


【中文标题】Windows下将pypi中的kerberos添加到Anaconda【英文标题】:Add kerberos from pypi to Anaconda under Windows 【发布时间】:2014-10-28 12:33:14 【问题描述】:


我想将kerberos 包添加到 Anaconda 但不知道如何操作。

我尝试过使用 conda 命令行:pip install kerberos,但失败了。


这是来自 pip 的错误日志:

C:\Users\woodas\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\Scripts\gcc.bat -DMS_WIN64 -mdll -O -Wall -IC:\Users\woodas\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\include -IC:\Users\woodas\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\PC -c src/kerberos.c -o build\\Release\src\kerberos.o '' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.    
    gcc.exe: error: '': No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: is: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: not: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: recognized: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: as: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: an: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: internal: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: or: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: external: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: command,: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: operable: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: program: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: or: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: batch: No such file or directory
    gcc.exe: error: file.: No such file or directory
    error: command   'C:\\Users\\woodas\\AppData\\Local\\Continuum\\Anaconda\\Scripts\\gcc.bat' failed with exit status 1  
    Complete output from command   C:\Users\woodas\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\python.exe -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='c:\\users\\woodas\\appdata\\local\\temp\\pip_build_woodas\\kerberos\\';exec(compile(getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" install --record c:\users\woodas\appdata\local\temp\pip-guybp4-record\install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile:  
    running install
running build
running build_ext
building 'kerberos' extension
creating build
creating build\
creating build\\Release
creating build\\Release\src
C:\Users\woodas\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\Scripts\gcc.bat -DMS_WIN64 -mdll -O -Wall -IC:\Users\woodas\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\include -IC:\Users\woodas\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\PC -c src/kerberos.c -o build\\Release\src\kerberos.o '' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
gcc.exe: error: '': No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: is: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: not: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: recognized: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: as: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: an: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: internal: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: or: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: external: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: command,: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: operable: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: program: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: or: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: batch: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: error: file.: No such file or directory
error: command 'C:\\Users\\woodas\\AppData\\Local\\Continuum\\Anaconda\\Scripts\\gcc.bat' failed with exit status 1


您能否将pip install 失败时的错误消息提供给我们,这样会更容易为您提供帮助。 尝试运行 conda remove libpython 并再次运行 pip install。 @asmeurer 不幸的是没有帮助 我认为 kerberos 包有问题。它可能不支持 Windows。 【参考方案1】:

Anaconda comes with kerberos_sspi 是“API 级别相当于 kerberos python 包,但不是使用 MIT krb5 包,而是使用 windows sspi 功能”。

如果你有旧版本的 Anaconda 没有安装 kerberos_sspi,你可以通过 conda install -c anaconda kerberos_sspi 安装它



使用 Rstudio windows 中的 R rJDBC 包连接到 hive(启用了 kerbero)

建立Windows AD对Kerberos的单向信任(允许使用域账号登录Kerberos集群)

建立Windows AD对Kerberos的单向信任(允许使用域账号登录Kerberos集群)

建立从Kerberos到Windows AD的单向信任(允许域账号登录Kerberos集群)

在Windows Server 2008 R2上启用Kerberos事件日志
