根据 SVG 元素顶部位置定位工具提示
【中文标题】根据 SVG 元素顶部位置定位工具提示【英文标题】:Positioning a tool tip in regard of SVG element top position 【发布时间】:2018-06-17 13:54:12 【问题描述】:我被这个困住了: 我得到了这个由 300 多个多边形组成的 Raphael 生成的 SVG 图形。我想在悬停多边形时显示工具提示。我希望工具提示位于悬停路径旁边。 到目前为止,一切都很好...我可以使用 .pageX 和 .pageY 属性。 现在,这就是我现在被困的地方...... 我并不完全希望工具提示位于鼠标进入的位置,而是与多边形的顶部对齐,而不管鼠标进入的位置。
我显然在发布之前做了一些研究,发现 .getBoundingClientRect() 方法可能是我需要的。不幸的是,我无法让它工作。控制台返回“无法读取未定义的属性'getBoundingClientRect'。
我不太擅长 javascript,如果有任何帮助,我将不胜感激!
var rsr = Raphael('rsr', '147.99', '151');
var shapes = [];
var path_a = rsr.path("M 59.288,50.5 44.58,25.5 59.288,0.5 88.703,0.5 103.41,25.5 88.703,50.5 z");
path_a.data('id', 'path_a');
var path_b = rsr.path("M 103.288,75.5 88.58,50.5 103.288,25.5 132.703,25.5 147.41,50.5 132.703,75.5 z");
path_b.data('id', 'path_b');
var path_c = rsr.path("M 59.288,100.5 44.58,75.5 59.288,50.5 88.703,50.5 103.41,75.5 88.703,100.5 z");
path_c.data('id', 'path_c');
var path_d = rsr.path("M 15.288,75.5 0.58,50.5 15.288,25.5 44.703,25.5 59.41,50.5 44.703,75.5 z");
path_d.data('id', 'path_d');
var path_e = rsr.path("M 103.288,125.5 88.58,100.5 103.288,75.5 132.703,75.5 147.41,100.5 132.703,125.5 z");
path_e.data('id', 'path_e');
var path_f = rsr.path("M 59.288,150.5 44.58,125.5 59.288,100.5 88.703,100.5 103.41,125.5 88.703,150.5 z");
path_f.data('id', 'path_f');
var path_g = rsr.path("M 15.288,125.5 0.58,100.5 15.288,75.5 44.703,75.5 59.41,100.5 44.703,125.5 z");
path_g.data('id', 'path_g');
shapes.push(path_a, path_b, path_c, path_d, path_e, path_f, path_g);
for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++)
shapes[i].node.setAttribute('fill', '#8c1c40');
shapes[i].node.setAttribute('stroke', 'white');
shapes[i].node.setAttribute('stroke-width', '1');
shapes[i].node.style.cursor = "pointer";
var posx;
var posy;
// var pos = shapes[i].getBoundingClientRect();
// The above line returns "undefined"
if (typeof e !== 'undefined')
posx = e.pageX - 300;
posy = e.pageY - 0;
this.node.setAttribute('fill', '#888'); //
var box = document.getElementById('textbox');
box.style.position = "absolute";
box.style.left = '200px';
box.style.top = posy + 'px';
document.getElementById('textbox').innerhtml = this.data('id');
this.node.setAttribute('fill', '#8c1c40');
document.getElementById('textbox').innerHTML = "";
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/raphael/2.1.0/raphael-min.js"></script>
<div id="rsr">
<div id="textbox">
var rsr = Raphael('rsr', '147.99', '151');
var shapes = [];
var path_a = rsr.path("M 59.288,50.5 44.58,25.5 59.288,0.5 88.703,0.5 103.41,25.5 88.703,50.5 z");
path_a.data('id', 'path_a');
var path_b = rsr.path("M 103.288,75.5 88.58,50.5 103.288,25.5 132.703,25.5 147.41,50.5 132.703,75.5 z");
path_b.data('id', 'path_b');
var path_c = rsr.path("M 59.288,100.5 44.58,75.5 59.288,50.5 88.703,50.5 103.41,75.5 88.703,100.5 z");
path_c.data('id', 'path_c');
var path_d = rsr.path("M 15.288,75.5 0.58,50.5 15.288,25.5 44.703,25.5 59.41,50.5 44.703,75.5 z");
path_d.data('id', 'path_d');
var path_e = rsr.path("M 103.288,125.5 88.58,100.5 103.288,75.5 132.703,75.5 147.41,100.5 132.703,125.5 z");
path_e.data('id', 'path_e');
var path_f = rsr.path("M 59.288,150.5 44.58,125.5 59.288,100.5 88.703,100.5 103.41,125.5 88.703,150.5 z");
path_f.data('id', 'path_f');
var path_g = rsr.path("M 15.288,125.5 0.58,100.5 15.288,75.5 44.703,75.5 59.41,100.5 44.703,125.5 z");
path_g.data('id', 'path_g');
shapes.push(path_a, path_b, path_c, path_d, path_e, path_f, path_g);
for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++)
shapes[i].node.setAttribute('fill', '#8c1c40');
shapes[i].node.setAttribute('stroke', 'white');
shapes[i].node.setAttribute('stroke-width', '1');
shapes[i].node.style.cursor = "pointer";
var posx;
var posy;
var pos = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();
if (typeof e !== 'undefined')
posx = e.pageX - 300;
posy = pos.top;
this.node.setAttribute('fill', '#888'); //
var box = document.getElementById('textbox');
box.style.position = "absolute";
box.style.left = '200px';
box.style.top = posy + 'px';
document.getElementById('textbox').innerHTML = this.data('id');
this.node.setAttribute('fill', '#8c1c40');
document.getElementById('textbox').innerHTML = "";
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/raphael/2.1.0/raphael-min.js"></script>
<div id="rsr">
<div id="textbox">
非常感谢您@FixMaker 的回答。它确实适用于我提供的简化示例。但是,我想出了另一个问题。由于图形高度非常重要,我们经常需要上下滚动。然后......它变得一团糟:-(有什么建议吗? 哦,我想我明白了! posy = pos.top + window.scrollY;应该做的工作。感谢您的帮助!以上是关于根据 SVG 元素顶部位置定位工具提示的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章