【中文标题】编译器无法解析带边界的隐式类型(有时)【英文标题】:compiler failure to resolve Implicit types with bounds (sometimes) 【发布时间】:2018-05-22 06:24:41 【问题描述】:编辑:
最后一次修订被认为没有帮助,因为它没有包含有助于缩小我的问题的必要信息。因此还需要包含 AST。
的 json;在某种程度上类似于 Scala 的 slick
import scala.language.higherKinds
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.language.higherKinds, implicitConversions
type PathNodes = List[PathNode]
sealed trait Field[A]
def pathNodes: PathNodes
def jsPath: JsPath = JsPath(pathNodes)
def relativePath: JsPath = JsPath(List(pathNodes.last))
def format: Format[A]
def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[A]
def nestedFormat: OFormat[A] = nestedFormatter(relativePath)
case class PlainField[A: Format](prefix: PathNodes) extends Field[A]
override def pathNodes: PathNodes = prefix
def format: Format[A] = implicitly[Format[A]]
override def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[A] = path.format(format)
abstract class JsonSchema[T](val _prefix: PathNodes) extends Field[T] with SchemaExtensionMethods
override def pathNodes: PathNodes = _prefix
def format: OFormat[T]
protected def plain[A: Format](name: String): PlainField[A] = PlainField[A](_prefix :+ KeyPathNode(name))
protected def nested[N](name: String, factory: PathNodes => N): N = factory(_prefix :+ KeyPathNode(name))
protected def nested[B, G <: JsonSchema[B]](name: String)(implicit sm: HasJsonSchema[B, G]): G = sm.apply(_prefix :+ KeyPathNode(name))
override def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[T] = path.format(format)
case class Optional[F, A](field: F)(implicit ev: F <:< Field[A]) extends Field[Option[A]]
override def pathNodes: PathNodes = field.pathNodes
override def format: Format[Option[A]] =
implicit val writes: Writes[Option[A]] = JsPath.writeNullable(field.format)
implicit val reads: Reads[Option[A]] = JsPath.readNullable(field.format)
def map[G, B](f: F => G)(implicit ev: G <:< Field[B]): Optional[G, B] = new Optional[G, B](f(field))
def flatMap[G <: Field[B], B](f: F => Optional[G, B]): Optional[G, B] = f(field)
override def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[Option[A]] = path.formatNullable(field.format)
case class Collection[F, A](field: F)(implicit ev: F <:< Field[A], repath: Repath[F]) extends Field[Seq[A]]
override def pathNodes: PathNodes = field.pathNodes
override def format: Format[Seq[A]] =
implicit val writes: Writes[Seq[A]] = Writes.seq(field.format)
implicit val reads: Reads[Seq[A]] = Reads.seq(field.format)
def apply(idx: Int): F = implicitly[Repath[F]].apply(field, IdxPathNode(idx))
override def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[Seq[A]] = path.format(format)
class FormatExtensionMethods[T](val arg: T)
def <>[A, B, Fun](apply: Fun, unapply: B => Option[A])(implicit jss: JsonShape[A, B, T, Fun]): OFormat[B] = jss.format(arg, apply, unapply andThen (_.get))
class FieldExtensionMethods[F](val field: F)
def optional[A](implicit ev: F <:< Field[A]): Optional[F, A] = new Optional[F, A](field)
def sequence[A](implicit ev: F <:< Field[A], repath: Repath[F]): Collection[F, A] = new Collection[F, A](field)
trait SchemaExtensionMethods
implicit def formatExtensionMethods[M](t: M): FormatExtensionMethods[M] = new FormatExtensionMethods[M](t)
implicit def fieldExtensionMethods[M, A](t: M): FieldExtensionMethods[M] = new FieldExtensionMethods[M](t)
trait Repath[F]
def apply(f: F, node: PathNode): F
object Repath
implicit def plain[T]: Repath[PlainField[T]] = new Repath[PlainField[T]]
override def apply(t: PlainField[T], node: PathNode): PlainField[T] =
PlainField[T](t.pathNodes :+ node)(t.format)
implicit def schema[S <: JsonSchema[_]](implicit sm: HasJsonSchema[_, S]): Repath[S] = new Repath[S]
override def apply(t: S, node: PathNode): S =
sm.apply(t.pathNodes :+ node)
implicit def option[F <: Field[T] : Repath, T]: Repath[Optional[F, T]] = new Repath[Optional[F, T]]
override def apply(t: Optional[F, T], node: PathNode): Optional[F, T] =
new Optional[F, T](implicitly[Repath[F]].apply(t.field, node))
