具有内部函数和属性的 Swift 公共协议



【中文标题】具有内部函数和属性的 Swift 公共协议【英文标题】:Swift Public protocols with Internal functions and properties 【发布时间】:2017-02-06 15:22:49 【问题描述】:

我想知道在使用协议时,当我希望一些函数是公开的,而一些函数对我来说是内部的时,最佳实践是什么。我正在 Swift 3 中写一个 AudioManager strong> 将 AVPlayer 包装为框架。 我希望将一些方法公开,例如使用 AudioManager 的 ViewController 可以访问某些方法,但某些方法不会暴露在框架之外 -> 即具有访问修饰符 internal 而不是 public。 我在写具有协议驱动设计的框架,几乎每个部分都应该有一个协议。因此,协议与框架内的协议进行对话。 例如主类 - AudioManager - 有一个 AudioPlayer,并且应该能够在其上调用一些 internal 函数, 例如pause(reason:) 但该方法应该是 internal 并且不能暴露在框架之外。这是一个示例。

internal enum PauseReason 
    case byUser
    case routeChange

// Compilation error: `Public protocol cannot refine an internal protocol`
public protocol AudioPlayerProtocol: InternalAudioPlayerProtocol  
   func pause() // I want 

internal protocol InternalAudioPlayerProtocol 
    func pause(reason: PauseReason) // Should only be accessible within the framework

public class AudioPlayer: AudioPlayerProtocol 
    public func pause() 
        pause(reason: .byUser)

    // This would probably not compile because it is inside a public class...
    internal func pause(reason: PauseReason)  //I want this to be internal
        // save reason and to stuff with it later on

public protocol AudioManagerProtocol 
    var audioPlayer: AudioPlayerProtocol  get 

public class AudioManager: AudioManagerProtocol 
    public let audioPlayer: AudioPlayerProtocol

        audioPlayer = AudioPlayer()
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleRouteChange(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name.AVAudiosessionRouteChange, object: nil)

    func handleRouteChange(_ notification: Notification) 
        let userInfo = notification.userInfo,
        let reasonRaw = userInfo[AVAudioSessionRouteChangeReasonKey] as? NSNumber,
        let reason = AVAudioSessionRouteChangeReason(rawValue: reasonRaw.uintValue)
        else  print("what could not get route change") 
        switch reason 
        case .oldDeviceUnavailable:

private extension AudioManager 
    func pauseBecauseOfRouteChange() 
        audioPlayer.pause(reason: .routeChange)

// Outside of Audio framework
class PlayerViewController: UIViewController 
    fileprivate let audioManager: AudioManagerProtocol 
    @IBAction didPressPauseButton(_ sender: UIButton) 
        // I want the `user of the Audio framwwork` (in this case a ViewController)
        // to only be able to `see` `pause()` and not `pause(reason:)` 

我知道我可以通过将方法 pauseBecauseOfRouteChange 更改为如下所示来使其工作:

func pauseBecauseOfRouteChange() 
    guard let internalPlayer = audioPlayer as? InternalAudioPlayerProtocol else  return 
    internalPlayer.pause(reason: .routeChange)

但我想知道是否有更优雅的解决方案? 类似于标记AudioPlayerProtocol 精炼InternalAudioPlayerProtocol...






想象一个场景,有人使用您的框架想要为AudioPlayerProtocol 编写扩展,那么如果pause(reason:) 方法是内部的,那么如何实现它?


public class AudioPlayer: AudioPlayerProtocol 
    public func pause() 
        pause(reason: .byUser)

    internal func pause(reason: PauseReason) 





internal protocol InternalAudioPlayerProtocol 
    func pause(reason: PauseReason) 

public protocol AudioPlayerProtocol 
    func pause()

internal class InternalAudioPlayer: InternalAudioPlayerProtocol 
    internal func pause(reason: PauseReason)  

public class AudioPlayer: AudioPlayerProtocol  
    internal var base: InternalAudioPlayerProtocol

    internal init(base: InternalAudioPlayerProtocol) 
        self.base = base

    public func pause() 
        base.pause(reason: .byUser)

public protocol AudioManagerProtocol 
    var audioPlayer: AudioPlayerProtocol  get 

public class AudioManager: AudioManagerProtocol 
    internal let base = InternalAudioPlayer()
    public let audioPlayer: AudioPlayerProtocol

    public init() 
        audioPlayer = AudioPlayer(base: base)

    internal func handleSomeNotification()             
        pauseBecauseOfRouteChange() //amongst other things

    internal func pauseBecauseOfRouteChange() 
        base.pause(reason: .routeChange)



这是一个古老的话题,但实际上可以做的恰恰相反。 代替 publicProtocol 扩展 internalProtocol 有 internalProtocol 扩展 publicProtocol。

public protocol AudioPlayerProtocol  
   func pause() // I want 

internal protocol InternalAudioPlayerProtocol: AudioPlayerProtocol 
    func pause(reason: PauseReason) // Should only be accessible within the framework

public class AudioPlayer: InternalAudioPlayerProtocol 
    public func pause() 
        pause(reason: .byUser)

    internal func pause(reason: PauseReason)  
        //Do stuff


public class AudioManager: AudioManagerProtocol 
    public let audioPlayer: AudioPlayerProtocol
    private let intAudioPlayer: InternalAudioPlayerProtocol

        intAudioPlayer = AudioPlayer()
        audioPlayer = intAudioPlayer
    private func pauseBecauseOfRouteChange() 
        intAudioPlayer.pause(reason: .routeChange)


以上是关于具有内部函数和属性的 Swift 公共协议的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

JsonSerializer 在反序列化期间不使用内部构造函数

如何从具有隐藏变量名称(参数前的_)或内部+外部(例如 foo(with bar:))的 Objective-C 调用 Swift 函数


内部类和公共构造函数 - 为啥它与 Activator.CreateInstance 一起工作?


Swift 3:公共访问修饰符和内部访问修饰符之间的区别? [复制]