会 hitTestPoint。只有填充、文本字段、位图图片(这些实际上是在发布时翻译为位图填充),不知道按钮的点击区域,也许他们不会。像发光、模糊和阴影这样的过滤器可能也不会。 你有关于形状本身的任何信息吗? (边缘/点坐标)它是如何生成的?我可能已经找到了解决方案,但它真的很丑,而且可能效率不高。 【参考方案1】:




话虽如此,这个解决方案的工作原理是使用 BitmapData 的 hitTest() 检查两个形状是否发生碰撞。它几乎没有效率,不可否认,我不久前刚醒来,并决定这是一个很好的晨练。我没有测试任何错误情况(也就是,如果点在形状内)。

它的工作原理是从点末端开始并在其周围绘制越来越大的圆圈,在每一步将其转换为位图并使用 BitmapData 的 hitTest()。当它认为位图相交/接触时,围绕该点的圆的半径将是与形状最近的距离。

但是,可以通过调整“探针/步长”来提高效率(类似于二分搜索比线性搜索更有效)。但是,我将把它留给读者(代码 cmets 中的示例)。

import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Bitmap;

// assumptions: the movie clip is currenly the only thing on the stage

// first generate the first BitmapData by taking all the pixels on the stage (which should just contain the movieclip)
var stagePixels:BitmapData = new BitmapData(this.stage.stageWidth, this.stage.stageHeight, true, 0xffffff);

function getDistance(inputPoint:Point):int 

    var currentSearchDistance:int = 1;
    var result:Boolean = false;

    var zeroPoint:Point = new Point(0, 0); // just a common reference point for the hitTest() call
    var pointShape:Shape;

    while(result == false)
        // create the shape and draw the circle around the point
        pointShape = new Shape();
        pointShape.graphics.drawCircle(inputPoint.x, inputPoint.y, currentSearchDistance);

        // convert to BitmapData
        var pointPixels:BitmapData = new BitmapData(this.stage.stageWidth, this.stage.stageHeight, true, 0xffffff);

        // left this here to show the steps and what it is doing
        // will slow down stage rendering though since there are potentially a lot of bitmaps being added to the stage
        this.addChild(new Bitmap(pointPixels));

        result = stagePixels.hitTest(zeroPoint, 0xff, pointPixels, zeroPoint);

        // for now, increase the search distance by 1 only, so can return true when it hits the shape for the first time.
        // This can be optimized to take larger steps (and smaller) steps as well with multiple probes.
        // ex:
        // take a big step (+50)... didn't hit shape
        // so take another big step (+50)... hit shape so we know the point is between the first 50 to 100
        // take maybe half a step back (-25)... hit shape, so we know the point is between the first 50 and 75
        // take another half step back (-12)... didn't hit shape so we know the point is between 62 abd 75...etc
        // thus can slowly close in on the result instead of taking every small step (would have tkaen 62+ checks to get to this point vs 5)
        // (and can also decide to quite early for a "good enough" result)
    return currentSearchDistance;

var dot:Point = new Point(100, 100); // input point here






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