读取引发的 Firebase 身份验证错误(Firebase 3.x 和 Swift)



【中文标题】读取引发的 Firebase 身份验证错误(Firebase 3.x 和 Swift)【英文标题】:Reading Firebase Auth Error Thrown (Firebase 3.x and Swift) 【发布时间】:2016-09-23 19:29:55 【问题描述】:

我无法弄清楚如何在新版本的 Firebase 中读取 FIRAuthErrorNameKey。以下是我到目前为止的内容,但是“let errorCode = FIRAuthErrorNameKey”行不正确。通过阅读Firebase documentation,我还尝试从 userInfo 访问错误代码,但没有成功,我没有想法。

 // Send request to Firebase to add user to register user
 FIRAuth.auth()?.createUserWithEmail(emailTextField.text!, password: passwordTextField.text!, completion:  (user, error) in

        // Check for errors and respond to user accordingly.
        if error != nil 

            let errorCode = FIRAuthErrorNameKey

            switch errorCode 

            case "FIRAuthErrorCodeEmailAlreadyInUse":

                // Add logic accordingly

            case ...:

               // Add logic accordingly

            case default:

              // Add logic accordingly



我关注了accepted answer,但switch cases 发生了变化,数据类型为AuthErrorCode。这是更新的switch cases。我收到了其中的 77 个from here:

Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: emailTextField.text!, password: password)  [weak self] (user, error) in

    if let error = error 

        if let errCode = AuthErrorCode(rawValue: error._code) 

             self?.alertUser(of: errCode)

