


【中文标题】如何对事件对象进行字符串化?【英文标题】:How to stringify event object? 【发布时间】:2012-07-17 20:38:55 【问题描述】:



TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON



TypeError: Accessing selectionEnd on an input element that cannot have a selection.



您是否尝试查看结构以从对象中提取某些方法,或者您想要stringify 它的目的是什么? 调试PhoneGap - 将数据结构、事件和堆栈跟踪发送到本机层 【参考方案1】:

您将无法使用 JSON.stringify 序列化事件对象,因为事件对象包含对 DOM 节点的引用,并且 DOM 到处都有循环引用(例如,子/父关系)。默认情况下 JSON 无法处理这些,所以你有点不走运。

我建议查看How to serialize DOM node to JSON even if there are circular references?,它对如何序列化 DOM 节点有一些建议。此外,以下问题似乎提供了有用的信息:

How to save an object with circular references? Stringify (convert to JSON) a javascript object with circular reference

能够处理循环引用的 JSON 库似乎是

JSON-js (see cycle.js) dojox.json.ref

或者,如果你不需要它们,你可以删除所有对 DOM 节点的引用,然后序列化对象。 毕竟你不应该这样做。见@PointedEars 评论:)


事件对象是host objects。 Do not mess with them,例如尝试删除其属性或分配给不应分配的属性。【参考方案2】:


JSON.stringify(evt, function(k, v) 
    if (v instanceof Node) 
        return 'Node';
    if (v instanceof Window) 
        return 'Window';
    return v;
, ' ');

2019 年更新:浏览器 API 发生了一些变化,这是一种公开事件原型链中所有可用键的方法

function stringifyEvent(e) 
  const obj = ;
  for (let k in e) 
    obj[k] = e[k];
  return JSON.stringify(obj, (k, v) => 
    if (v instanceof Node) return 'Node';
    if (v instanceof Window) return 'Window';
    return v;
  , ' ');


这也只导致isTrusted: true for MouseEvent's 我之所以对此表示反对,只是因为有限地使用了返回“节点”的函数,而不是您通常希望从事件对象中获得的所有信息。 @PrestonBadeer 您可以创建一个自定义算法来处理循环引用、返回构造函数名称、选择器等。这取决于您。【参考方案3】:


复制原始属性 为事件对象中的元素属性复制outerhtml 计算path属性的选择器路径(这样可以避免复制整个HTML页面的outerHTML)

// Calculate a string representation of a node's DOM path.
var pathToSelector = function(node) 
  if (!node || !node.outerHTML) 
    return null;

  var path;
  while (node.parentElement) 
    var name = node.localName;
    if (!name) break;
    name = name.toLowerCase();
    var parent = node.parentElement;

    var domSiblings = [];

    if (parent.children && parent.children.length > 0) 
      for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) 
        var sibling = parent.children[i];
        if (sibling.localName && sibling.localName.toLowerCase) 
          if (sibling.localName.toLowerCase() === name) 

    if (domSiblings.length > 1) 
      name += ':eq(' + domSiblings.indexOf(node) + ')';
    path = name + (path ? '>' + path : '');
    node = parent;

  return path;

// Generate a JSON version of the event.
var serializeEvent = function(e) 
  if (e) 
    var o = 
      eventName: e.toString(),
      altKey: e.altKey,
      bubbles: e.bubbles,
      button: e.button,
      buttons: e.buttons,
      cancelBubble: e.cancelBubble,
      cancelable: e.cancelable,
      clientX: e.clientX,
      clientY: e.clientY,
      composed: e.composed,
      ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey,
      currentTarget: e.currentTarget ? e.currentTarget.outerHTML : null,
      defaultPrevented: e.defaultPrevented,
      detail: e.detail,
      eventPhase: e.eventPhase,
      fromElement: e.fromElement ? e.fromElement.outerHTML : null,
      isTrusted: e.isTrusted,
      layerX: e.layerX,
      layerY: e.layerY,
      metaKey: e.metaKey,
      movementX: e.movementX,
      movementY: e.movementY,
      offsetX: e.offsetX,
      offsetY: e.offsetY,
      pageX: e.pageX,
      pageY: e.pageY,
      path: pathToSelector(e.path && e.path.length ? e.path[0] : null),
      relatedTarget: e.relatedTarget ? e.relatedTarget.outerHTML : null,
      returnValue: e.returnValue,
      screenX: e.screenX,
      screenY: e.screenY,
      shiftKey: e.shiftKey,
      sourceCapabilities: e.sourceCapabilities ? e.sourceCapabilities.toString() : null,
      target: e.target ? e.target.outerHTML : null,
      timeStamp: e.timeStamp,
      toElement: e.toElement ? e.toElement.outerHTML : null,
      type: e.type,
      view: e.view ? e.view.toString() : null,
      which: e.which,
      x: e.x,
      y: e.y

    console.log(JSON.stringify(o, null, 2));

