使用 Amazon SNS 在 Android GCM 中仅接收默认消息



【中文标题】使用 Amazon SNS 在 Android GCM 中仅接收默认消息【英文标题】:Receiving only default message in Android GCM using Amazon SNS 【发布时间】:2016-11-15 14:05:58 【问题描述】:

我正在服务器上实现通知服务,将通知推送到 android 和 Iphone。

我目前遇到的问题是我正在测试的 Android 设备只收到默认消息。



string smsMessageString = "\"default\": \"This is the default message which must be present when publishing a message to a topic. The default message will only be " +
                                                    " used if a message is not present for one of the notification platforms.\"," +
                                    "\"APNS\": \"aps\": \"alert\": \"Check out these awesome deals!\",\"url\": \"www.amazon.com\"," +
                                    "\"GCM\": \"data\": \"message\": \"Check out these awesome deals!\",\"url\": \"www.amazon.com\"," +
                                    "\"ADM\": \"data\": \"message\": \"Check out these awesome deals!\",\"url\": \"www.amazon.com\"";

        var smsMessage = new SmsMessageObj
            smsMessageSubject = "Test Message", 
            smsMessageBody = smsMessageString

        snsClient.SendPush(endpointArn, smsMessage);

SendPush 如下:-

    public void SendPush(string endpointArn, SmsMessageObj msg)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpointArn))
            throw new Exception("Endpoint ARN was null");

        var pushMsg = new PublishRequest
            Message = msg.smsMessageBody,
            MessageStructure = "json",
            Subject = msg.smsMessageSubject,
            TargetArn = endpointArn



我是否需要添加更多内容才能获得“正确”的 Android 通知?

我需要 app.config 中的任何内容吗?




我已经解决了这个问题。我需要做的就是将 Json 字符串化。也许它会在未来帮助别人。所以我所做的是:-

        var apns_Json = "\"aps\": \"alert\": \"Check out these awesome deals_Apple!\",\"url\": \"www.amazon.com\"";
        var gcm_Json = "\"data\": \"message\": \"Check out these awesome deals_Google!\",\"url\": \"www.amazon.com\"";
        var adm_Json = "\"data\": \"message\": \"Check out these awesome deals!\",\"url\": \"www.amazon.com\"";

        string smsMessageString = "\"default\": \"This is the default message which must be present when publishing a message to a topic. The default message will only be " +
                                        " used if a message is not present for one of the notification platforms.\"," +
                        "\"APNS\": " + JsonConvert.ToString(apns_Json) + "," +
                        "\"GCM\": " + JsonConvert.ToString(gcm_Json) + "," +
                        "\"ADM\": " + JsonConvert.ToString(adm_Json) + "";


以上是关于使用 Amazon SNS 在 Android GCM 中仅接收默认消息的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

向 Amazon SNS 移动推送服务注册移动/Android 终端节点

使用 Amazon SNS 服务发送推送通知

未收到来自 Amazon SNS 的 GCM 推送通知

Amazon SNS GCM/FCM 消息负载

Amazon SNS GCM 推送通知中没有标题

如何使用 Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) 批量发送数百万个推送通知