


【中文标题】从日期中添加或减去天数的算法?【英文标题】:Algorithm to add or subtract days from a date? 【发布时间】:2011-01-21 14:34:51 【问题描述】:

我正在尝试编写一个 Date 类以尝试学习 C++。

我正在尝试找到一种算法来为日期添加或减去天数,其中 Day 从 1 开始,Month 从 1 开始。事实证明它非常复杂,而且 google 出现的次数不多,



我很惊讶这个问题的存在没有随附的“使用提升”答案和文档链接。 【参考方案1】:




谢谢,这正是我要找的,由于某种原因,我在网上搜索时找不到算法! 不幸的是,这些函数不是很精确......或者至少当我将我的结果与 wolfram alpha 进行比较时,我差了一天左右。 这里:home.roadrunner.com/~hinnant/date_algorithms.html 是精确的算法。它们的有效性已经过使用 32 位算术在 +/- 580 万年范围内的预测公历上进行了准确测试。他们计算 1970-01-01 之前或之后的天数。 @HowardHinnant,这看起来是一个很好的资源,谢谢。您可以进行的一种简化是从doy 中删除-1,使其范围为[1, 366],然后在末尾减去719469 而不是719468 以进行补偿。 自从我写了上面的评论,我不得不移动我的个人网站。我的日期算法现在在这里:howardhinnant.github.io/date_algorithms.html 我还注意到来自alcor.concordia.ca/~gpkatch/gdate-algorithm.html 的d(g) 函数似乎没有返回g(y,m,d) 的倒数。也许我只是把它编错了,但我还没有发现我的错误。【参考方案2】:

您并不真的需要这样的算法(至少不是名副其实的东西),标准库可以完成大部分繁重的工作;日历计算是出了名的棘手。只要您不需要早于 1900 年的日期,那么:

#include <ctime>

// Adjust date by a number of days +/-
void DatePlusDays( struct tm* date, int days )

    const time_t ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 ;

    // Seconds since start of epoch
    time_t date_seconds = mktime( date ) + (days * ONE_DAY) ;

    // Update caller's date
    // Use localtime because mktime converts to UTC so may change date
    *date = *localtime( &date_seconds ) ; ;


#include <iostream>

int main()

    struct tm date =  0, 0, 12  ;  // nominal time midday (arbitrary).
    int year = 2010 ;
    int month = 2 ;  // February
    int day = 26 ;   // 26th

    // Set up the date structure
    date.tm_year = year - 1900 ;
    date.tm_mon = month - 1 ;  // note: zero indexed
    date.tm_mday = day ;       // note: not zero indexed

    // Date, less 100 days
    DatePlusDays( &date, -100 ) ; 

    // Show time/date using default formatting
    std::cout << asctime( &date ) << std::endl ;


感谢您发布此信息。非常有用。 闰秒会打乱这个计算吗? @vargonian:一个好问题; UNIX 时间纪元从 1970 年 1 月 1 日开始,不计算闰秒。然而,将一天中的标称时间设置为正午将避免数万年的任何潜在问题。【参考方案3】:





这是一个非常简单的方法的草图。为了简单起见,我假设要添加的天数 d 是正数。很容易将下面的情况扩展到d 为负数的情况。

d 小于 365 或 d 大于或等于 365。

如果d 小于 365:

m = 1;
while(d > numberOfDaysInMonth(m, y)) 
    d -= numberOfDaysInMonth(m, y);

return date with year = y, month = m, day = d;

如果d 大于 365:

while(d >= 365) 
    d -= 365;
        d -= 1;

// now use the case where d is less than 365

或者,您可以用 Julian form 表示日期,然后只需添加到 Julian 格式并转换为 ymd 格式。




您会发现大量有关 julian 函数的资源。



试试这个功能。它正确计算加法或减法。 dateTime 参数必须是 UTC 格式。

tm* dateTimeAdd(const tm* const dateTime, const int& days, const int& hours, const int& mins, const int& secs) 
    tm* newTime = new tm;
    memcpy(newTime, dateTime, sizeof(tm));

    newTime->tm_mday += days;
    newTime->tm_hour += hours;
    newTime->tm_min += mins;
    newTime->tm_sec += secs;        

    time_t nt_seconds = mktime(newTime) - timezone;
    delete newTime;

    return gmtime(&nt_seconds);


time_t t = time(NULL);
tm* utc = gmtime(&t);
tm* newUtc = dateTimeAdd(utc, -5, 0, 0, 0); //subtract 5 days



