GEKKO - 如何修复 Python Gekko Max Equation 错误 - 元素数



【中文标题】GEKKO - 如何修复 Python Gekko Max Equation 错误 - 元素数【英文标题】:GEKKO - How to fix Python Gekko Max Equation error - number of elements 【发布时间】:2021-11-20 21:45:22 【问题描述】:

我使用 Gekko 优化函数开发了一个脚本。下面的脚本针对许多元素运行。我测试了 20 和 47 个细胞(shapefile 数据集)的优化算法,脚本实现了解决方案。但是,当我测试更大的数据集时,例如包含 160 个元素,会显示以下错误消息:

“APM 模型错误:字符串 > 15000 个字符


我阅读了一些解决此问题的建议。我尝试使用 m.sum,但问题仍然存在。


请在我们转移链接下方找到下载包含 47 个单元格和 160 个单元格的数据集。



import geopandas as gpd
import time
import csv
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import math
import pandas as pd

m = GEKKO()

A = -0.00000536 
B = -0.0000291 
E = 0.4040771 
r = 0.085 

input_path = 'D:/Alexandre/shapes/Threats/Prototype/BHO50k/Velhas_BHO50k1summ4_47cells.shp'

output_folder = 'D:/Alexandre/shapes/Threats/Prototype/Small_area/resultados'

input_layer = gpd.read_file(input_path)

input_layer = input_layer[
    ['cocursodag', 'cobacia', 'nuareacont', 'nudistbact', 'D0c', 'Ki0', 'Kj0', 'nuareamont', 'deltai', 'It',
     'cost_op_BR', 'Ii_ub', 'Itj', 'cj', 'deltaj2']]

input_layer = input_layer.astype('cobacia': 'string', 'cocursodag': 'string')

count_input_feat = input_layer.shape[0]


input_cobacia = 
ubi = 
numareacont = 
Ki0 = 
Kj0 = 
X = 
deltai2 = 
ai = 
aj = 
D0 = 
Itj = 
It = 
deltaj = 

for row1 in input_layer.iterrows():
    i = row1[0]

    input_cobacia[i] = row1[1]['cobacia'] 
    Ki0[i] = row1[1]['Ki0']+0.001 
    Kj0[i] = row1[1]['Kj0'] 
    X[i] = row1[1]['nuareamont'] 
    deltai2[i]  = row1[1]['deltai'] 
    ai[i] = 5423304*(pow(X[i],-0.1406852)) 
    aj[i] = row1[1]['cj']*100 + row1[1]['cost_op_BR']*100  
    ubi[i] = row1[1]['Ii_ub'] 
    numareacont[i] = row1[1]['nuareacont'] 
    D0[i] = row1[1]['D0c'] 
    It[i] = row1[1]['It'] 
    Itj[i] = row1[1]['Itj'] 
    if Itj[i]<1: 
        deltaj[i] = row1[1]['deltaj2'] * 0.0001
    elif Itj[i]<2:
        deltaj[i] = row1[1]['deltaj2'] * 0.0001
        deltaj[i] = row1[1]['deltaj2'] * 0.0001

Ii = m.Array(m.Var, (row, col))
Ij = m.Array(m.Var, (row, col))

for i in range(row):
    for j in range(col):
        if It[i] == 0:
            Ii[i, j].value = 0
            Ii[i, j].lower = 0
            Ii[i, j].upper = 5
            Ij[i,j].value = 0
            Ij[i,j].lower = 0
            Ij[i,j].upper = numareacont[i]*0.05*Itj[i]/3.704545

        elif It[i] <= 2:
            Ii[i, j].value = 0
            Ii[i, j].lower = 0
            Ii[i, j].upper = 10
            Ij[i, j].value = 0
            Ij[i, j].lower = 0
            Ij[i, j].upper = numareacont[i]*0.05*Itj[i]/3.704545

        elif It[i] <= 2.5:
            Ii[i, j].value = 0
            Ii[i, j].lower = 0
            Ii[i, j].upper = 15
            Ij[i, j].value = 0
            Ij[i, j].lower = 0
            Ij[i, j].upper = numareacont[i]*0.05*Itj[i]/3.704545

        elif It[i] <= 3:
            Ii[i, j].value = 0
            Ii[i, j].lower = 0
            Ii[i, j].upper = 15
            Ij[i, j].value = 0
            Ij[i, j].lower = 0
            Ij[i, j].upper = numareacont[i]*0.05*Itj[i]/3.704545

            Ii[i,j].value = 0
            Ii[i,j].lower = 0
            Ii[i,j].upper = 20
            Ij[i,j].value = 0
            Ij[i,j].lower = 0
            Ij[i,j].upper = numareacont[i]*0.05*Itj[i]/3.704545

Ki = m.Array(m.Var, (row, col))
Kj = m.Array(m.Var, (row, col))
indicator = m.Array(m.Var, (row, col))
p = 2

numerator = m.Array(m.Var, (row, col))
denominator = m.Array(m.Var, (row, col))
for row2 in input_layer.iterrows():

    input_cobacia2 = row2[1]['cobacia']
    input_cocursodag = row2[1]['cocursodag']
    input_distance = row2[1]['nudistbact']

    numerator = 0
    denominator = 0

    exp = f"cobacia > 'input_cobacia2' and cocursodag.str.startswith('input_cocursodag')"

    for j in range(col):
        for target_feat in input_layer.query(exp).iterrows(): 
            target_green_area = Ij[i,j]
            target_distance = target_feat[1]['nudistbact']
            distance = float(target_distance) - float(input_distance)

            idw = 1 / (distance + 1) ** p
            numerator += target_green_area * idw
            denominator += idw

        sum = Ij[i,j]

        if denominator:
            indicator[i,j] = numerator / denominator + sum
            indicator[i,j] = sum

