单击 5 次后禁用单击



【中文标题】单击 5 次后禁用单击【英文标题】:Disable click after 5 clicks 【发布时间】:2018-06-07 11:50:51 【问题描述】:

table:eq(0) td 上单击 5 次后,我想禁用第一个功能,在table.dvojka td 上单击 2 次后,我想禁用第二个功能。

$("table:eq(0) td").click(function () 

$("table.dvojka td").click(function () 



您在哪里尝试禁用该按钮? 我猜它不是禁用按钮,而是删除单击处理事件侦听器。但你是对的,那个事件监听删除位发生在哪里? 【参考方案1】:

您首先需要创建至少两个跟踪点击的全局计数器。然后在每个点击事件处理程序中,您必须检查点击是否符合您的阈值。从那里您可以使用 off() 从每个 <td/> 中删除事件处理程序。

let clickCountOne = 0;
let clickCountTwo = 0;

$("table:eq(0) td").click(function() 

  if (clickCountOne === 5) 
    console.log('Click handler has been disabled for first table td');



$("table.dvojka td").click(function() 

  if (clickCountTwo === 2) 
    console.log('Click handler has been disabled for second table td');

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <td>Click Me</td>

<table class="dvojka">
  <td>Click Me Too</td>



我可能会建议在表格本身上使用数据属性来记录点击次数。单击任一表时,都会更新其计数属性。然后调用它的事件监听器,它将动态计数与静态限制器(手动输入到 DOM 节点)进行比较。如果计数超过限制,我使用 jQuery off() 函数删除该表的事件处理程序。


// Set my click counter to zero for all tables...
  $(this).data("clickCount", 0);

// Create the references to each table element.
var firstTable = $("table:eq(0)");
var secondTable = $("table.dvojka");

// Attach my event listeners...
firstTable.on("click", "td", firstFunc);
secondTable.on("click", "td", secondFunc);

 * Each table will maintain its own click count data attribute.
$("table td").on("click", function() 
  var clickedTable = $(this).parents("table");
  var clickCount = parseInt(clickedTable.data("clickCount")) + 1;
  var clickLimit = clickedTable.attr("data-clickLimiter");

    clickedTable.data("clickCount", clickCount);

 * The following functions are used in the event listeners for the
 *  tables, and are tracking their own count to determine when to
 *  disable themselves.
function firstFunc(evt)
  // the clickCount is dynamic, created by the program itself.
  //  The clickLimiter is a static attribute, defined on the DOM node manually.
  var clickCount = parseInt(firstTable.data("clickCount"));
  var clickLimit = parseInt(firstTable.attr("data-clickLimiter") );
  // Has the count exceeded our limit?
  if(clickCount >= clickLimit)
    // If it has, remove the event listener.
    firstTable.off("click", "td", firstFunc);
  console.log("You've clicked the first table "+
              clickCount + 
              " times. It has a limit of " +
              clickLimit +
              " clicks, or " +
              parseInt(clickLimit-clickCount) +
              " remaining");

function secondFunc()
  var clickCount = parseInt(secondTable.data("clickCount"));
  var clickLimit = parseInt(secondTable.attr("data-clickLimiter") );
  if(clickCount >= clickLimit)
    secondTable.off("click", "td", secondFunc);
  console.log("You've clicked the second table "+
              clickCount + 
              " times. It has a limit of " +
              clickLimit +
              " clicks, or " +
              parseInt(clickLimit-clickCount) +
              " remaining");
  background-color: #ccc;
  border: 1px solid black;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table data-clickLimiter=5>

<table class="dvojka" data-clickLimiter=2>



以上是关于单击 5 次后禁用单击的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

为啥单击 1 次后此按钮无用?

jQuery 在第一次切换后仅在 Safari iOS5 中单击 3 次后触发



单击两次后无法在 iOS 上输入 html 输入字段

需要 Javascript 代码帮助 - 单击四个按钮中的一个后如何禁用按钮(5 个按钮)