func alertUser(of errorCode: AuthErrorCode) 
    switch errorCode 
    case .accountExistsWithDifferentCredential:
        print("0- Indicates account linking is required.")
    case .adminRestrictedOperation:
        print("1- Indicates that the operation is admin restricted.")
    case .appNotAuthorized:
        print("2- Indicates the App is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication with the provided API Key.")
    case .appNotVerified:
        print("3- Indicates that the app could not be verified by Firebase during phone number authentication.")
    case .appVerificationUserInteractionFailure:
        print("4- Indicates a general failure during the app verification flow.")
    case .captchaCheckFailed:
        print("5- Indicates that the reCAPTCHA token is not valid.")
    case .credentialAlreadyInUse:
        print("6- Indicates an attempt to link with a credential that has already been linked with a different Firebase account")
    case .customTokenMismatch:
        print("7- Indicates the service account and the API key belong to different projects.")
    case .dynamicLinkNotActivated:
        print("8- Indicates that a Firebase Dynamic Link is not activated.")
    case .emailAlreadyInUse:
        print("9- Indicates the email used to attempt a sign up is already in use.")
    case .emailChangeNeedsVerification:
        print("10- Indicates that the a verifed email is required to changed to.")
    case .expiredActionCode:
        print("11- Indicates the OOB code is expired.")
    case .gameKitNotLinked:
        print("12- Indicates that the GameKit framework is not linked prior to attempting Game Center signin.")
    case .internalError:
        print("13- Indicates an internal error occurred.")
    case .invalidActionCode:
        print("15- Indicates the OOB code is invalid.")
    case .invalidAPIKey:
        print("15- Indicates an invalid API key was supplied in the request.")
    case .invalidAppCredential:
        print("16- Indicates that an invalid APNS device token was used in the verifyClient request.")
    case .invalidClientID:
        print("17- Indicates that the clientID used to invoke a web flow is invalid.")
    case .invalidContinueURI:
        print("18- Indicates that the domain specified in the continue URI is not valid.")
    case .invalidCredential:
        print("19- Indicates the IDP token or requestUri is invalid.")
    case .invalidCustomToken:
        print("20- Indicates a validation error with the custom token.")
    case .invalidDynamicLinkDomain:
        print("21- Indicates that the Firebase Dynamic Link domain used is either not configured or is unauthorized for the current project.")
    case .invalidEmail:
        print("22- Indicates the email is invalid.")
    case .invalidMessagePayload:
        print("23- Indicates that there are invalid parameters in the payload during a 'send password reset email' attempt.")
    case .invalidMultiFactorSession:
        print("24- Indicates that the multi factor session is invalid.")
    case .invalidPhoneNumber:
        print("25- Indicates that an invalid phone number was provided in a call to verifyPhoneNumber:completion:.")
    case .invalidProviderID:
        print("26- Represents the error code for when the given provider id for a web operation is invalid.")
    case .invalidRecipientEmail:
        print("27- Indicates that the recipient email is invalid.")
    case .invalidSender:
        print("28- Indicates that the sender email is invalid during a “send password reset email” attempt.")
    case .invalidUserToken:
        print("29- Indicates user’s saved auth credential is invalid, the user needs to sign in again.")
    case .invalidVerificationCode:
        print("30- Indicates that an invalid verification code was used in the verifyPhoneNumber request.")
    case .invalidVerificationID:
        print("31- Indicates that an invalid verification ID was used in the verifyPhoneNumber request.")
    case .keychainError:
        print("32- Indicates an error occurred while attempting to access the keychain.")
    case .localPlayerNotAuthenticated:
        print("33- Indicates that the local player was not authenticated prior to attempting Game Center signin.")
    case .maximumSecondFactorCountExceeded:
        print("34- Indicates that the maximum second factor count is exceeded.")
    case .malformedJWT:
        print("35- Raised when a JWT fails to parse correctly. May be accompanied by an underlying error describing which step of the JWT parsing process failed.")
    case .missingandroidPackageName:
        print("36- Indicates that the android package name is missing when the androidInstallApp flag is set to true.")
    case .missingAppCredential:
        print("37- Indicates that the APNS device token is missing in the verifyClient request.")
    case .missingAppToken:
        print("38- Indicates that the APNs device token could not be obtained. The app may not have set up remote notification correctly, or may fail to forward the APNs device token to FIRAuth if app delegate swizzling is disabled.")
    case .missingContinueURI:
        print("39- Indicates that a continue URI was not provided in a request to the backend which requires one.")
    case .missingClientIdentifier:
        print("40- Indicates an error for when the client identifier is missing.")
    case .missingEmail:
        print("41- Indicates that an email address was expected but one was not provided.")
    case .missingiosBundleID:
        print("42- Indicates that the iOS bundle ID is missing when a iOS App Store ID is provided.")
    case .missingMultiFactorSession:
        print("43- Indicates that the multi factor session is missing.")
    case .missingOrInvalidNonce:
        print("44- Indicates that the nonce is missing or invalid.")
    case .missingPhoneNumber:
        print("45- Indicates that a phone number was not provided in a call to verifyPhoneNumber:completion.")
    case .missingVerificationCode:
        print("46- Indicates that the phone auth credential was created with an empty verification code.")
    case .missingVerificationID:
        print("47- Indicates that the phone auth credential was created with an empty verification ID.")
    case .missingMultiFactorInfo:
        print("48- Indicates that the multi factor info is missing.")
    case .multiFactorInfoNotFound:
        print("49- Indicates that the multi factor info is not found.")
    case .networkError:
        print("50- Indicates a network error occurred (such as a timeout, interrupted connection, or unreachable host). These types of errors are often recoverable with a retry. The NSUnderlyingError field in the NSError.userInfo dictionary will contain the error encountered.")
        print("51- Indicates an attempt to unlink a provider that is not linked.")
    case .notificationNotForwarded:
        print("52- Indicates that the app fails to forward remote notification to FIRAuth.")
    case .nullUser:
        print("53- Indicates that a non-null user was expected as an argmument to the operation but a null user was provided.")
    case .operationNotAllowed:
        print("54- Indicates the administrator disabled sign in with the specified identity provider.")
    case .providerAlreadyLinked:
        print("55- Indicates an attempt to link a provider to which the account is already linked.")
    case .quotaExceeded:
        print("56- Indicates that the quota of SMS messages for a given project has been exceeded.")
    case .rejectedCredential:
        print("57- Indicates that the credential is rejected because it’s misformed or mismatching.")
    case .requiresRecentLogin:
        print("58- Indicates the user has attemped to change email or password more than 5 minutes after signing in.")
    case .secondFactorAlreadyEnrolled:
        print("59- Indicates that the second factor is already enrolled.")
    case .secondFactorRequired:
        print("60- Indicates that the second factor is required for signin.")
    case .sessionExpired:
        print("61- Indicates that the SMS code has expired.")
    case .tooManyRequests:
        print("62- Indicates that too many requests were made to a server method.")
    case .unauthorizedDomain:
        print("63- Indicates that the domain specified in the continue URL is not whitelisted in the Firebase console.")
    case .unsupportedFirstFactor:
        print("64- Indicates that the first factor is not supported.")
    case .unverifiedEmail:
        print("65- Indicates that the email is required for verification.")
    case .userDisabled:
        print("66- Indicates the user’s account is disabled on the server.")
    case .userMismatch:
        print("67- Indicates that an attempt was made to reauthenticate with a user which is not the current user.")
    case .userNotFound:
        print("68- Indicates the user account was not found.")
    case .userTokenExpired:
        print("69- Indicates the saved token has expired, for example, the user may have changed account password on another device. The user needs to sign in again on the device that made this request.")
    case .weakPassword:
        print("70- Indicates an attempt to set a password that is considered too weak.")
    case .webContextAlreadyPresented:
        print("71- Indicates that an attempt was made to present a new web context while one was already being presented.")
    case .webContextCancelled:
        print("72- Indicates that the URL presentation was cancelled prematurely by the user.")
    case .webInternalError:
        print("73- Indicates that an internal error occurred within a SFSafariViewController or WKWebView.")
    case .webNetworkRequestFailed:
        print("74- Indicates that a network request within a SFSafariViewController or WKWebView failed.")
    case .wrongPassword:
        print("75- Indicates the user attempted sign in with a wrong password.")
    case .webSignInUserInteractionFailure:
        print("76- Indicates a general failure during a web sign-in flow.")
        print("77- Unknown error occurred")