D0F = m.Array(m.Var, (row, col)) 

for i in range(row): 
    def constraintD0(x):
        return x - 0.2
    for j in range(col): 
        if j == 0: 
            m.fix(Ki[i,j],val = Ki0[i])
            Ki[i,j].lower = 0
            Ki[i,j].upper = 500000
            m.fix(Kj[i,j], val = Kj0[i])
            Kj[i,j].lower = 0
            Kj[i,j].upper = 100000
            m.Equation(D0F[i, j] == A * Ki[i, j] + B * Kj[i, j] + E) 
            D0[i] = D0F[i, j]

            D0F[i,j].lower = 0
            D0F[i, j].upper = 1
            Ki[i,j].lower = 0
            Ki[i,j].upper = 500000
            Kj[i, j].lower = 0
            Kj[i, j].upper = 100000

            m.Equation(Ki[i,j] - Ki[i,j-1] == Ii[i,j] - deltai2[i] * Ki[i,j-1]) 
            m.Equation(Kj[i,j] - Kj[i,j-1] == Ij[i,j] + deltaj[i] * Kj[i,j-1]+indicator[i,j]) 
            m.Equation(D0F[i,j] == A*Ki[i,j] + B*Kj[i,j] + E)

dep = 1 / (1+r) 

z1 = m.sum([m.sum([pow(dep, j)*(ai[i]*Ii[i,j]+aj[i]*Ij[i,j]) for i in range(row)]) for j in range(col)])

# Objective

m.options.IMODE = 3

m.options.SOLVER = 3

m.options.DIAGLEVEL = 1



    m.solve()    # solve

    # Outputs
    output_Ki = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cobacia'] + list(range(col)))
    output_Kj = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cobacia'] + list(range(col)))
    output_Ii = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cobacia'] + list(range(col)))
    output_Ij = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cobacia'] + list(range(col)))
    output_D0 = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cobacia'] + list(range(col)))
    output_ai = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cobacia'] + list(range(col)))
    output_aj = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cobacia'] + list(range(col)))

    for i in range(row):
        for j in range(col):

            output_Ii.loc[i, 'cobacia'] = input_cobacia[i]
            output_Ii.loc[i, j] = Ii[i,j].value[0]

            output_Ij.loc[i, 'cobacia'] = input_cobacia[i]
            output_Ij.loc[i, j] = Ij[i,j].value[0]

            output_Ki.loc[i, 'cobacia'] = input_cobacia[i]
            output_Ki.loc[i, j] = Ki[i,j].value[0]

            output_Kj.loc[i, 'cobacia'] = input_cobacia[i]
            output_Kj.loc[i, j] = Kj[i,j].value[0]

            output_D0.loc[i, 'cobacia'] = input_cobacia[i]
            output_D0.loc[i, j] = D0F[i, j].value[0]

            output_ai.loc[i, 'cobacia'] = input_cobacia[i]
            output_ai.loc[i, j] = ai[i]

            output_aj.loc[i, 'cobacia'] = input_cobacia[i]
            output_aj.loc[i, j] = aj[i]

    df_outputIi = pd.DataFrame(output_Ii)
    df_outputIj = pd.DataFrame(output_Ij)
    df_outputKi = pd.DataFrame(output_Ki)
    df_outputKj = pd.DataFrame(output_Kj)
    df_outputD0 = pd.DataFrame(output_D0)
    df_outputai = pd.DataFrame(output_ai)
    df_outputaj = pd.DataFrame(output_aj)

    with pd.ExcelWriter('output.xlsx') as writer:
        df_outputIi.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="resultado Ii")
        df_outputIj.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="resultado Ij")
        df_outputKi.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="resultado Ki")
        df_outputKj.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="resultado Kj")
        df_outputD0.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="resultado D0")
        df_outputai.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="ai")
        df_outputaj.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="aj")

    print('Not successful')
    from gekko.apm import get_file
    f = get_file(m._server,m._model_name,'infeasibilities.txt')
    f = f.decode().replace('\r','')
    with open('infeasibilities.txt', 'w') as fl:

for i in range(row):
    for j in range(col):



通过使用m.open_folder() 打开运行文件夹,查看m.path 中的APMonitor 模型文件gk0_model.apm。从较小的问题开始,随着问题的扩大,观察方程的大小。此限制(每个方程m.Intermediate() 的中间体可用于更有效地表达模型。 Additional information on Intermediates 可在文档中找到。


以上是关于GEKKO - 如何修复 Python Gekko Max Equation 错误 - 元素数的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何使用 R reticulate 安装 gekko 包?

Gekko(python) 用于单圈时间优化

如何以图形方式验证我的动态优化结果,与 gekko 中的初始条件进行比较

在 Python 中使用 Gekko 求解函数

适用于 Python 的 Gekko 优化套件 - if3 始终 <0

如何将 gekko 对象插入/附加到现有列表/数组?