如何使用 R 在校准图中添加黄土线、斜率和截距?



【中文标题】如何使用 R 在校准图中添加黄土线、斜率和截距?【英文标题】:How to add the loess line, slope and intercept in Calibration plot using R? 【发布时间】:2022-01-03 05:59:10 【问题描述】:




Y <- c(0.4733333, 0.5133333, 0.5400000, 0.5066667, 0.4400000, 0.4733333, 0.4733333, 0.4600000, 0.3933333, 0.5000000, 0.5533333, 0.6266667, 0.5600000, 0.5800000, 0.6000000, 0.5133333, 0.5066667, 0.5933333, 0.5533333, 0.5266667, 0.6800000, 0.6400000, 0.6333333, 0.7266667, 0.6200000, 0.6400000, 0.6200000, 0.7266667, 0.5800000, 0.6066667, 0.6400000, 0.6600000, 0.6066667, 0.6400000, 0.6600000, 0.7266667, 0.6266667, 0.6933333, 0.7000000, 0.7266667, 0.6866667, 0.6933333, 0.6733333, 0.7666667, 0.7200000, 0.6733333, 0.7666667, 0.7266667, 0.6733333, 0.6733333, 0.7133333, 0.6800000, 0.6733333, 0.6866667, 0.7466667, 0.7533333, 0.7200000, 0.7066667, 0.7533333, 0.7933333, 0.8000000, 0.7466667, 0.7466667, 0.7133333, 0.8133333,
               0.7400000, 0.7666667, 0.6866667, 0.7933333, 0.6866667, 0.7533333, 0.7266667, 0.7533333, 0.7866667, 0.8000000, 0.8200000, 0.7600000, 0.7266667, 0.8200000, 0.8333333, 0.8066667, 0.8533333, 0.7600000, 0.8200000, 0.7600000, 0.8333333, 0.8066667, 0.8333333, 0.7733333, 0.8333333, 0.8600000, 0.8133333, 0.8466667, 0.8266667, 0.8533333, 0.8733333, 0.8666667, 0.8400000, 0.8200000, 0.7866667)

X <- c(0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150,
                0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 
                0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 
                0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 
                0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 
                0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 
                0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 
                0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 
                0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 
                0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516)
attr(X, "names") = rep(as.character(0:9),each = 10)
gr <- rep(1:10,each = 10)
DATA$x2 = as.numeric(as.character(DATA$X))
cols = c("Reference"="gray70","Lowess" = "royalblue3" ,"Grouped"="darkorange2")

ggplot(DATA, aes(x2,Y, group = gr))+ 
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", se=FALSE, aes(group=1, colour ="Lowess"),size=0.8)+
  geom_abline(aes(slope = 1, intercept = 0,colour= "Reference"),linetype=2)+
  theme(legend.position = c(.97, .1),
        legend.justification = c("right", "bottom"),
        legend.box.just = "right",
        legend.margin = margin(6, 6, 6, 6))+
  labs(title="Calibration plot",
       x ="Predicted values",
       y = "Observed values")+
  stat_summary(aes(group=X, colour = "Grouped"),fun.y=function(x)mean(x, na.rm = T), 
               geom="point", shape=23)+
  scale_shape_manual(values=c(23, 32, 1))


红色圆圈代表平均值,我想添加这些点的截距和斜率 (y = a + bx)。以及通过箱线图中位数的曲线。我也有图例的形状与红色菱形、实线和虚线不匹配的问题。






Y <- c(0.4733333, 0.5133333, 0.5400000, 0.5066667, 0.4400000, 0.4733333, 0.4733333, 0.4600000, 0.3933333, 0.5000000, 0.5533333, 0.6266667, 0.5600000, 0.5800000, 0.6000000, 0.5133333, 0.5066667, 0.5933333, 0.5533333, 0.5266667, 0.6800000, 0.6400000, 0.6333333, 0.7266667, 0.6200000, 0.6400000, 0.6200000, 0.7266667, 0.5800000, 0.6066667, 0.6400000, 0.6600000, 0.6066667, 0.6400000, 0.6600000, 0.7266667, 0.6266667, 0.6933333, 0.7000000, 0.7266667, 0.6866667, 0.6933333, 0.6733333, 0.7666667, 0.7200000, 0.6733333, 0.7666667, 0.7266667, 0.6733333, 0.6733333, 0.7133333, 0.6800000, 0.6733333, 0.6866667, 0.7466667, 0.7533333, 0.7200000, 0.7066667, 0.7533333, 0.7933333, 0.8000000, 0.7466667, 0.7466667, 0.7133333, 0.8133333,
               0.7400000, 0.7666667, 0.6866667, 0.7933333, 0.6866667, 0.7533333, 0.7266667, 0.7533333, 0.7866667, 0.8000000, 0.8200000, 0.7600000, 0.7266667, 0.8200000, 0.8333333, 0.8066667, 0.8533333, 0.7600000, 0.8200000, 0.7600000, 0.8333333, 0.8066667, 0.8333333, 0.7733333, 0.8333333, 0.8600000, 0.8133333, 0.8466667, 0.8266667, 0.8533333, 0.8733333, 0.8666667, 0.8400000, 0.8200000, 0.7866667)

X <- c(0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150,
                0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 
                0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 
                0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 
                0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 
                0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 
                0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 
                0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 
                0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 
                0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516)

attr(X, "names") = rep(as.character(0:9),each = 10)
gr <- rep(1:10,each = 10)
DATA$x2 = as.numeric(as.character(DATA$X))

DATA2 <- DATA %>%
         group_by(gr) %>%
         summarize(Y=mean(Y), x2=mean(x2))

ggplot(DATA, aes(x2,Y, group = gr))+ 
  geom_smooth(data=DATA2, aes(x2, Y), formula=y~x, method="lm", color="blue", 
              size=1, linetype=1, inherit.aes=F, se=T) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0)+
  theme_light()+ #scale_colour_gdocs()+
  labs(title="Calibration plot",
       x ="Predicted values",
       y = "Observed values")+
  stat_summary(aes(group=X),fun.y=function(x)mean(x, na.rm = T), 
               geom="point", shape=23, col="red")


感谢您的回答!是的,我希望它看起来像这个带有 method="loess" 的图形。我还想添加截距和斜率以及图例。 @Ph.D.Student 我更新了我的答案,在这条线上添加了置信区间。现在它看起来像黄土曲线。如果需要这条线的斜率和截距,可以输入summary(lm(Y~x2, data=DATA2))。关于图例,您应该更详细地说明您的需求。 感谢您的更新。回归方程为 y = a + bx,其中 b 是斜率,a 是截距。接近 0 的截距,接近 1 的斜率表示良好的校准。我认为这是校准点(红点)的线性回归 我想知道我们是否使用 mod @Ph.D.Student mod$coefficients[1]mod$coefficients[2] 可以。您也可以使用coef(mod)。是的,接近 0 的截距和接近 1 的斜率表明校准良好,是的,蓝线是红点的线性回归。有关校准的更多详细信息,您可以查看例如此链接:rdrr.io/cran/rms/man/calibrate.html

以上是关于如何使用 R 在校准图中添加黄土线、斜率和截距?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何在 Python 中有效地生成具有随机斜率和截距的直线?

我们如何计算 statsmodels OLS 中的截距和斜率?




opencv —— HoughLinesHoughLinesP 霍夫线变换(标准霍夫线变换多尺度霍夫线变换累积概率霍夫线变换)