从 plist 读取,然后将对象保存到不同的 plist iOS



【中文标题】从 plist 读取,然后将对象保存到不同的 plist iOS【英文标题】:Reading from a plist and then saving objects to a different plist iOS 【发布时间】:2012-10-26 18:46:44 【问题描述】:


基本上我有一个静态 plist 文件。我不想改变它的内容。 plist 文件是从 plist 读取并存储在 NSArray 中的字典数组,数据显示在表格上。这是完整且简单的部分!

我现在想做的是有一个 plist,它将用户对从静态 plist 数组读取的对象的收藏夹存储到收藏夹的 NSMutableArray 中。每当用户选择收藏夹部分时,都需要将该数组读入收藏夹表中

这个概念真的很简单,用户将按下“添加到收藏夹按钮”,字典对象将被添加到收藏夹数组中,但我的问题是正确检查收藏夹 plist 是否存在。如果是,则将该数据读入收藏夹数组。如果 is 不存在,则创建一个空的 plist,它仍然会读入收藏夹数组,但它是空的。




我自己也遇到了这个问题,第一次尝试做同样的事情。主要问题是您不能写入不存在的 plist。因此,您需要在捆绑包中制作一个,并将其复制到您需要的位置,“如果它不存在”。这是一个例子。这不仅仅是“最小”,但我认为它解释了问题。结果是通过将某些内容存储在文档目录中某处的“data.plist”中,从而从一次运行转移到另一次运行。


#import "ViewController.h"

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController

// In order for ANY of this to work, you need to make a data.plist in your supporting files, in your project,
// before compiling and running
// The plist should, at very least, have a single row with key "key1" and value "value1"

// returns path where plist file is
// "internal" means whether we want from one baked into the app (which is read-only, by the way), or one in our documents dir
-(NSString *)localPathForPlist:(NSString *)name internal:(bool)internal

    if( internal ) return [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:name ofType:@"plist"];
    NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
    return [documentsDirectory
               // this just adds name and ".plist" to make a filename something like "data.plist"
               stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", name, @".plist"]

// write value to key, either in internal plist or not
-(void) writeToPlist:(NSString *)key setValue:(NSString *)value internal:(bool)internal

    NSString* path = [ self localPathForPlist:@"data" internal:internal ];
    NSMutableDictionary *plistData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
    [plistData setObject:value forKey:key];
    [plistData writeToFile:path atomically:YES];

// read value from key, either in internal plist or not
-(NSString *) readFromPlist:(NSString *)key internal:(bool)internal

    NSString* path = [ self localPathForPlist:@"data" internal:internal ];
    NSMutableDictionary *plistData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
    return (NSString *)[plistData valueForKey:key];

- (void)viewDidLoad

    [super viewDidLoad];

    // here we go through all the different cases, trying to edit things internally and in externally,
    // and copying the internal one to the external location, towards the end, if it's not already there

    NSString *localPath    = [self localPathForPlist:@"data" internal:FALSE];
    NSString *internalPath = [self localPathForPlist:@"data" internal:TRUE];

    NSLog( @"local path=%@", localPath );

    NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    BOOL localPlistExists = [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:localPath];

    // the first time you run this, it'll do one, then the other for all other runs:
    if( localPlistExists ) NSLog( @"local plist exists" );
    else                   NSLog( @"local plist does NOT exist" );

    NSLog( @"key1's value from internal=%@", [self readFromPlist:@"key1" internal:TRUE ] );
    NSLog( @"key1's value from external=%@", [self readFromPlist:@"key1" internal:FALSE] );

    NSLog( @"setting internal key1 to new-value1" );
    [self writeToPlist:@"key1" setValue:@"new-value1" internal:TRUE ];

    NSLog( @"setting external key1 to new-value1" );
    [self writeToPlist:@"key1" setValue:@"new-value1" internal:FALSE];

    NSLog( @"key1's value from internal=%@", [self readFromPlist:@"key1" internal:TRUE ] );
    NSLog( @"key1's value from external=%@", [self readFromPlist:@"key1" internal:FALSE] );

    // the first time you run this, it'll do one, then the other for all other runs:
    if( localPlistExists ) NSLog( @"since local plist exists, leaving alone" );
        NSLog( @"since local plist does NOT exist, cloning from internal copy");
        [fileManager copyItemAtPath:internalPath toPath:localPath error:nil];

    NSLog( @"key1's value from internal=%@", [self readFromPlist:@"key1" internal:TRUE ] );
    NSLog( @"key1's value from external=%@", [self readFromPlist:@"key1" internal:FALSE] );

    NSLog( @"setting internal key1 to new-value1" );
    [self writeToPlist:@"key1" setValue:@"new-value1" internal:TRUE ];

    NSLog( @"setting external key1 to new-value1" );
    [self writeToPlist:@"key1" setValue:@"new-value1" internal:FALSE];

    NSLog( @"key1's value from internal=%@", [self readFromPlist:@"key1" internal:TRUE ] );
    NSLog( @"key1's value from external=%@", [self readFromPlist:@"key1" internal:FALSE] );

    // notice that from one run to another, changes to the internal one don't "carry over", because it's read-only
    // but ones in the external one do

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning

    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.





以上是关于从 plist 读取,然后将对象保存到不同的 plist iOS的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

iPhone Dev - 从 Plist 编辑数组中的对象

如何将自定义数组保存/重新加载到 plist

从 plist 读取对象到 NSArray

将 UIImage 保存到 plist 问题 (SWIFT)

如何将对象从 fetchedResultsController 到 Plist?

核心数据 - 将实体保存为 pList / 字典