我雄辩的查询构建器实例返回空,而 sql 子句返回结果。会欣赏第二只眼睛



【中文标题】我雄辩的查询构建器实例返回空,而 sql 子句返回结果。会欣赏第二只眼睛【英文标题】:My eloquent query builder instance is returning empty while the sql clause returns results. would appreciate a second eye 【发布时间】:2019-02-01 22:59:08 【问题描述】:

在将 sql 查询转换为查询生成器时,我被卡住了,因为查询返回一个空集,而我知道原始 SQL 子句将返回约 200 条记录。

使用 toSql() 和控制台测试进行故障排除。我猜我有一个奇怪的“在哪里”或“在”扔东西,但我似乎无法确定它。我提前感谢你所有的眼睛。谢谢。

select [h].[commitment_desc],
       [d].[item_start_date] as [item_commitment_start_date],
       [il_c].[qty_on_hand] as [CPP_oh],
       [il_b].[qty_on_hand] as [Bloomington_oh]
from [item_commitment_hdr] as [h]
            left join [item_commitment_detail] as [d]
         on [h].[item_commitment_hdr_uid] = [d].[item_commitment_hdr_uid]
                   and [d].[item_start_date] < ?
                   and [d].[item_end_date] > ?
            inner join [inv_mast] as [im]
         on [d].[inv_mast_uid] = [im].[inv_mast_uid]
            inner join [job_price_hdr] as [jph]
         on [jph].[job_no] = ?
            left join [job_price_line] as [jpl]
         on [jph].[job_price_hdr_uid] = [jpl].[job_price_hdr_uid]
                   and CAST (im.inv_mast_uid as nvarchar(15)) = jpl.inv_mast_uid
                   and [jpl].[row_status_flag] = ?
            left join [inv_loc] as [il_b]
         on [d].[inv_mast_uid] = [il_b].[inv_mast_uid]
                   and [il_b].[location_id] = ?
                   and [il_b].[delete_flag] = ?
            left join [inv_loc] as [il_c]
         on [d].[inv_mast_uid] = [il_c].[inv_mast_uid]
                   and [il_c].[location_id] = ?
                   and [il_c].[delete_flag] = ?
where [h].[customer_id] = ?
  and [h].[row_status_flag] = ?
  and [h].[commitment_start_date] < ?
  and [h].[commitment_end_date] > ?

现在是 php

$liability  = DB::connection('p21')->table('item_commitment_hdr as h')
                    'd.item_start_date as item_commitment_start_date',
                    'il_c.qty_on_hand as CPP_oh',
                    'il_b.qty_on_hand as Bloomington_oh'
                )->leftjoin('item_commitment_detail as d', function ($join) use ($now) 
                    $join->on('h.item_commitment_hdr_uid', '=', 'd.item_commitment_hdr_uid')
                        ->where('d.item_start_date', '<', $now)
                        ->where('d.item_end_date', '>', $now);
                )->join('inv_mast as im', 'd.inv_mast_uid', '=', 'im.inv_mast_uid')
                ->join('job_price_hdr as jph', function ($join) use ($job_no) 
                    $join->where('jph.job_no', '=', "'" . $job_no[0] . "'");
                )->leftjoin('job_price_line as jpl', function ($join) 
                    $join->on('jph.job_price_hdr_uid', '=', 'jpl.job_price_hdr_uid')
                        ->whereRaw('CAST (im.inv_mast_uid as nvarchar(15)) = jpl.inv_mast_uid')
                        ->where('jpl.row_status_flag', '=', (int)704);//active flag
                )->leftjoin('inv_loc as il_b', function ($join) use ($mainWarehouse) 
                    $join->on('d.inv_mast_uid', '=', 'il_b.inv_mast_uid')
                        ->where('il_b.location_id', '=', (int)$mainWarehouse)
                        ->where('il_b.delete_flag', '=', "'N'");
                )->leftjoin('inv_loc as il_c', function ($join) use ($consignmentWarehouse) 
                    $join->on('d.inv_mast_uid', '=', 'il_c.inv_mast_uid')
                        ->where('il_c.location_id', '=', (int)$consignmentWarehouse)
                        ->where('il_c.delete_flag', '=', "'N'");
                )->where('h.customer_id', '=', (int)$AccountGroup[0]->corp_address_id)
                ->where('h.row_status_flag', '=', (int)704)
                ->where('h.commitment_start_date', '<', $now)
                ->where('h.commitment_end_date', '>', $now)


请添加所有变量。 【参考方案1】:

我注意到的一件事是,您左连接表 item_commitment_detail,然后在 item_commitment_detail.inv_mast_uid 上内连接 inv_mast。


如果 item_commitment_detail 必须是左连接,那么 inv_mast 也应该是左连接。





$prices = DB::connection('p21')->table('job_price_line as jpl')
        ->select('item_id', 'uom', 'price')
        ->join('job_price_hdr as jph', function ($join) use ($job_no) 
            $join->on('jpl.job_price_hdr_uid', '=', 'jph.job_price_hdr_uid')
                ->whereRaw('jph.job_no = ' . $job_no[0]);
        )->join('inv_mast as im', 'jpl.inv_mast_uid', '=', 'im.inv_mast_uid')
        ->whereRaw('jpl.row_status_flag = 704')


->join(DB::raw("(" . $prices . ") as p"), function ($join) 
            $join->on('im.item_id', '=', 'p.item_id');


以上是关于我雄辩的查询构建器实例返回空,而 sql 子句返回结果。会欣赏第二只眼睛的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

laravel 雄辩的查询构建器更新自定义时间戳字段而没有任何逻辑

Laravel 雄辩的 SQL 查询与 OR 和 AND 与 where 子句


Laravel 雄辩与查询构建器的优缺点

Symfony - 在学说查询构建器中使用 orWhere()
