从 iOS Swift 中的 cam 扫描仪 SDK 返回时,WKwebview 是空白屏幕?



【中文标题】从 iOS Swift 中的 cam 扫描仪 SDK 返回时,WKwebview 是空白屏幕?【英文标题】:WKwebview is blank white screen when returning from cam scanner SDK in iOS Swift? 【发布时间】:2020-01-22 17:49:27 【问题描述】:

我已将 iframe 表单加载到 wkwebview 中,并且工作正常。当点击 iframe 内的扫描仪按钮并打开相机扫描文档时,文档上传到服务器后,它将返回 wkweb 视图,但此处 wkweb 视图未刷新并显示空白屏幕。

这是我的 wkweb 视图代码:

    private func loadWebView()

    webView.uiDelegate = self
    webView.allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures = true

             guard let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "index", ofType: "html")
                     // File Error
                     print ("File reading error")

             let contents =  try String(contentsOfFile: filePath, encoding: .utf8)
             let baseUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: "https://url")

                self.webView.loadHTMLString(contents as String, baseURL: baseUrl)


             print ("File HTML error")

    webView.configuration.preferences.javascriptEnabled = true
    webView.configuration.userContentController.add(self, name: "jsHandler")
    webView.configuration.userContentController.add(self, name: "saveHandler")
    webView.configuration.userContentController.add(self, name: "openCamera")

func makeSaveForm(ProcessInstanceId: String, FullFormKey: String, TaskIdValue: String, FormValues: String) -> saveFormModel 

        let newForm = saveFormModel()
        newForm.ProcessInstanceId = ProcessInstanceId
        newForm.FullFormKey = FullFormKey
        newForm.TaskIdValue = TaskIdValue
        newForm.FormValues = FormValues

        return newForm


func ProcessInstanceIDApiCall(ProcessInstId: String)

        let authToken = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "authToken")
        print("id for process instance", ProcessInstId)
                          let bearerToken: String = "Bearer " + (authToken ?? "")
                          print("baearer token::\(bearerToken)")

        let headers:HTTPHeaders = ["Content-Type":"Application/json",
                                  "Authorization": "Bearer " + (authToken ?? ""),

    AF.request("https://api url/process-instance/\(ProcessInstId)/variables", method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: headers).responseJSON  (response:AFDataResponse<Any>) in

        print("process instance id api",response.result)

        switch response.result 
            case .success:

                print("instance response", response.value )
                guard let data = response.value  else 
//                       print("request failed \(error)")


                self.anyValueJson = response.value

                self.jsonStringProcessInstanceID = self.JSONStringify(value: data as AnyObject)

                print("raw response: \(String(describing: self.jsonStringProcessInstanceID))")

                case .failure(let error):
                    print("Error:", error)


    //api call end

public func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) 

    if message.name == "jsHandler" 
       //  print(message.body)

     else if message.name == "saveHandler" 

        let values = message.body
        let jsonString = JSONStringify(value: values as AnyObject)

        formValues = jsonString

        let newSaveForm = self.makeSaveForm(ProcessInstanceId:  self.processInstanceId ?? "", FullFormKey: self.fullFormKey ?? "", TaskIdValue: self.taskIdValue ?? "", FormValues: jsonString )

        //realm create/update saveform based task id
        let realm = try! Realm()
        if realm.object(ofType: saveFormModel.self, forPrimaryKey: newSaveForm.TaskIdValue) != nil 
            try! realm.write 
                print("already exist")
                //.all is equivalent to true and .error is equivalent to false
                realm.add(newSaveForm, update: .all)

            try! realm.write 
                print("new document written")
                realm.add(newSaveForm) //RLMException occurs here

     else if message.name == "openCamera" 

      print("open camera",message.body)

        let base64Encoded = message.body
        let jsonString = JSONStringify(value: base64Encoded as AnyObject)

            if let json = jsonString.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)
                if let jsonData = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: json, options: .allowFragments) as? [String:AnyObject]

                    let id = jsonData["scannerData"] as! String
                    print("scanner data ::", id)

                    let vc1 =  ScannerViewController()

                    let v = vc1.scanParameters(scannerDataBase64: id)

                    print("v", v)

                    let newVC = A8Scan(self)



   func loadFormView()

      let setPath = "https://api url/\(formKey ?? "")/index.html";
            let js = "setFrame('" + setPath + "')";

            webView.evaluateJavaScript(js)  (r, error) in

                if error == nil 

                    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2.0)

                        print(r ?? "empty")

                        let realm = try! Realm()
                        let object = realm.object(ofType: saveFormModel.self, forPrimaryKey: self.taskIdValue)
                        print("object", object ?? "")

                        print("json api string", self.jsonStringProcessInstanceID ?? "")

                        let authValue =  "Bearer  \(self.authTokenValue ?? "")"

                        if object?.FullFormKey != nil 
                               if let jsonStr = self.jsonStringProcessInstanceID 
                            let l = "loadform('\(object?.FullFormKey ?? "")', '\(authValue)', '\(object?.ProcessInstanceId ?? "")', \(object?.FormValues ?? ""), \(jsonStr))"
                            self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(l, completionHandler: nil)


                            if let jsonStr = self.jsonStringProcessInstanceID 

                                print("json str::::", jsonStr)

                                let l = "loadform('\(self.fullFormKey ?? "")', '\( authValue)', '\(self.processInstanceId ?? "")', \(jsonStr))"
                                self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(l, completionHandler: nil)


                        self.tapCallback = 

                            print("tap called save")
    //                        let s = "submitEvent('\(self.saveArg)')"
                                let save = "submitEvent('save');"

                            self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(save, completionHandler: nil)



                    print("web view didfinish loading error",error)


   public func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) 

       print("Web View didFinish Loading");


当我从扫描仪 SDK 返回 wkweb 视图时出现问题,它显示空白屏幕。每次扫描仪 SDK 关闭时返回 Web 视图时如何刷新屏幕?



webView.opaque = false 【参考方案1】:

问题是由 AVG AntiVirus 的网络防护造成的。出于某种原因,AVG webshield 将来自模拟器的所有网络通信视为欺诈。 以下屏幕截图显示了在模拟器上运行的 Safari 应用程序。它说 www.apple.com 或任何其他网站都不安全。

以下屏幕截图来自 system.log,显示了 webkit 的错误。

您可以通过安装 AVG 防病毒软件并打开 webshield 来重现此问题。您的应用程序(在模拟器上)中的 WKWebview 不会加载任何内容。

taken from here


以上是关于从 iOS Swift 中的 cam 扫描仪 SDK 返回时,WKwebview 是空白屏幕?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

在 Swift 中从 WebView 打开条码扫描器


uboot下 EMMC和SD卡操作命令

Swift:为啥我的 iOS 不能扫描其他蓝牙设备

如何在 iOS、Swift 中搜索 iBeacons UUID,并扫描周围的所有 iBeacons
