沿 SVG 路径绘制



【中文标题】沿 SVG 路径绘制【英文标题】:Draw along SVG path 【发布时间】:2021-09-09 05:33:42 【问题描述】:

我有一个使用贝塞尔曲线的 SVG 路径,例如:

m 776,2226 c 0,0 258.61385,-173.7593 289.34025,-325.8576 57.158,-282.9367 15.5277,-622.2212 50.8732,-933.13714 12.8345,-112.89946 104.2775,-278.6582 22.2568,-340.66923 -50.5144,-38.19103 -158.97817,99.97904 -158.97817,99.97904


我想用 html 画布来做这个。





在深入计算之前一定要了解 SVG pathLength 属性:developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/pathLength 【参考方案1】:

也许是stroke-dashoffset?有一个很好的小解释器和demo on CSS-Tricks.



就像在 SVG 中一样,Canvas2D API 具有 dash-offset 和 stroke-dasharray 选项,分别通过 lineDashOffset 属性和 setLineDash 方法。

但是,这个 API 仍然缺乏测量路径长度的正确方法(早期有关于扩展 Path2D API 的讨论,但还没有具体的内容)。 你可以自己计算那个长度,但路径越复杂,你出错的可能性就越大...... 所以最简单的可能实际上是使用 SVGGeometry 元素,它确实公开了一个 .getTotalLength() 方法。

const declaration = `M 10,30
       A 20,20 0,0,1 50,30
       A 20,20 0,0,1 90,30
       Q 90,60 50,90
       Q 10,60 10,30 z`;

const geom = document.createElementNS( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path" );
geom.setAttribute( "d", declaration );
const length = geom.getTotalLength();

const path = new Path2D( declaration );
const canvas = document.querySelector( "canvas" );
const ctx = canvas.getContext( "2d" );
// [ dash - hole ]
ctx.setLineDash( [ length, length ] );

const duration = 2000;
const start = performance.now();
requestAnimationFrame( draw );

ctx.fillStyle = "green";
ctx.strokeStyle = "red";

function draw(now) 
  ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
  const delta = (now % duration) / duration;
  ctx.lineDashOffset = length - (length * delta);
  ctx.stroke( path );
  requestAnimationFrame( draw );
<canvas width="100" height="100"></canvas>

对于那些为了标题而来到这里并想要沿路径移动形状的人,我们可以继续使用我们的 SVGGeometryElement 及其getPointAtLength 方法:

const declaration = `M 10,30
       A 20,20 0,0,1 50,30
       A 20,20 0,0,1 90,30
       Q 90,60 50,90
       Q 10,60 10,30 z`;

const geom = document.createElementNS( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path" );
geom.setAttribute( "d", declaration );
const length = geom.getTotalLength();

const path = new Path2D( declaration );
const canvas = document.querySelector( "canvas" );
const ctx = canvas.getContext( "2d" );

const duration = 2000;
const start = performance.now();
requestAnimationFrame( draw );

ctx.fillStyle = "green";
ctx.strokeStyle = "red";

function draw(now) 
  ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
  const delta = (now % duration) / duration;
  const point = geom.getPointAtLength( length * delta );
  ctx.fillRect( point.x - 10, point.y -10, 20, 20 );
  ctx.stroke( path );
  requestAnimationFrame( draw );
<canvas width="100" height="100"></canvas>




我对贝塞尔曲线的数学以及它们在 SVG 中的表示方式进行了一些研究。

我的路径使用m 命令表示路径的起点,使用c 命令表示具有相对控制点和终点的贝塞尔曲线。这条曲线有多个段。


m 1,2 c 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,10 11,12 13,14


路径的起点是 (1,2) 然后是一条有 2 段的曲线 第一段从 (1,2) 开始,它的第一个控制点在 (1+3,2+4)=(4,6),第二个控制点在 (1+5,2+6)= (6,8) 结束于 (1+7,2+8)=(8,10) 第二段从最后一段的终点 (8,10) 开始。它的第一个控制点是(8+9,10+10)=(18,19),第二个控制点是(8+11,10+13)=(18,24),终点是(8+13) ,10+14)=(18,27)

