R data.frame中多个变量的每小时平均值?



【中文标题】R data.frame中多个变量的每小时平均值?【英文标题】:Hourly mean of multiple variables in R data.frame? 【发布时间】:2020-12-10 01:04:57 【问题描述】:

我有以下代码,并试图找到每个variables (i.e., X,Y, and Z) 中的hourly mean。我的输出应该是 data.framehourlyDate 列和所有 variables 中的 mean hourly data。任何前进的方式将不胜感激。



T <- data.frame(Datetime = seq(ymd_hms("2011-01-01 00:00:00"), to= ymd_hms("2011-12-31 00:00:00"), by = "5 min"),
                X = runif(104833, 5,10),Y = runif(104833, 5,10), Z = runif(104833, 5,10))
T$Date <- format(T$Datetime, format="%Y-%m-%d")
T$Hour <- format(T$Datetime, format = "%H")
T$Mints <- format(T$Datetime, format = "%M")






T <- data.frame(Datetime = seq(ymd_hms("2011-01-01 00:00:00"), to= ymd_hms("2011-12-31 00:00:00"), by = "5 min"),
                X = runif(104833, 5,10),Y = runif(104833, 5,10), Z = runif(104833, 5,10))

T %>% mutate(hourlyDate = floor_date(Datetime,unit='hour')) %>%
      select(-Datetime) %>% group_by(hourlyDate) %>% 
      summarize(across(everything(),mean)) %>%
#> `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
#> # A tibble: 8,737 x 4
#>    hourlyDate              X     Y     Z
#>    <dttm>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 2011-01-01 00:00:00  8.00  7.90  6.90
#>  2 2011-01-01 01:00:00  7.93  7.47  7.90
#>  3 2011-01-01 02:00:00  7.83  6.89  7.67
#>  4 2011-01-01 03:00:00  6.61  7.92  7.18
#>  5 2011-01-01 04:00:00  7.27  7.20  6.48
#>  6 2011-01-01 05:00:00  7.88  6.80  7.69
#>  7 2011-01-01 06:00:00  7.07  8.05  7.52
#>  8 2011-01-01 07:00:00  7.40  7.92  6.99
#>  9 2011-01-01 08:00:00  7.97  7.76  7.26
#> 10 2011-01-01 09:00:00  7.57  7.47  6.94
#> # ... with 8,727 more rows

由reprex package (v0.3.0) 于 2020 年 8 月 20 日创建



这是一个 tidyverse 方法:


group_by(T, Date, Hour) %>% 
  summarize(X = mean(X), Y = mean(Y), Z = mean(Z)) %>%
  transmute(Date = as.POSIXct(paste0(Date, " ", Hour, ":00:00")), X, Y, Z)

#> # A tibble: 8,737 x 4
#> # Groups:   Date [8,714]
#>    Date                    X     Y     Z
#>    <dttm>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 2011-01-01 00:00:00  8.00  7.90  6.90
#>  2 2011-01-01 01:00:00  7.93  7.47  7.90
#>  3 2011-01-01 02:00:00  7.83  6.89  7.67
#>  4 2011-01-01 03:00:00  6.61  7.92  7.18
#>  5 2011-01-01 04:00:00  7.27  7.20  6.48
#>  6 2011-01-01 05:00:00  7.88  6.80  7.69
#>  7 2011-01-01 06:00:00  7.07  8.05  7.52
#>  8 2011-01-01 07:00:00  7.40  7.92  6.99
#>  9 2011-01-01 08:00:00  7.97  7.76  7.26
#> 10 2011-01-01 09:00:00  7.57  7.47  6.94
#> # ... with 8,727 more rows



lubridate 有一个floor_date 函数,可将您的日期时间列修剪为指定的单位。



T %>%
    group_by(hourlyDate = lubridate::floor_date(Datetime, unit = 'hours')) %>%
    summarise(across(.cols = c(X,Y,Z), .fns = ~mean(.x, na.rm=TRUE), .names = "meanHourlyData_.col"))

顺便说一句,我建议不要使用 T 作为变量名,因为这也是 TRUE 的简写,可能会导致一些意外行为...