我知道这是一个非常古老的问题,但在处理日期和时间时,它是一个有趣且常见的问题。所以我想分享一些代码来计算新日期,而不使用 C++ 中的任何内置时间功能。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Date 
    Date(size_t year, size_t month, size_t day):m_year(year), m_month(month), m_day(day) 

    // Add specified number of days to date
    Date operator + (size_t days) const;

    // Subtract specified number of days from date
    Date operator - (size_t days) const;

    size_t Year()   return m_year; 
    size_t Month()  return m_month; 
    size_t Day()    return m_day; 

    string DateStr();
    // Leap year check 
    inline bool LeapYear(int year) const
         return year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0); 

    // Holds all max days in a general year
    static const int MaxDayInMonth[13];

    // Private members
    size_t m_year;
    size_t m_month;
    size_t m_day;   

// Define MaxDayInMonth
const int Date::MaxDayInMonth[13] = 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31;

/// Add specified number of days to date
Date Date::operator + (size_t days) const 
    // Maximum days in the month
    int nMaxDays(MaxDayInMonth[m_month] + (m_month == 2 && LeapYear(m_year) ? 1 : 0));

    // Initialize the Year, Month, Days
    int nYear(m_year);
    int nMonth(m_month);
    int nDays(m_day + days);

    // Iterate till it becomes a valid day of a month
    while (nDays > nMaxDays) 
        // Subtract the max number of days of current month
        nDays -= nMaxDays;

        // Advance to next month

        // Falls on to next year?
        if (nMonth > 12) 
            nMonth = 1; // January
            ++nYear;    // Next year

        // Update the max days of the new month
        nMaxDays = MaxDayInMonth[nMonth] + (nMonth == 2 && LeapYear(nYear) ? 1 : 0);

    // Construct date
    return Date(nYear, nMonth, nDays);

/// Subtract specified number of days from date
Date Date::operator - (size_t days) const 
    // Falls within the same month?
    if (0 < (m_day - days)) 
        return Date(m_year, m_month, m_day - days);

    // Start from this year
    int nYear(m_year);

    // Start from specified days and go back to first day of this month
    int nDays(days);
    nDays -= m_day;

    // Start from previous month and check if it falls on to previous year
    int nMonth(m_month - 1);
    if (nMonth < 1) 
        nMonth = 12; // December
        --nYear;     // Previous year

    // Maximum days in the current month
    int nDaysInMonth = MaxDayInMonth[nMonth] + (nMonth == 2 && LeapYear(nYear) ? 1 : 0);

    // Iterate till it becomes a valid day of a month
    while (nDays >= 0) 
        // Subtract the max number of days of current month
        nDays -= nDaysInMonth;

        // Falls on to previous month?
        if (nDays > 0) 
            // Go to previous month

            // Falls on to previous year?
            if (nMonth < 1) 
                nMonth = 12; // December
                --nYear;     // Previous year

        // Update the max days of the new month
        nDaysInMonth = MaxDayInMonth[nMonth] + (nMonth == 2 && LeapYear(nYear) ? 1 : 0);

    // Construct date
    return Date(nYear, nMonth, (0 < nDays ? nDays : -nDays));

/// Get the date string in yyyy/mm/dd format
string Date::DateStr() 
    return to_string(m_year) 
        + string("/")
        + string(m_month < 10 ? string("0") + to_string(m_month) : to_string(m_month))
        + string("/")
        + string(m_day < 10 ? string("0") + to_string(m_day) : to_string(m_day)); 

int main() 
    // Add n days to a date
    cout << Date(2017, 6, 25).DateStr() << " + 10 days = "
         << (Date(2017, 6, 25) /* Given Date */ + 10 /* Days to add */).DateStr() << endl;