implicit def sequence[F <: Field[T] : Repath, T]: Repath[Collection[F, T]] = new Repath[Collection[F, T]]
override def apply(t: Collection[F, T], node: PathNode): Collection[F, T] =
new Collection[F, T](implicitly[Repath[F]].apply(t.field, node))
trait JsonShape[A, B, -T, Func]
def format(t: T, apply: Func, unapply: B => A): OFormat[B]
object JsonShape
type F[T] = Field[T]
implicit def cc1[A, B]: JsonShape[A, B, F[A], (A) => B] = (t: F[A], apply: (A) => B, unapply: B => A) =>
val name = t.pathNodes.last.asInstanceOf[KeyPathNode].key
Reads[B](jsv => (jsv \ name).validate[A](t.format).map(apply)),
OWrites[B](b => JsObject(Map(name -> Json.toJson(unapply(b))(t.format))))
implicit def cc2[T1, T2, B]: JsonShape[(T1, T2), B, (F[T1], F[T2]), (T1, T2) => B] = (t: (F[T1], F[T2]), apply: (T1, T2) => B, unapply: B => (T1, T2)) =>
t._1.nestedFormat and
) (apply, unapply)
implicit def cc3[T1, T2, T3, B]: JsonShape[(T1, T2, T3), B, (F[T1], F[T2], F[T3]), (T1, T2, T3) => B] = (t: (F[T1], F[T2], F[T3]), apply: (T1, T2, T3) => B, unapply: B => (T1, T2, T3)) =>
t._1.nestedFormat and
t._2.nestedFormat and
) (apply, unapply)
//this goes up to 22
abstract class HasJsonSchema[T, +S <: JsonSchema[T]](val apply: PathNodes => S) extends OFormat[T]
val root: S = apply(Nil)
def format: OFormat[T] = root.format
def writes(o: T): JsObject = root.format.writes(o)
def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[T] = root.format.reads(json)
case class MessageSchema(prefix: PathNodes) extends JsonSchema[Message](prefix)
def underlying = plain[String]("underlying")
//def underlying = plain[String]("underlying").optional if I wanted the field to be Option[String]
//def underlying = plain[String]("underlying").sequence if I wanted the field to be Seq[String]
override def format = underlying <> (Message.apply _, Message.unapply)
case class Message(underlying: String)
object Message
implicit object sm extends HasJsonSchema[Message, MessageSchema](MessageSchema.apply)
case class LanguageTaggedSchema[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]](prefix: PathNodes)(implicit evT: HasJsonSchema[T, S]) extends JsonSchema[LanguageTagged[T]](prefix)
def lang = plain[String]("lang")
def data: S = nested("data")(evT)
def format = (lang, data) <> (LanguageTagged.apply[T] _, LanguageTagged.unapply[T])
case class LanguageTagged[T](lang: String, data: T)
object LanguageTagged
implicit def schemaMapper[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]](implicit ev: HasJsonSchema[T, S]): HasJsonSchema[LanguageTagged[T], LanguageTaggedSchema[T, S]] =
new HasJsonSchema[LanguageTagged[T], LanguageTaggedSchema[T, S]](LanguageTaggedSchema.apply[T, S])
def toJson[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]](a: T)(implicit ev: HasJsonSchema[T, S]): JsValue = Json.toJson(a)(ev.format)
toJson(Message("hi")) //Ok!
toJson(LanguageTagged("en", Message("hi"))) //Ok!
//or simply write
Json.toJson(LanguageTagged("en", Message("hi")))
//and if i wanted to traverse a json path i would do:
val schema = implicitly[HasJsonSchema[LanguageTagged[Message],LanguageTaggedSchema[Message,MessageSchema]]].root
//prints: res2: play.api.libs.json.JsPath = /data/underlying
//Now to where the problem starts:
def getSchema[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]](a: T)(implicit ev: HasJsonSchema[T, S]): S = ev.root
getSchema(Message("hi")) //Ok!
getSchema(LanguageTagged("en", Message("hi"))) //Not Ok but why?
//Error:(211, 11) could not find implicit value for
//parameter ev: A$A6.this.HasJsonSchema[A$A6.this.LanguageTagged[A$A6.this.Message],S]
//getSchema(LanguageTagged("en", Message("hi")));//
我非常怀疑编译器在推断隐式类型 S 时会因为S
inHasJsonSchema[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]]
的有界类型而遇到问题。到目前为止,仅在最后一行所示的特定情况下代码。作为一个调试尝试,我创建了一个类似的情况,并意识到如果类型 S
@SergGr 我用您所需的信息更新了帖子
对不起,您正在显示一些代码来显示一些问题,但您避免描述实际问题是什么。这严重限制了可能的答案,也使问题变得更加困难(因为要回答你必须阅读代码)。此外,您的示例似乎完全不相关,因为之前没有提到诸如 root
或 reaplies
或 postedBy
@SergGr 我非常感谢您到目前为止一直在努力帮助我。我修改了问题并尽我所能帮助缩小问题范围。如果你需要运行它。只需复制和粘贴。
无法在 varbinary(max) 中插入空值并出现错误:不允许从数据类型 nvarchar 到 varbinary(max) 的隐式转换