此解决方案出现错误Error: Problem with summarise()` 输入..1。 x 胶水不能将函数插入字符串。 * 对象 '.col' 是一个函数。 i 输入..1across(.cols = c(X, Y, Z), .fns = ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), .names = "meanHourlyData_.col")。 i 组 1 中发生的错误:hourlyDate = 2011-01-01。运行rlang::last_error() 以查看发生错误的位置。` 也许您使用的是旧版本的dplyrsummarise_at(.vars = vars(X,Y,Z), .funs = ~mean(.x, na.rm=TRUE)) 有效吗?【参考方案4】:

三个基本的R 解决方案是使用splittapplyrowsum 结合table。后者特别快(比 dplyr 答案之一快 9 倍)。

tl;dr 是您得到以下计算时间

#R> Unit: milliseconds
#R>            expr   min    lq  mean median    uq   max neval
#R>  split + sapply 563.9 577.4 636.1  649.8 680.7 697.1    10
#R> tapply + sapply 108.0 117.3 134.0  120.2 124.4 205.1    10
#R>  rowsum + table  21.3  21.3  21.5   21.3  21.6  21.9    10
#R>           dplyr 172.4 176.6 182.3  180.9 185.9 203.4    10


# create date-hour column
T$DateH <-  format(T$Datetime, format="%Y-%m-%d-%H")

# using split + sapply
options(digits = 3)
out_1 <- sapply(split(T[, c("X", "Y", "Z")], T$DateH), colMeans) 
head(t(out_1), 5)
#R>                  X    Y    Z
#R> 2011-01-01-00 8.00 7.90 6.90
#R> 2011-01-01-01 7.93 7.47 7.90
#R> 2011-01-01-02 7.83 6.89 7.67
#R> 2011-01-01-03 6.61 7.92 7.18
#R> 2011-01-01-04 7.27 7.20 6.48

# using tapply + sapply
out_2 <- sapply(c("X", "Y", "Z"), 
                function(var) c(tapply(T[[var]], T$DateH, mean)))
#R>                  X    Y    Z
#R> 2011-01-01-00 8.00 7.90 6.90
#R> 2011-01-01-01 7.93 7.47 7.90
#R> 2011-01-01-02 7.83 6.89 7.67
#R> 2011-01-01-03 6.61 7.92 7.18
#R> 2011-01-01-04 7.27 7.20 6.48

# check that we get the same
all.equal(t(out_1), out_2, check.attributes = FALSE)
#R> [1] TRUE

# with rowsum + table
out_3 <- as.matrix(rowsum(T[, c("X", "Y", "Z")], group = T$DateH)) / 
  rep(table(T$DateH), 3)

# check that we get the same
all.equal(out_2, out_3)
#R> [2] TRUE

# compare with dplyr solution
out_3 <- group_by(T, Date, Hour) %>% 
  summarize(X = mean(X), Y = mean(Y), Z = mean(Z)) %>%
  transmute(Date = as.POSIXct(paste0(Date, " ", Hour, ":00:00")), X, Y, Z)

# check that we get the same
all.equal(out_2, as.matrix(out_3[, c("X", "Y", "Z")]),
          check.attributes = FALSE)
#R> [1] TRUE

# check computation time
  `split + sapply` = 
    sapply(split(T[, c("X", "Y", "Z")], T$DateH), colMeans), 
  `tapply + sapply` = 
    sapply(c("X", "Y", "Z"), 
           function(var) c(tapply(T[[var]], T$DateH, mean))), 
  `rowsum + table` = 
    as.matrix(rowsum(T[, c("X", "Y", "Z")], group = T$DateH)) / 
    rep(table(T$DateH), 3),
  `dplyr` = 
    group_by(T, Date, Hour) %>% 
    summarize(X = mean(X), Y = mean(Y), Z = mean(Z)) %>%
    transmute(Date = as.POSIXct(paste0(Date, " ", Hour, ":00:00")), 
              X, Y, Z), times = 10)
#R> Unit: milliseconds
#R>            expr   min    lq  mean median    uq   max neval
#R>  split + sapply 563.9 577.4 636.1  649.8 680.7 697.1    10
#R> tapply + sapply 108.0 117.3 134.0  120.2 124.4 205.1    10
#R>  rowsum + table  21.3  21.3  21.5   21.3  21.6  21.9    10
#R>           dplyr 172.4 176.6 182.3  180.9 185.9 203.4    10

我认为使用data.table 也可以快速获得结果。最后,不要使用T 作为变量名。 TTRUE 的简写!


以上是关于R data.frame中多个变量的每小时平均值?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


R 中的重塑问题:我重塑的数据框将 3 个变量变为 1 个

使用 R [关闭] 计算 data.frame 中存在的 NA 值的平均值

将函数应用于 data.frame 中的每一行并将结果附加到 R 中的 data.frame

将多个变量输入到 R 函数中

在管道 R 工作流中为大多数 data.frame 变量名称添加前缀或后缀