如何使我的 SQL 查询更高效,以便我的结果处理不会花费很长时间



【中文标题】如何使我的 SQL 查询更高效,以便我的结果处理不会花费很长时间【英文标题】:How can I make my SQL queries more efficient so that my processing of results does not take a long time 【发布时间】:2021-10-22 01:19:47 【问题描述】:



因此,如示例中所示,我们获取所有行并将它们打印出来,每 5 行重置一次,并创建一个“新页面”。实际上,每个页面都有一个表格,在每个页面的底部,我们有字段 durationDay 和 durationNight 的总计。 所以这一页的总和,上一页的总和和总计的一行。如示例中所示,我通常会使用 SUM 和 () 中的数组来查询此总计,以获得我想要的总计(这似乎真的效率低下)。 现在可以看到,有一个 blankRow 字段应计为一行,即每页最多 5 行,但如果 1 行为“2”空白行,则占用 2 个计数。

我的 Live env 中有一些非常复杂的代码用于上述场景,我想让它更高效,最多 100 行我的代码很好,但如果有 5000 行我已经计时了大约需要 30秒来完全完成这样。我想知道是否可以修改上面的 SQL,以便将分页、空白行甚至每个“页面”底部的 3 种总计类型考虑在内。即使每个页面都可以作为自己的数组或其他东西返回,但我真的不知道,我需要这样做更有效率(我注意到,如果我删除每个页面底部的总计查询,处理时间从 8000 行的 30 秒缩短到 2 秒以下



create table trip (
    date Date,
    goid varchar(255),
    backid varchar(255),
    vehicleId int, 
    durationDay int, 
    durationNight int,
    blankRow int

create table vehicle (
vehicleId int,
color varchar(255), 
name varchar(255)

insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-20', 'GO1', 'DAC', 22, 2, 3, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-21', 'DAC', 'GO1', 22, 3, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-09', 'DAC', 'GO1', 33, 4, 3, 2);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-22', 'GO1', 'DAC', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-12', 'GO1', 'GO1', 33, 3, 3, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-25', 'DAC', 'GO1', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-22', 'GO1', 'DAC', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-12', 'GO1', 'GO1', 33, 3, 3, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-25', 'DAC', 'GO1', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-22', 'GO1', 'DAC', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-12', 'GO1', 'GO1', 33, 3, 3, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-25', 'DAC', 'GO1', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-22', 'GO1', 'DAC', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-12', 'GO1', 'GO1', 33, 3, 3, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-25', 'DAC', 'GO1', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-22', 'GO1', 'DAC', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-12', 'GO1', 'GO1', 33, 3, 3, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-25', 'DAC', 'GO1', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-22', 'GO1', 'DAC', 22, 4, 4, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-12', 'GO1', 'GO1', 33, 3, 3, 0);
insert into trip (date, goid, backid, vehicleId, durationDay, durationNight, blankRow) values ('2020-09-25', 'DAC', 'GO1', 22, 4, 4, 0);

insert into vehicle (vehicleId, color, name) values (22, 'Red', 'vehicle1');
insert into vehicle (vehicleId, color, name) values (33, 'Green', 'vehicle2');

SELECT trip.*, vehicle.* FROM trip, vehicle WHERE vehicle.vehicleId=trip.vehicleId ORDER BY date ASC


$query = "SELECT trip.*, vehicle.* FROM trip, vehicle WHERE vehicle.vehicleId=trip.vehicleId ORDER BY date ASC";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($query);

$count = 0;
$tripIdArray = [];
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) 
    print_r($row["name"] . " + other data \n");

    if ($count == 5) 
        print_r("Select Sum query prev page total using another array \n");
        print_r("Select Sum query grand total using tripIdArray \n");
        $count = 0;
        print_r("New Page -------------------------- \n");



我建议您停止对 JOIN 使用逗号语法。它使 sql 更难扫描人类。我们需要您将代码转移到问题正文中——否则如果链接失效,那么您的问题将毫无用处。 【参考方案1】:
$count = 0;
$sumdurday = 0.0;
$tripIdArray = [];
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) 
  $sumdurday += $row["durationDay"];
  print_r($row["name"] . " + other data \n");

  if ($count == 5) 
    print_r("Select Sum query prev page total using another array \n");
    print_r("Select Sum query grand total using tripIdArray \n");
    print_r("sumdurday = ");
    $sumdurday = 0.0;
    $count = 0;
    print_r("New Page -------------------------- \n");


无需再次查询总和。在查询中包含要求和的列并计算运行总和,例如上面的 $sumdurday。


您好,谢谢。是的,如果我想拥有用户拥有的所有行,这将非常有用。但是,如果我只想要最后一页,就像最后 5 行 5000 一样,还要考虑空白行和运行总计,而不必循环遍历所有内容呢?

以上是关于如何使我的 SQL 查询更高效,以便我的结果处理不会花费很长时间的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何更改我的 FFMPEG 命令以使我的 HTTP Live Streams 更高效?

如何在 SQL 查询的结果中添加空白列?



为啥在 FROM 子句中再添加一个 INNER JOIN 会使我的 SQL 查询如此缓慢?

Adaptive Execution如何让Spark SQL更高效更好用