选中 Gridview 中的所有复选框



【中文标题】选中 Gridview 中的所有复选框【英文标题】:Select all Checkboxes in a Gridview 【发布时间】:2016-06-05 09:03:40 【问题描述】:

我正在尝试选择我在页面上运行的 gridview 中的所有复选框,我正在使用 JQuery 和 javascript 作为函数,但 javascript 似乎不起作用。 我在普通表上尝试了相同的脚本并且它有效,但它似乎不适用于我添加到我的 gridview 的复选框。 你们能帮我解决这个问题吗? 这是页面的代码。

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/SMSWebMaster.Master" AutoEventWireup="true"  CodeBehind="Search.aspx.cs" EnableEventValidation ="false" Inherits="SMSWebApp.Views.Search" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">

<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

   $(function () 
       $("#tblChck [id*=chkHeader]").click(function () 
           if ($(this).is( ":checked")) 
               $("#gvData [id*=cbSelect2]").attr("checked", "checked");
               $("#gvData [id*=cbSelect2]").removeAttr("checked");
       $("#gvData [id*=cbSelect2]").click(function () 
           if ($("#gvData [id*=cbSelect2]").length == $("#gvData [id*=cbSelect2]:checked").length) 
               $("#tblChck [id*=chkHeader]").attr("checked", "checked");
               $("#tblChck [id*=chkHeader]").removeAttr("checked");

 <form id="form1" runat="server"> 

<asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptManager1" EnableViewState="true" EnablePartialRendering="true" runat="server"> 

    <div id="contectcontainer">
        <div class="content">
            <br />
            <br />
                    <asp:Label ID="lblapo" Text=" Apolice" CssClass="label_style3" runat="server"></asp:Label>
                        <asp:TextBox ID="TBoxApo" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

                    <asp:Label ID="Label1" Text=" Recibo" CssClass="label_style3" runat="server"></asp:Label>
                        <asp:TextBox ID="TBoxRec" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

             <br />
             <br />
                    <asp:Label ID="Label3" Text=" Mediador" CssClass="label_style3" runat="server"></asp:Label>
                        <asp:TextBox ID="TBoxMed" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

                    <asp:Label ID="Label4" Text=" Tomador" CssClass="label_style3" runat="server"></asp:Label>
                        <asp:TextBox ID="TBoxTom" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

             <br />
             <br />
                    <asp:Label ID="Label5" Text=" Veiculo" CssClass="label_style3" runat="server"></asp:Label>
                        <asp:TextBox ID="TBoxVeic" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>


                <table id="tblChck" runat="server">
                         <asp:CheckBox id="chkHeader"  Text="Selecione Todos"  runat="server"  />

            <br />
             <br />
            <br />
      <asp:GridView id="gvData" CssClass="table-design" runat="server" SkinID="Fun" AutoGenerateColumns="false" >
                <div style="padding:10px;margin-left:10px">
                   Sem Dados !!!

                 <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Select">
                    <asp:checkbox id="cbSelect2" CssClass="gridCB" runat="server"/>

                <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Apolice" DataField="Apolice" />
                <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Recibo" DataField="Recibo" />
                <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Agente_Mediador" DataField="Agente_Mediador" />
                <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Cliente_Tomador" DataField="Cliente_Tomador" /> 
                 <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Veiculo" DataField="Veiculo" />
                <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Data" DataField="Data" /> 
                 <asp:BoundField HeaderText="ID" DataField="Id" /> 

             <br />
             <br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="TruBtn_Click" Text="Pesquisar" />



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using mysql.Data.MySqlClient;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using SMSWebApp.SupprotClasses;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;

namespace SMSWebApp.Views

  public partial class Search : System.Web.UI.Page

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)


    SqlConnection msqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConString"].ConnectionString);

    public bool OpenConnection()
        // open the connection
        if (msqlConnection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

        return true;

    public void CloseConnection()
        // close the connection

        if (msqlConnection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)

    public void TruBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (TBoxApo.Text == "" && TBoxMed.Text == "" && TBoxRec.Text == "" && TBoxTom.Text == "" && TBoxVeic.Text == "")
            string script = "alert(\"Enter any value!\");";
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "ServerControlScript", script, true);


            Btn_Click4( );


    protected void Btn_Click3(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SaveFilePath path = new SaveFilePath();

        List<string> batata = new List<string>();
        for (int i = 0; i < gvData.Rows.Count; i++)
            CheckBox chkb = (CheckBox)gvData.Rows[i].Cells[0].FindControl("cbSelect2");
            if (chkb.Checked)

                string seven = gvData.Rows[i].Cells[7].Text;
                int Id = Convert.ToInt32(seven);

                string fullpath = path.GetFullPath4(Id);
                Response.Write("<br>" + fullpath);

        var archive = Server.MapPath("~/archive.zip");
        var temp = Server.MapPath("~/temp");

        if (System.IO.File.Exists(archive))
        //  Directory.EnumerateFiles(temp).ToList().ForEach(f => System.IO.File.Delete(f));
        Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(temp).ToList().ForEach(f => System.IO.File.Delete(f));

        batata.ForEach(f => System.IO.File.Copy(f, Path.Combine(temp, Path.GetFileName(f))));

        ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(temp, archive);
        Response.ContentType = "application/zip";
        Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename= archive.zip");

    protected void DownloadFile(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string filePath = (sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument;
        Response.ContentType = ContentType;
        Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + Path.GetFileName(filePath));


    public void Btn_Click4()
            SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Constring"].ConnectionString);
            SqlCommand sqlcommand = new SqlCommand();
            sqlcommand.Connection = sql;

            string apolice = TBoxApo.Text;
            string recibo = TBoxRec.Text;
            string mediador = TBoxMed.Text;
            string tomador = TBoxTom.Text;
            string veiculo = TBoxVeic.Text;

            // Pesquisas com a Apolice

            if (TBoxApo.Text != "")

                sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%'";

                if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxRec.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%'";
                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%' ";

                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%'  and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%' ";


                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";


                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%' ";

                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%' ";

                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Cliente_Tomador like '%" + tomador + "%' and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";

                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%'and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%' ";

                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%'and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";

                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%'and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";

                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Cliente_Tomador like '%" + tomador + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%'and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";

                else if (TBoxApo.Text != "" && TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Apolice like '%" + apolice + "%' and Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%' and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%' Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";


            // Pesquisas com o Recibo

                if (TBoxRec.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%'";

                    if (TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where  Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%' ";


                    else if (TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where  Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";


                    else if (TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where  Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%' ";


                    else if (TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where  Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%'and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%' ";

                    else if (TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where  Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%'and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";

                    else if (TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where  Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%'and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%' ";

                    else if (TBoxRec.Text != "" && TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where  Recibo like '%" + recibo + "%' and Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%'and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%'and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";

                // Pesquisas com o Mediador

                else if (TBoxMed.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Agente_Mediador like '%" + mediador + "%'";

                    if (TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%'and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%' ";

                    else if (TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Agente_Mediador like '%" + mediador + "%' and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";

                    else if (TBoxMed.Text != "" && TBoxTom.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Agente_Mediador like'%" + mediador + "%'and Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%'and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";


                // Pesquisas com o Tomador

                else if (TBoxTom.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Cliente_Tomador like '%" + tomador + "%'";

                    if (TBoxTom.Text != "" && TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                        sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Cliente_Tomador like'%" + tomador + "%'and Veiculo like'%" + veiculo + "%' ";


                // Pesquisas com o Veiculo

                else if (TBoxVeic.Text != "")
                    sqlcommand.CommandText = "select Apolice,Recibo,Agente_Mediador,Cliente_Tomador,Veiculo,Data,Id from UniDownTeste.dbo.DownUni where Veiculo like '%" + veiculo + "%'";



            SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlcommand);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            gvData.DataSource = ds;

        finally  CloseConnection(); 


这是呈现的 html



GridView 复选框使用 ajax 渲染? 请显示你的结果html! 问题出在你的html中,在渲染你的表格时,你可能在绘制表格时出现了混乱,显示你的结果html代码来帮助。 【参考方案1】:

我创建了新项目并使用了您的代码。您的 JS 不工作的原因是因为您中继了服务器控件的 Id,例如:

#tblChck, #gvData

它们在客户端浏览器中会有不同的 ID。这就是 ASP.NET 防止 Id 重复的工作方式。如果您有一个母版页,则内容页中的所有 serwer 控件都将在 ID 中添加一个前缀,例如“MainContent_”。为了让您的 JS 工作,您需要将 JQ 选择器更改为 table[id*=tblChck] 之类的东西,或者您可以添加一个 css 类并通过它进行选择。

为了让您的代码能够正常工作,我必须将 JS 更改为:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () 
        $("table[id*=tblChck] [id*=chkHeader]").click(function () 
            if ($(this).is(":checked")) 
                $("table[id*=gvData] [id*=cbSelect2]").attr("checked", "checked");
                $("table[id*=gvData] [id*=cbSelect2]").removeAttr("checked");
        $("table[id*=gvData] [id*=cbSelect2]").click(function () 
            if ($("table[id*=gvData] [id*=cbSelect2]").length == $("table[id*=gvData] [id*=cbSelect2]:checked").length) 
                $("table[id*=tblChck] [id*=chkHeader]").attr("checked", "checked");
                $("table[id*=tblChck] [id*=chkHeader]").removeAttr("checked");


我在master中引用了JQuery 但它似乎并没有干扰我在此页面中引用的脚本。我在普通静态表上尝试了相同的脚本引用相同的函数,它有效,它共享相同母版页。我已经在 Internet Explorer 上发布了渲染的 HTML 和控制台。感谢您的帮助 通过呈现的 html 我的意思是 html 源视图而不是浏览器屏幕;) 对不起,你能不能指定,因为这个特定页面的所有源代码都在问题中,我是否也应该发布母版页的代码。 @Rob 谢谢你的指导,我已经相应地更新了我的答案。【参考方案2】:

			        if(this.checked)  // check select status
			            		 this.checked = true;
			                this.checked = true;           
			            		 this.checked = false;
			                this.checked = false; 

在 .chkHeader 主复选框中添加类 喜欢:->

<asp:CheckBox id="chkHeader" class="chkHeader"  Text="Selecione Todos"  runat="server"  />


以上是关于选中 Gridview 中的所有复选框的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

使用 Jquery 在 asp.net GridView 中查找所有选中复选框

使用 JQuery 在 GridView ASP.NET 中选择所有复选框

C# 怎样判断DEV GridView 中选中的哪一行是分组的标题行

如果选中 CheckAll 则全选,如果未选中则使用 jQuery 从 Gridview 中取消全选


C# gridview复选框选中值