当 Xampp 连接时,我的 CSS 不会显示为好像它没有链接到我的 index.php,当它是



【中文标题】当 Xampp 连接时,我的 CSS 不会显示为好像它没有链接到我的 index.php,当它是【英文标题】:When Xampp is connected, my CSS wont show up as if it isn't linked to my index.php, when it is 【发布时间】:2015-03-15 08:03:14 【问题描述】:

好的。我已经看到我的网站使用 html 扩展名在运行,现在我正在尝试将它上传到我的本地 Xampp 服务器,以便我可以将 php 附加到它。所以现在它肯定是有联系的,因为我写了一个小脚本来打印出放入表单的信息并且脚本工作。唯一的问题是,当我从我的编辑器运行网站时,CSS 应用得很好,就像我想要的那样。但是当我从本地主机运行它以便脚本也可以运行时,我丢失了我的 CSS,并且我的链接似乎都不可点击或连接。我已经审查 PHP 教程 3 天了,当通过 xampp localhost 时,我似乎无法让我的页面提供 CSS 和所有连接的链接。


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                “What became of the Black People of Sumer?” the traveler asked the old man,<br> 
                “for ancient records show that the people of Sumer were Black.  <br>
                What happened to them?”  “Ah,” the old man sighed.<br>
                “They lost their history, so they died.”<br>
                                                           - A Sumer Legend
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                        <h3>About the Host - Malik Green</h3>
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                <br>Malik Green is the author of “The Black-Print - Black America's Blueprint for Achieving Wealth, Prosperity and Respect”; and the founder of the Committee to Organize the One Black Family, 
                an organization with a mission to inform, educate, inspire, and unite the Black people of America.  This organization is seriously committed to the social, spiritual, political and economic
                advancement of African Americans and Black people throughout the world. 
                <br>Malik is also the host of “Black America Rising” a bi-weekly internet radio show dedicated to the same purpose as his book and organizing committee.  
                His energy and passion for Africans is broadly displayed as he delves into the issues negatively effecting Black people.  His consistent and insistent call for unity among African Americans.  
                The show focuses on providing solutions to the myriad of social, spiritual, political and economic challenges facing Blacks in America.
                <br>As the former editor of the blog www.Insightful-Opinion.com; Malik provided political and social commentary on the current state of Black America and America as a whole. 
                Mr. Green's ultimate goal is to help forge unity and love among our people which is paramount in quest to achieve wealth, prosperity and respect here in America and throughout the world. 


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                <h3>Black America Rising Internet Radio Show   </h3>
                    It’s now time for us as a people to take responsibility for our own destiny.  We must realize that the only thing that can stop us, is us!  
                    We must develop the plans, strategies, and organizational structure that will help us meet our challenges and put our people on a path
                    of prosperity never realized in America.  Hoping and waiting for the opposition to bring forth solutions and resources to our people is somewhat delusional. 
                    History is a revealer of truth.  Our history in America has been a struggle to say the least from day one. 
                    What will it take for America to respect the Black people in America?  Answer:  When we stop relying on fiery speeches,
                    protesting and denouncing injustices, relying on politics and politicians as our primary methods for the resolution of our challenges.  
                    These methods indicate weakness; we can no longer be reactive and emotional when we are challenged by the opposition. 
                     The cry for jobs, justice, equality and fairness of opportunity portrays us an inferior people, who is always hat-in-hand.  We must educate our people about our history, 
                     our forefathers and their great achievements to mankind and the creators of the first great civilization.  We must inspire our people to reclaim the greatest of our ancestors, 
                    or else continue on this most dreadful path of self-destruction.



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以上是关于当 Xampp 连接时,我的 CSS 不会显示为好像它没有链接到我的 index.php,当它是的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


CSS / HTML / JS 不更新 XAMPP(本地开发)

CSS / HTML / JS 不更新 XAMPP(本地开发)

CSS 不会在 XAMPP 上的 Laravel 8 + Jetstream 中加载

CSS 样式表更改未显示在 localhost (XAMPP)

MySQL 数据库不会启动 XAMPP