使用 Retrofit 和 Kotlin 使用多态 Json



【中文标题】使用 Retrofit 和 Kotlin 使用多态 Json【英文标题】:Consuming Polymorphic Jsons with Retrofit and Kotlin 【发布时间】:2020-07-29 02:43:21 【问题描述】:

我的 API 向我发送了一个复音 Json,其中变量 addon_item 可以是字符串或数组,我花了几天时间尝试为其创建 CustomDezerializer,但没有任何成功。

这是 Json 响应

    "code": 1,
    "msg": "OK",
        "merchant_id": "62",
        "item_id": "1665",
        "item_name": "Burrito",
        "item_description": "Delicioso Burrito en base de tortilla de 30 cm",
        "discount": "",
        "photo": "http:\/\/www.asiderapido.cloud\/upload\/1568249379-KDKQ5789.jpg",
        "item_cant": "-1",
        "cooking_ref": false,
        "cooking_ref_trans": "",
        "addon_item": [
            "subcat_id": "144",
            "subcat_name": "EXTRA",
            "subcat_name_trans": "",
            "multi_option": "multiple",
            "multi_option_val": "",
            "two_flavor_position": "",
            "require_addons": "",
            "sub_item": [
                "sub_item_id": "697",
                "sub_item_name": "Queso cheddar",
                "item_description": "Delicioso queso fundido",
                "price": "36331.20",
                "price_usd": null

这里是 Custom Dezerializer,其中包括 BodyConverter,它删除了包含 Json 响应的两个大括号:

 * This class was created due to 2 issues with the current API responses:
 * 1. The API JSON results where encapsulated by parenthesis
 * 2. They had dynamic JSON variables, where the Details variable was coming as a String
 * or as an Object depending on the error message (werer whe user and password wereh correct.

class JsonConverter(private val gson: Gson) : Converter.Factory() 

    override fun responseBodyConverter(
        type: Type?, annotations: Array<Annotation>?,

        retrofit: Retrofit?
    ): Converter<ResponseBody, *>? 
        val adapter = gson.getAdapter(TypeToken.get(type!!))
        return GsonResponseBodyConverter(gson, adapter)

    override fun requestBodyConverter(
        type: Type?,
        parameterAnnotations: Array<Annotation>?,
        methodAnnotations: Array<Annotation>?,
        retrofit: Retrofit?
    ): Converter<*, RequestBody>? 
        val adapter = gson.getAdapter(TypeToken.get(type!!))
        return GsonRequestBodyConverter(gson, adapter)

    internal inner class GsonRequestBodyConverter<T>(
        private val gson: Gson,
        private val adapter: TypeAdapter<T>
    ) : Converter<T, RequestBody> 
        private val MEDIA_TYPE = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
        private val UTF_8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8")

        override fun convert(value: T): RequestBody 
            val buffer = Buffer()
            val writer = OutputStreamWriter(buffer.outputStream(), UTF_8)
            val jsonWriter = gson.newJsonWriter(writer)
            adapter.write(jsonWriter, value)
            return RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE, buffer.readByteString())

    // Here we remove the parenthesis from the JSON response

    internal inner class GsonResponseBodyConverter<T>(
        gson: Gson,
        private val adapter: TypeAdapter<T>
    ) : Converter<ResponseBody, T> 

        override fun convert(value: ResponseBody): T? 
            val dirty = value.string()
            val clean = dirty.replace("(", "")
                .replace(")", "")

                return adapter.fromJson(clean)

    class DetalleDeProductoDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<DetallesDelItemWrapper2> 
        override fun deserialize(
            json: JsonElement,
            typeOfT: Type,
            context: JsonDeserializationContext
        ): DetallesDelItemWrapper2 

             if ((json as JsonObject).get("addon_item") is JsonObject) 
            return Gson().fromJson<DetallesDelItemWrapper2>(json, ListaDetalleAddonItem::class.java)


                 return Gson().fromJson<DetallesDelItemWrapper2>(json, DetallesDelItemWrapper2.CookingRefItemBoolean::class.java)

    companion object 

        private val LOG_TAG = JsonConverter::class.java!!.getSimpleName()

        fun create(detalleDeProductoDeserializer: DetalleDeProductoDeserializer): JsonConverter 
            Log.e("Perfill Adapter = ", "Test5 " +  "JsonConverter" )

            return create(Gson())

        fun create(): JsonConverter 
            return create(Gson())

        private fun create(gson: Gson?): JsonConverter 
            if (gson == null) throw NullPointerException("gson == null")
            return JsonConverter(gson)