    // Subtract n days from a date
    cout << Date(2017, 6, 25).DateStr() << " - 10 days = "
         << (Date(2017, 6, 25) /* Given Date */ - 10 /* Days to subract */).DateStr() << endl;

    return 0;

2017/06/25 + 10 days = 2017/07/05
2017/06/25 - 10 days = 2017/06/15


您的 + 和 - 运算符对于较大的日期非常慢。【参考方案8】:

我建议首先编写一个例程,将年月日转换为自固定日期以来的天数,例如,自 1.01.01 以来。还有一个对称的例程可以将其转换回来。






// C++ program to find date after adding 
// given number of days. 
using namespace std; 

// Return if year is leap year or not. 
bool isLeap(int y) 
    if (y%100 != 0 && y%4 == 0 || y %400 == 0) 
        return true; 

    return false; 

// Given a date, returns number of days elapsed 
// from the beginning of the current year (1st 
// jan). 
int offsetDays(int d, int m, int y) 
    int offset = d; 

    switch (m - 1) 
    case 11: 
        offset += 30; 
    case 10: 
        offset += 31; 
    case 9: 
        offset += 30; 
    case 8: 
        offset += 31; 
    case 7: 
        offset += 31; 
    case 6: 
        offset += 30; 
    case 5: 
        offset += 31; 
    case 4: 
        offset += 30; 
    case 3: 
        offset += 31; 
    case 2: 
        offset += 28; 
    case 1: 
        offset += 31; 

    if (isLeap(y) && m > 2) 
        offset += 1; 

    return offset; 

// Given a year and days elapsed in it, finds 
// date by storing results in d and m. 
void revoffsetDays(int offset, int y, int *d, int *m) 
    int month[13] =  0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 
                    31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ; 

    if (isLeap(y)) 
        month[2] = 29; 

    int i; 
    for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) 
        if (offset <= month[i]) 
        offset = offset - month[i]; 

    *d = offset; 
    *m = i; 

// Add x days to the given date. 
void addDays(int d1, int m1, int y1, int x) 
    int offset1 = offsetDays(d1, m1, y1); 
    int remDays = isLeap(y1)?(366-offset1):(365-offset1); 

    // y2 is going to store result year and 
    // offset2 is going to store offset days 
    // in result year. 
    int y2, offset2; 
    if (x <= remDays) 
        y2 = y1; 
        offset2 = offset1 + x; 

        // x may store thousands of days. 
        // We find correct year and offset 
        // in the year. 
        x -= remDays; 
        y2 = y1 + 1; 
        int y2days = isLeap(y2)?366:365; 
        while (x >= y2days) 
            x -= y2days; 
            y2days = isLeap(y2)?366:365; 
        offset2 = x; 

    // Find values of day and month from 
    // offset of result year. 
    int m2, d2; 
    revoffsetDays(offset2, y2, &d2, &m2); 

    cout << "d2 = " << d2 << ", m2 = " << m2 
        << ", y2 = " << y2; 

// Driven Program 
int main() 
    int d = 14, m = 3, y = 2015; 
    int x = 366; 

    addDays(d, m, y, x); 

    return 0; 



不知道这是否有帮助。我正在研究一个调度系统,该系统(在第一个简单草案中)将开始日期计算为截止日期 - 提前期天数。我处理了经过的秒数(自纪元以来),以便在未来的代码草稿中实现更高的精度。

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

int main() 
  // lead time in days
  int lead_time = 20;
  // assign a due_date of (midnight on) 3rd November 2020
  tm tm_due_date =  0, 0, 0, 3, 11, 2020-1900;
  // convert due_date to seconds elapsed (since epoch)
  time_t tt_due_date = mktime(&tm_due_date);
  // subtract lead time seconds
  tt_due_date -= 60 * 60 * 24 * lead_time;
  // convert back (to local time)
  tm *start_date = localtime(&tt_due_date);
  // otput the result as something we can readily read
  std::cout << asctime(start_date) << "\n";



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