


【中文标题】从流式阅读器读取一行而不消耗?【英文标题】:Reading a line from a streamreader without consuming? 【发布时间】:2010-10-24 22:56:19 【问题描述】:





我需要 peek 但 peekline 之类的东西


我认为 PeekLine 方法不是处理“无结束标签”问题的好方法,因为您总是需要查看行并测试新结构的开始位置。我想将流的位置设置为上一行,下一个 ReadLine 将返回您已阅读的行。 【参考方案1】:

问题是底层流甚至可能不可搜索。如果您查看流读取器实现,它使用缓冲区,因此即使流不可搜索,它也可以实现 TextReader.Peek()。


 public class PeekableStreamReaderAdapter
        private StreamReader Underlying;
        private Queue<string> BufferedLines;

        public PeekableStreamReaderAdapter(StreamReader underlying)
            Underlying = underlying;
            BufferedLines = new Queue<string>();

        public string PeekLine()
            string line = Underlying.ReadLine();
            if (line == null)
                return null;
            return line;

        public string ReadLine()
            if (BufferedLines.Count > 0)
                return BufferedLines.Dequeue();
            return Underlying.ReadLine();


我会在使用之前初始化BufferedLines :) 而且,我会为 PeekLine() 使用另一个名称,因为顾名思义它总是会返回同一行(下一行来自最后一个 ReadLine 的位置)。已经投票 +1 感谢添加初始化程序。甚至从未编译过代码。也许像 LookAheadReadLine() 这样的东西可能更合适。 我稍微扩展了这个,所以类继承自 TextReader:gist.github.com/1317325 @AndyEdinborough 喜欢 PeekableTextReader @AndyEdinborough 你刚刚为我节省了两个小时,辛苦了,非常感谢!【参考方案2】:

您可以存储访问 StreamReader.BaseStream.Position 的位置,然后读取下一行,进行测试,然后在读取该行之前找到该位置:

            // Peek at the next line
            long peekPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
            string line = reader.ReadLine();

            if (line.StartsWith("<tag start>"))
                // This is a new tag, so we reset the position

                // This is part of the same node.

这是很多寻找和重新阅读相同的行。使用一些逻辑,您可以完全避免这种情况 - 例如,当您看到一个新标签开始时,关闭现有结构并开始一个新结构 - 这是一个基本算法:

        SomeStructure myStructure = null;
        while (!reader.EndOfStream)
            string currentLine = reader.ReadLine();
            if (currentLine.StartsWith("<tag start>"))
                // Close out existing structure.
                if (myStructure != null)
                    // Close out the existing structure.

                // Create a new structure and add this line.
                myStructure = new Structure();                   
                // Append to myStructure.
                // Add to the existing structure.
                if (myStructure != null)
                    // Append to existing myStructure
                    // This means the first line was not part of a structure.
                    // Either handle this case, or throw an exception.


看这里:似乎底层流的位置可能并不总是与 StreamReader:***.com/questions/1737591/streamreader-c-peek 匹配【参考方案3】:


// Not exactly C# but close enough
Collection structs = new Collection();
Struct struct;
while ((line = readline()) != null)) 
    if (IsNode(line)) 
        if (struct != null) structs.add(struct);
        struct = new Struct();
    // Whatever processing you need to do

structs.add(struct); // Add the last one to the collection

// Use your structures here
foreach s in structs 






struct INDI
        public string ID;
        public string Name;
        public string Sex;
        public string BirthDay;
        public bool Dead;

    struct FAM
        public string FamID;
        public string type;
        public string IndiID;
    List<INDI> Individuals = new List<INDI>();
    List<FAM> Family = new List<FAM>();
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string path = @"C:\mostrecent.ged";

    private void ParseGedcom(string path)
        //Open path to GED file
        StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(path);

        //Read entire block and then plit on 0 @ for individuals and familys (no other info is needed for this instance)
        string[] Holder = SR.ReadToEnd().Replace("0 @", "\u0646").Split('\u0646');

        //For each new cell in the holder array look for Individuals and familys
        foreach (string Node in Holder)

            //Sub Split the string on the returns to get a true block of info
            string[] SubNode = Node.Replace("\r\n", "\r").Split('\r');
            //If a individual is found
            if (SubNode[0].Contains("INDI"))
                //Create new Structure
                INDI I = new INDI();
                //Add the ID number and remove extra formating
                I.ID = SubNode[0].Replace("@", "").Replace(" INDI", "").Trim();
                //Find the name remove extra formating for last name
                I.Name = SubNode[FindIndexinArray(SubNode, "NAME")].Replace("1 NAME", "").Replace("/", "").Trim(); 
                //Find Sex and remove extra formating
                I.Sex = SubNode[FindIndexinArray(SubNode, "SEX")].Replace("1 SEX ", "").Trim();

                //Deterine if there is a brithday -1 means no
                if (FindIndexinArray(SubNode, "1 BIRT ") != -1)
                    // add birthday to Struct 
                    I.BirthDay = SubNode[FindIndexinArray(SubNode, "1 BIRT ") + 1].Replace("2 DATE ", "").Trim();

                // deterimin if there is a death tag will return -1 if not found
                if (FindIndexinArray(SubNode, "1 DEAT ") != -1)
                    //convert Y or N to true or false ( defaults to False so no need to change unless Y is found.
                    if (SubNode[FindIndexinArray(SubNode, "1 DEAT ")].Replace("1 DEAT ", "").Trim() == "Y")
                        //set death
                        I.Dead = true;
                //add the Struct to the list for later use

            // Start Family section
            else if (SubNode[0].Contains("FAM"))
                //grab Fam id from node early on to keep from doing it over and over
                string FamID = SubNode[0].Replace("@ FAM", "");

                // Multiple children can exist for each family so this section had to be a bit more dynaimic

                // Look at each line of node
                foreach (string Line in SubNode)
                    // If node is HUSB
                    if (Line.Contains("1 HUSB "))

                        FAM F = new FAM();
                        F.FamID = FamID;
                        F.type = "PAR";
                        F.IndiID = Line.Replace("1 HUSB ", "").Replace("@","").Trim();
                        //If node for Wife
                    else if (Line.Contains("1 WIFE "))
                        FAM F = new FAM();
                        F.FamID = FamID;
                        F.type = "PAR";
                        F.IndiID = Line.Replace("1 WIFE ", "").Replace("@", "").Trim();
                        //if node for multi children
                    else if (Line.Contains("1 CHIL "))
                        FAM F = new FAM();
                         F.FamID = FamID;
                        F.type = "CHIL";
                        F.IndiID = Line.Replace("1 CHIL ", "").Replace("@", "");

    private int FindIndexinArray(string[] Arr, string search)
        int Val = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < Arr.Length; i++)
            if (Arr[i].Contains(search))
                Val = i;
        return Val;


FAM 和 INDI 是这些结构的可怕名称(如果其他人可能需要阅读或使用您的代码)。 这是标签的名称,我认为它很容易解释


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