这是使用 Xamarin.iOS 的解决方案

您需要捕获一个 NSErrorException,它是 c# 包装的 NSError

    await auth.CreateUserAsync(email, password);
  catch (NSErrorException e)
    throw new Exception(e.Error.LocalizedDescription);



似乎没有一个答案是最新的,这是我目前在 Swift 3.x、FirebaseAuth 4.0.0 上所做的

Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password)  (user, error) in

        if let error = error as NSError? 

            guard let errorCode = AuthErrorCode(rawValue: error.code) else 

                print("there was an error logging in but it could not be matched with a firebase code")


            switch errorCode 

            case .invalidEmail:

                print("invalid email")



这是正确的答案,firebase 提供了一个错误,我们应该强制转换为 NSError【参考方案4】:

Firebase 对代码进行了一些更改,如果您是 Firebase 的新手,您需要一些时间才能让代码正常工作。我花了将近 3 个小时来弄清楚发生了什么。这是它现在的样子:

Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: password)  (user: User?, error) in

        if error != nil 
        // Handle the error (i.e notify the user of the error)

            if let errCode = AuthErrorCode(rawValue: error!._code) 

                switch errCode 
                case .invalidEmail:
                    print("invalid email")
                case .emailAlreadyInUse:
                    print("in use")
                    print("Other error!")





let errcode = FIRAuthErrorCode(rawValue: error!._code)
    if errcode == FIRAuthErrorCode.errorCodeRequiresRecentLogin

            //do error handling here




试试这个。这对我有用。此外,在将其粘贴到您的项目中之后。如果您需要查看所有FIRAuthErrorCode 代码。将鼠标悬停在.ErrorCodeInvalidEmail 上,然后按下鼠标左键,它会显示其余部分。


        FIRAuth.auth()?.createUserWithEmail(email, password: password)  (user, error) in

            if error != nil 

                if let errCode = FIRAuthErrorCode(rawValue: error!._code) 

                    switch errCode 
                        case .ErrorCodeInvalidEmail:
                            print("invalid email")
                        case .ErrorCodeEmailAlreadyInUse:
                            print("in use")
                            print("Create User Error: \(error!)")

                print("all good... continue")


工作就像一个魅力!感谢您的帮助并考虑如何查找错误代码。不幸的是,我永远无法弄清楚如何在 Firebase 指南页面 (firebase.google.com/docs/auth/ios/errors) 上使用字符串错误代码,但这可以解决问题! Firebase 现在已经删除了他们调用前的FIR。所以它只是AuthErrorCode 他们似乎也稍微重命名了错误枚举。如果您输入case .,那么您将看到所有这些。【参考方案7】:

从 sn-p 看来,您似乎正在尝试使用错误代码,而不是交换机中的 FIRAuthErrorNameKey。在这种情况下,您要使用的是回调中返回的 NSError 对象的错误代码。 使用:

let errorCode = error.code

这样,您的 errorCode 变量将包含返回的错误代码,您可以继续执行错误处理逻辑。


感谢您让我走上正轨的想法。这在技术上不适用于我上面的设置,因为 .code 返回一个 int。它可以通过重新处理我的代码以匹配错误代码来工作。我在 Firebase 指南中找不到这些,但如果您按照 the_pantless_coder 概述的方法查看其他答案中的所有错误代码,您可以在那里获得 int 错误代码。谢谢!

以上是关于读取引发的 Firebase 身份验证错误(Firebase 3.x 和 Swift)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Unity 中的 Google Firebase 身份验证:如何读取错误代码

Firebase 身份验证和谷歌云翻译

Firebase 身份验证用户为空

找不到在 Angular 中导入 Firebase 身份验证

带有 WebView 的 Flutter 应用中的 Firebase 身份验证
