仅使用 hashKey 查询 dynamoDB



【中文标题】仅使用 hashKey 查询 dynamoDB【英文标题】:Query dynamoDB using only hashKey 【发布时间】:2016-12-25 02:39:54 【问题描述】:

我想只使用 Hashkey 来查询我的 dynamoDB。 我的 table(name = testTable) 架构如下:

字符串 autoID (HashKey) 字符串 AlexandriaID (RangeKey) 字符串文档类型

我的 dynamoDBQueryExpression 是:

String hashKey = "dummyHashKey";

testTable hashKeyValues = new testTable();


DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable> queryExpression = new DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable>();

//Assuming I have a dynamoDBMapper object mapper

List<testTable> docList = mapper.query(testTable.class, queryExpression);

我期待一个具有相同 autoID 的 testTable 对象列表。由于我是新手,如果我错了,请纠正我。

当我拨打mapper.query() 时没有任何反应。

引用 Vikdor 在 *** 问题上的评论 query using hashKey in dynamoDB



public void queryFromRFIDocumentDetails(String hashKey)
    System.out.println((new Throwable()).getStackTrace()[0].toString() + "***Enter***");

    testTable hashKeyValues = new testTable();

    System.out.println("AutoID for hashKeyValues " + hashKeyValues.getAutoID());
    System.out.println("DocTYpe for hashKeyValues " + hashKeyValues.getDocType());
    System.out.println("AlexandriaID for hashKeyValues " + hashKeyValues.getAlexandraiID());

    DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable> queryExpression = new DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable>();

    System.out.println("calling mapper.query");  //nothing happens after this

    List<testTable> docList = new ArrayList<testTable>();
    docList = mapper.query(testTable.class, queryExpression);

    for(int i=0; i<docList.size(); i++)
        System.out.println("***iterating at retrieved index " + i);
        System.out.println("AutoID for retrieved document " + docList.get(i).getAutoID());
        System.out.println("DocTYpe for retrieved document " + docList.get(i).getDocType());
        System.out.println("AlexandriaID for retrieved document " + docList.get(i).getAlexandraiID());



***iterating at index 0
[java] AutoID for document to be saved abc
[java] DocTYpe for document to be saved foo
[java] AlexandriaID for document to be saved id1
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:201)***Enter***
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:203)***Exit***
[java] ***iterating at index 1
[java] AutoID for document to be saved abc
[java] DocTYpe for document to be saved foo
[java] AlexandriaID for document to be saved id2
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:201)***Enter***
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:203)***Exit***
[java] ***iterating at index 2
[java] AutoID for document to be saved abc
[java] DocTYpe for document to be saved foo
[java] AlexandriaID for document to be saved id3
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:201)***Enter***
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:203)***Exit***
[java] hashKey is abc


[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.queryFromRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:207)***Enter***
[java] AutoID for hashKeyValues abc
[java] DocTYpe for hashKeyValues null
[java] AlexandriaID for hashKeyValues null
[java] calling mapper.query


Scanning Table RFIDocumentDetails
 [java] docType=S: foo,, autoID=S: abc,, alexandriaID=S: id1,
 [java] docType=S: foo,, autoID=S: abc,, alexandriaID=S: id2,
 [java] docType=S: foo,, autoID=S: abc,, alexandriaID=S: id3,
 [java] docType=S: pdf,, autoID=S: HashKey,, alexandriaID=S: alexandriaID1,
 [java] docType=S: pdf,, autoID=S: HashKey,, alexandriaID=S: alexandriaID2,
 [java] docType=S: foo,, autoID=S: asdf,, alexandriaID=S: id1,
 [java] docType=S: foo,, autoID=S: asdf,, alexandriaID=S: id2,
 [java] docType=S: foo,, autoID=S: foo,, alexandriaID=S: id1,
 [java] docType=S: foo,, autoID=S: foo,, alexandriaID=S: id2,
 [java] Scanning Table Finishes 

testTable 类:

public class testTable     
   private String autoID;   
   private String docType;  
   private String alexandriaID;     

   public String getAutoID()   return autoID; 
   public void setAutoID(String autoID)    this.autoID = autoID;      

   public String getAlexandraiID() return alexandriaID;   
   public void setAlexandriaID(String alexandriaID)    this.alexandriaID = alexandriaID;      

   public String getDocType()  return docType;    
   public void setDocType(String docType)  this.docType = docType;    


您的表是否包含 autoId 值“dummyHashKey”? 你迭代列表docList并检查结果了吗? @notionquest 是的,在前面的步骤中,我使用 mapper.save() 在表中添加了多个对象,其中两个对象的 autoId 为“dummyHashKey”。在我的代码中,我已经在 mapper.query() 之后迭代列表,但是在调用 mapper.query() 之后没有任何反应。 你的意思是你在同一个程序中插入和读取同一个键?全部作为一个单元执行?如果是,请单独运行插入并单独阅读以调试问题。 @notionquest 是的,我正在以相同的方法进行这两个调用。让我把它们分开,然后再回复你。谢谢。 【参考方案1】:

如前所述,问题似乎出在 getAlexandraiID 声明中。



public String getAlexandraiID() return alexandriaID; 


@DynamoDBRangeKey(attributeName = "alexandriaID")
public String getAlexandriaID() 
    return alexandriaID;


以上是关于仅使用 hashKey 查询 dynamoDB的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

$$hashKey 用于 angular2 中的对象?

使用 spring-data-dynamodb 在 GSI 中查询 dynamoDB 中的 id 列表

terraform dynamodb 中如何指定复合主键(hashkey)

什么是 $$hashKey 添加到我的 JSON.stringify 结果

Firebase.push 失败:第一个参数包含无效密钥 ($$hashKey)

Facebook 登录,哈希键问题 - Flutter ,如何在 Flutter 中生成 Facebook Hashkey?