如何在 Spring Cloud 数据流中使用 Rabbitmq binder
【中文标题】如何在 Spring Cloud 数据流中使用 Rabbitmq binder【英文标题】:How to use Rabbitmq binder in spring cloud dataflow stream 【发布时间】:2017-01-31 11:54:24 【问题描述】:我有一个基于给定时间间隔启动任务的流。我想与它一起使用rabbit binder,但我缺少提供rabbitmq 代理属性的语法。谁能帮帮我。
Here is the steps and configuration I have.
1. Imported apps using: app import --uri
2. Registered a task: app register --name task-sink --type sink --uri file://tasksink.jar
3. Created stream: stream create foo --definition "triggertask --triggertask.uri=file://task-file.jar --trigger.cron-expression=10 | task-sink"
4. stream deploy foo --properties "spring.rabbitmq.host=myhost, spring.rabbitmq.username=user,spring.rabbitmq.password=pass, spring.rabbitmq.port=5672,spring.rabbitmq.virtual-host=XXX"
When both stream and runtime apps are deployed but I see error on logs saying connection could not be established.
I changed the properties syntax to "spring.cloud.stream.bindings.rabbitmq.host" also but same error.
I am not sure I am not using correct syntax here but below are some different behaviour when i run it on *** and without ***.
Case 1: Both my machines (where SCDF is running and RabbitMQ broker) are in core network (***). Even if I run SCDF and RabbitMq on my local machine It does not work and says unable to resolve host.
Case 2: But when I run RabbitMQ and SCDF on my local machine (Not connected to ***) then it works fine with "spring.rabbitmq.username=user" properties syntax.
Is there any setting which I need to change to connect to different host system?
Thanks in advance for help and suggestion.
是正确的,但是由于您将其传递给 Spring Cloud Data Flow DSL 中的应用程序,因此您需要在其前面加上应用程序名称,即 app.triggertask.spring.rabbitmq.host
非常感谢马吕斯。是的,我错过了应用程序。应用程序名称。现在我的应用可以连接到主机了。以上是关于如何在 Spring Cloud 数据流中使用 Rabbitmq binder的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
spring cloud数据流API.1.7.3中如何使用dataflowtemplate
如何在 Spring Cloud 数据流中使用 Rabbitmq binder
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