// Create a mock event for this example
var evt = new MouseEvent("click", 
  bubbles: true,
  cancelable: true,
  view: window
var cb = document.getElementById("clicker");

// Add a click listener
cb.addEventListener("click", serializeEvent);

// Fire the event
  <button id="clicker" /> JSONify my click!



Alexander Shutau 给出的代码的改进版本,因为它处理多级对象 (ES6):

function stringify_object(object, depth=0, max_depth=2) 
    // change max_depth to see more levels, for a touch event, 2 is good
    if (depth > max_depth)
        return 'Object';

    const obj = ;
    for (let key in object) 
        let value = object[key];
        if (value instanceof Node)
            // specify which properties you want to see from the node
            value = id: value.id;
        else if (value instanceof Window)
            value = 'Window';
        else if (value instanceof Object)
            value = stringify_object(value, depth+1, max_depth);

        obj[key] = value;

    return depth? obj: JSON.stringify(obj);


stringify_object(event, 2);

例如,在一个 touchstart 事件中,我得到这个:

touchstart : "isTrusted":true,"touches":"0":"identifier":0,"target":"id":"screen","screenX":548,"screenY":281.5,"clientX":498.1817932128906,"clientY":185.90908813476562,"pageX":498.1817932128906,"pageY":185.90908813476562,"radiusX":29.77272605895996,"radiusY":27.954544067382812,"rotationAngle":0,"force":0.5,"length":1,"item":,"targetTouches":"0":"identifier":0,"target":"id":"screen","screenX":548,"screenY":281.5,"clientX":498.1817932128906,"clientY":185.90908813476562,"pageX":498.1817932128906,"pageY":185.90908813476562,"radiusX":29.77272605895996,"radiusY":27.954544067382812,"rotationAngle":0,"force":0.5,"length":1,"item":,"changedTouches":"0":"identifier":0,"target":"id":"screen","screenX":548,"screenY":281.5,"clientX":498.1817932128906,"clientY":185.90908813476562,"pageX":498.1817932128906,"pageY":185.90908813476562,"radiusX":29.77272605895996,"radiusY":27.954544067382812,"rotationAngle":0,"force":0.5,"length":1,"item":,"altKey":false,"metaKey":false,"ctrlKey":false,"shiftKey":false,"view":"Window","detail":0,"sourceCapabilities":"firesTouchEvents":true,"which":0,"initUIEvent":,"NONE":0,"CAPTURING_PHASE":1,"AT_TARGET":2,"BUBBLING_PHASE":3,"type":"touchstart","target":"id":"screen","currentTarget":"id":"screen","eventPhase":2,"bubbles":true,"cancelable":true,"defaultPrevented":false,"composed":true,"timeStamp":192516.7899999651,"srcElement":"id":"screen","returnValue":true,"cancelBubble":false,"path":"0":"id":"screen","1":"id":"back","2":"id":"","3":"id":"","4":,"5":"Window","composedPath":,"stopPropagation":,"stopImmediatePropagation":,"preventDefault":,"initEvent":



不确定它是否有帮助,但我只是在 Angular JS 文档中偶然发现了这一点:


 * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys
 * we need this to avoid circular references
function simpleKeys (original) 
  return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) 
    obj[key] = typeof original[key] === 'object' ? ' ... ' : original[key];
    return obj;
  , );




当在 touchevent 上使用它时,它只返回一个元素 isTrusted: true 所有其他MouseEvent's 相同【参考方案6】:

因此,问题在于 JSON.stringify 似乎在找到循环引用后立即退出。反正我对循环引用的属性不感兴趣。我得到其余的方法是

var str = ""
for (var key in data) 
  if (JSON.stringify(data[key]) !== "") 
    str += key + ":" + data[key]) + ",";

str += ""

这基本上会给你剩下的属性。为避免 JS 错误,您可以将 if 放入 try/catch。



只需使用 JSON.stringify(event) 即可,事件数据应转换为字符串。



为实例化的表单对象捕获 onClose 事件

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