使用贝塞尔曲线的数学,我编写了这段代码来返回具有多段的贝塞尔曲线上的点。请注意,它只处理路径以m 开头然后以c 命令继续的情况。


    class Point 

        constructor(xStr, yStr) 
            this.x = parseInt(xStr, 10);
            this.y = parseInt(yStr, 10);

            return new Point(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);

    class BezierCurveSegment 

        constructor(startPoint, controlPoint1, controlPoint2, endPoint) 
            this.startPoint = startPoint;
            this.controlPoint1 = controlPoint1;
            this.controlPoint2 = controlPoint2;
            this.endPoint = endPoint;

            const points = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < 1; i += accuracy) 
                const p = bezier(i, this.startPoint, this.controlPoint1, this.controlPoint2, this.endPoint);
                points.push(new Point(p.x, p.y));
            return points;

    class BezierCurve 

        constructor(startPoint, segments) 
            this.startPoint = startPoint;
            this.segments = segments;

            const accuracy = 1 / pointCount * this.segments.length;
            let points = [];
            for (let segment of this.segments) 
                let pointsOnSegment = segment.getPointsOnSegment(accuracy);
                points = points.concat(pointsOnSegment);
            return points;

    // https://***.com/questions/16227300/
    function bezier(t, p0, p1, p2, p3) 
        // console.log("bezier", t, p0, p1, p2, p3)
        var cX = 3 * (p1.x - p0.x),
                bX = 3 * (p2.x - p1.x) - cX,
                aX = p3.x - p0.x - cX - bX;

        var cY = 3 * (p1.y - p0.y),
                bY = 3 * (p2.y - p1.y) - cY,
                aY = p3.y - p0.y - cY - bY;

        var x = (aX * Math.pow(t, 3)) + (bX * Math.pow(t, 2)) + (cX * t) + p0.x;
        var y = (aY * Math.pow(t, 3)) + (bY * Math.pow(t, 2)) + (cY * t) + p0.y;

        return x: x, y: y;

    function createCurveFromSVGPath(pathStr) 
        pathStr = pathStr.replaceAll(',', ' ');
        let items = pathStr.split(' ');

        if (items[0] !== "m") 
            throw "First item in the path is not 'm' command (only relative is supported)";
        if (items[3] !== "c") 
            throw "Third item in the path is not 'c' command (only relative is supported)";

        let startPoint = new Point(items[1], items[2]);

        // done with "m x,y c" items
        items = items.slice(4);

        // divide by the number of points each segment has
        let segmentCount = items.length / POINTS_IN_SEGMENT;

        let segments = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) 
            let lastSegmentEndPoint;
            if (i === 0) 
                lastSegmentEndPoint = startPoint;
                lastSegmentEndPoint = segments[i - 1].endPoint;

            // noinspection PointlessArithmeticExpressionJS
            const segment = new BezierCurveSegment(
                    // all these numbers are relative to previous segment's end point
                    // see https://***.com/questions/26675960/
                    lastSegmentEndPoint.add(new Point(items[i * POINTS_IN_SEGMENT + 0], items[i * POINTS_IN_SEGMENT + 1])),
                    lastSegmentEndPoint.add(new Point(items[i * POINTS_IN_SEGMENT + 2], items[i * POINTS_IN_SEGMENT + 3])),
                    lastSegmentEndPoint.add(new Point(items[i * POINTS_IN_SEGMENT + 4], items[i * POINTS_IN_SEGMENT + 5])),

        return new BezierCurve(startPoint, segments);

为了验证它是否正常工作,我在画布上绘制点,并使用 Path2D 绘制相同的路径。

    function drawPoints(ctx, points) 
        ctx.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
        for (let point of points) 
            ctx.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
            ctx.moveTo(point.x, point.y);

    let pathStr = 'm 776.65415,2226.6574 c 0,0 258.61385,-173.7593 289.34025,-325.8576 57.158,-282.9367 15.5277,-622.2212 50.8732,-933.13714 12.8345,-112.89946 104.2775,-278.6582 22.2568,-340.66923 -50.5144,-38.19103 -158.97817,99.97904 -158.97817,99.97904';

    const curve = createCurveFromSVGPath(pathStr);

    let pointsOnCurve = curve.getPointsOnCurve(100000);

    const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
    const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

    drawPoints(ctx, pointsOnCurve);

    ctx.strokeStyle = "#FF0000";
    ctx.stroke(new Path2D(pathStr););


以上是关于沿 SVG 路径绘制的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

沿 Lat 和 Long 值绘制路径

iOS - 如何沿路径绘制渐变

如何使用 SwiftUI 沿圆形路径绘制文本

在 xamarin ios 中沿圆形路径绘制文本

在 iOS 中沿路径均匀地绘制图像

使用 SVG 路径数据在 Canvas 中绘制路径(SVG 路径到 Canvas 路径)