这是 RetrofitClient.class

class RetrofitClient private constructor(name: String) 
    private var retrofit: Retrofit? = null

    fun getApi(): Api 
        return retrofit!!.create(Api::class.java)


        if (name == "detalleDelItem") run 
            retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
//                .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create(percentDeserializer))
            Log.e("RetrofitClient ", "Instace: " + "detalle " +  name)

    companion object 

        //Remember this shit is https for the production server
        private val BASE_URL = "http://www.asiderapido.cloud/mobileapp/api/"

        private var mInstance: RetrofitClient? = null

        fun getInstance(name: String): RetrofitClient 
                mInstance = RetrofitClient(name)
            return mInstance!!


open class DetallesDelItemWrapper2 
     val code: Int? = null
     var details: ItemDetails? = null
     val msg: String? = null

     class ItemDetails 
         val addonItem: Any? = null
         val categoryInfo: CategoryInfo? = null
         val cookingRef: Any? = null
         val cookingRefTrans: String? = null

class ListaDetalleAddonItem: DetallesDelItemWrapper2()
   val detalleAddonItem: List<DetalleAddonItem>? = null

class StringDetalleAddonItem: DetallesDelItemWrapper2()
    val detalleAddonItem: String? = null



我对此进行了尝试,并提出了 2 个可能的想法。我不认为它们是实现这一目标的唯一方法,但我想我可以分享我的想法。

首先,我将问题简化为实际上只解析项目。所以我从等式中删除了改造并使用以下 jsons:

val json = """
    "addon_item": [
            "subcat_id": "144",
            "subcat_name": "EXTRA",
            "subcat_name_trans": "",
            "multi_option": "multiple",
            "multi_option_val": "",
            "two_flavor_position": "",
            "require_addons": "",
            "sub_item": [
                "sub_item_id": "697",
                "sub_item_name": "Queso cheddar",
                "item_description": "Delicioso queso fundido",
                "price": "36331.20",
                "price_usd": null


(当addon_item 是一个数组时)

val jsonString = """
   "addon_item": "foo"


(当addon_item 是一个字符串时)


我的第一个方法是将addon_item 建模为通用JsonElement

data class ItemDetails(
  val addonItem: JsonElement? = null


这里的想法是让gson 将其反序列化为通用 json 元素,然后您可以自己检查它。所以如果我们在类中添加一些方便的方法:

data class ItemDetails(
  val addonItem: JsonElement? = null
  fun isAddOnItemString() =
    addonItem?.isJsonPrimitive == true && addonItem.asJsonPrimitive.isString

  fun isAddOnItemArray() =
    addonItem?.isJsonArray == true

  fun addOnItemAsString() =

  fun addOnItemAsArray() =

如您所见,我们检查addOnItem 中包含的内容,并据此获取其内容。这是一个如何使用它的示例:

fun main() 
  val item = Gson().fromJson(jsonString, ItemDetails::class.java)


您可以将插件作为一个数组获取,但它将是一个必须“手动”反序列化的 json 元素数组。因此,我的第二种方法试图解决这个问题。


这里的想法是使用 Kotlin 的密封类并有 2 种类型的附加组件:

sealed class AddOnItems 
  data class StringAddOnItems(
    val addOn: String
  ) : AddOnItems()

  data class ArrayAddOnItems(
    val addOns: List<SubCategory> = emptyList()
  ) : AddOnItems()

  fun isArray() = this is ArrayAddOnItems

  fun isString() = this is StringAddOnItems

SubCategory 类就是列表中的内容。这是它的一个简单版本:

data class SubCategory(
  val id: String

如您所见,AddOnItems 是一个密封类,对于您的用例只有 2 种可能的类型。


class AddOnItemsDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<AddOnItems> 
  override fun deserialize(json: JsonElement?, typeOfT: Type?, context: JsonDeserializationContext?) =
        json?.isJsonArray == true -> 
                TypeToken.getParameterized(List::class.java, SubCategory::class.java).type))

        json?.isJsonPrimitive == true && json.asJsonPrimitive.isString ->

        else -> throw IllegalStateException("Cannot parse $json as addonItems")

简而言之,这会检查 add on 是否是一个数组,并创建相应的类和字符串。


fun main() 
  val item = GsonBuilder()
    .registerTypeAdapter(AddOnItems::class.java, AddOnItemsDeserializer())
    .fromJson(jsonString, ItemDetails::class.java)

  val item = GsonBuilder()
    .registerTypeAdapter(AddOnItems::class.java, AddOnItemsDeserializer())
    .fromJson(json, ItemDetails::class.java)




以上是关于使用 Retrofit 和 Kotlin 使用多态 Json的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

使用 Kotlin 进行 RxJava 和改造

在 Kotlin 中使用 Moshi 和 Retrofit 解析具有增量对象名称的 JSON

使用 Retrofit2(kotlin) 的 CURL 请求

使用 Retrofit 处理 Kotlin 序列化 MissingFieldException

如何使用 Kotlin Coroutines 在 Retrofit 中处理 204 响应?

使用 Corrutines 的 Kotlin retrofit2 连接