


【中文标题】如何在stackview文本字段中快速获取otp的动态数字键盘中的数字【英文标题】:how to get number in stackview textfield form dynamic numeric pad for otp in swift 【发布时间】:2018-08-09 05:59:13 【问题描述】:

如何在 stackview 文本字段表单中获取数字,用于 swift 中的 otp 动态数字键盘

@IBAction func one(_ sender: Any) 

    operation = (sender as AnyObject).tag

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 1 
         textField1.text  = "0";

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 2 

        text1.text = "1";

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 3 

        text1.text = "2";

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 4 

        text1.text = "3";

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 5 

        text1.text = "4";

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 6

        text1.text = "5";

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 7 

        text1.text = "6";

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 8 

        text1.text = "7";

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 9 

        text1.text  = "8";

    if (sender as AnyObject).tag == 10 

        text1.text  = "9";



在您的按钮操作中,如果您将发件人类型设置为 UIButton,则所有 if 条件都是不必要的,因此您可以直接访问 UIButtoncurrentTitle 属性。另外,不要尝试从 stackView 获取 textField,您可以制作 IBOutletCollectionUITextField,如果您不知道如何男性化 IBOutletCollection,您可以关注此 medium documentation。创建一个字符串变量来存储OTP,并用它来为textField赋值

@IBOutlet var otpFields: [UITextField]! //Make sure you add textFields in proper order
var otpString = "" // to assign value to textField.

现在添加一种方法来将文本从 otpString 设置为 textFields,并更改您的按钮操作,如下所示。

func setupOTPFields() 
    for (index,ch) in otpString.enumerated() 
        otpFields[index].text = String(ch)

//action of 0-9 button
@IBAction func one(_ sender: UIButton) 
    if otpString.count <= 6  //Because you only have 6 character otp
        otpString += (sender.currentTitle ?? "")
        //Call setup field method

//action of c button
@IBAction func cButtonClick(_ sender: UIButton) 
    if !otpString.isEmpty 
        otpString = String(otpString.dropLast())
        //Call setup field method



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