【中文标题】通过基本函数在较少的大数组中聚合许多小数组【英文标题】:Aggregate many small arrays in fewer large arrays by basic function 【发布时间】:2021-06-09 22:08:34 【问题描述】:我有许多小型 2D 阵列(例如 M x 32 x 40)和更少的大型 2D 阵列(例如 N x 200 x 300)。 我想将较小的矩阵“放置”在较大数组中的索引 n、i、j 处(批处理索引 n 处数组的左上索引)。这些小数组可能重叠,应该由关联和交换的函数聚合,比如加、乘等。
我认为这是很多人应该遇到的一个非常基本的场景,对吧?是否有一个 cuda 实现可以有效地支持这一点?
典型值 M = 10^6, N = 10^4
减号运算符既不是关联也不是可交换的,因此在 CUDA 中有效地实现这一点可能比仅使用像加号运算符这样的关联+交换运算符要复杂得多。同样的事情也适用于组合运算符。这也意味着矩阵的顺序很重要。 非常好的评论!编辑了我的问题。它实际上是关于加号 不清楚你如何确定n
small n
和 j
这个问题看起来类似于有限元法装配过程。如果您搜索,您应该会找到从 CUDA 早期到现在的一系列论文。我怀疑你会找到现成的库实现
除了在 cmets 中表示的内容外,我将假设 M
矩阵的分布相对于它们属于哪个 N
矩阵而言是相对均匀的,即均匀分布。这意味着对于给定的维度,将有大约 100 个 M
矩阵打算更新 N
矩阵 0,100 个用于更新 N
矩阵 1,依此类推。此外,如果我们检查 n
鉴于这对我来说可能是第一次,我将建议使用来自here 的管道的锁定/临界区算法。每个线程块将采用M
我也考虑了其他方法,其中一些在代码中很明显。无论如何,对于所述条件,基于锁的方法在我的 V100 GPU 上的内核运行时间约为 40 毫秒,这是我观察到的最好的。
我还要注意,所述尺寸导致数据工作集约为 8GB。这不是问题,请注意是否在您的笔记本电脑 GPU 上按原样运行此代码。
$ cat t34.cu
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
const int N = 10000;
const int M = 1000000;
const int Mx = 32;
const int My = 40;
const int Nx = 200;
const int Ny = 300;
const int nTPB = 256;
template <typename T>
__host__ __device__
T reduction_op(T &a, const T &b) return a+b;
template <typename T>
__global__ void k(const T * __restrict__ M, T * __restrict__ N, const int * __restrict__ n, const int * __restrict__ i, const int * __restrict__ j, const int num_M)
for (int ii = 0; ii < num_M; ii++)
if (n[ii] == blockIdx.x)
for (int jj = threadIdx.x; jj < Mx*My; jj += blockDim.x)
int y = jj/Mx;
int x = jj - (y*Mx);
N[blockIdx.x*Nx*Ny + i[ii] + (j[ii]+y)*Nx + x] = reduction_op(
N[blockIdx.x*Nx*Ny + i[ii] + (j[ii]+y)*Nx + x], M[ii*Mx*My + y*Mx + x]);
// assumes Ny is whole-number divisible by sl
template <typename T>
__global__ void ki(const T * __restrict__ M, T * __restrict__ N, const int * __restrict__ n, const int * __restrict__ i, const int * __restrict__ j, const int num_M, const int sl)
extern __shared__ T s[];
for (int c = 0; c < Ny; c+=sl) // process per chunk of N array
// load shared
for (int t = threadIdx.x; t < sl*Nx; t += blockDim.x) s[t] = N[blockIdx.x*Nx*Ny + c*Nx + t];
// process chunk stack
for (int ii = 0; ii < num_M; ii++) // iterate through "stack"
if ((n[ii] == blockIdx.x) && (j[ii] < (c+sl)) && ((j[ii]+My) > c))
for (int jj = threadIdx.x; jj < sl*Mx; jj += blockDim.x)
int y = jj/Mx;
int x = jj - (y*Mx);
//y += c;
if ((y+c >= j[ii]) && (y+c < (j[ii]+My)))
s[y*Nx+x+i[ii]] = reduction_op(s[y*Nx+x+i[ii]], M[ii*Mx*My + (y+c-j[ii])*Mx + x]);
// save shared
for (int t = threadIdx.x; t < sl*Nx; t += blockDim.x) N[blockIdx.x*Nx*Ny + c*Nx + t] = s[t];
template <typename T>
__global__ void ka(const T * __restrict__ M, T * __restrict__ N, const int * __restrict__ n, const int * __restrict__ i, const int * __restrict__ j, const int num_M)
int x = threadIdx.x;
for (int y = threadIdx.y; y < My; y += blockDim.y)
atomicAdd(N+n[blockIdx.x]*Nx*Ny+(j[blockIdx.x]+y)*Nx+i[blockIdx.x]+x, M[blockIdx.x*Mx*My+y*Mx+x]);
__device__ void acquire_semaphore(volatile int *lock)
while (atomicCAS((int *)lock, 0, 1) != 0);
__device__ void release_semaphore(volatile int *lock)
*lock = 0;
template <typename T>
__global__ void kl(const T * __restrict__ M, T * __restrict__ N, const int * __restrict__ n, const int * __restrict__ i, const int * __restrict__ j, const int num_M, int * __restrict__ locks)
if ((threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0))
//begin critical section
int x = threadIdx.x;
for (int y = threadIdx.y; y < My; y += blockDim.y)
N[n[blockIdx.x]*Nx*Ny + i[blockIdx.x] + (j[blockIdx.x]+y)*Nx + x] = reduction_op(
N[n[blockIdx.x]*Nx*Ny + i[blockIdx.x] + (j[blockIdx.x]+y)*Nx + x], M[blockIdx.x*Mx*My + y*Mx + x]);
// end critical section
__threadfence(); // not strictly necessary for the lock, but to make any global updates in the critical section visible to other threads in the grid
if ((threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0))
typedef float mt;
int main()
mt *d_M, *h_M, *d_N, *h_N, *r1, *r2;
int *d_n, *h_n, *d_i, *h_i, *d_j, *h_j;
h_M = new mt[M*Mx*My];
h_N = new mt[N*Nx*Ny];
r1 = new mt[N*Nx*Ny];
r2 = new mt[N*Nx*Ny];
h_n = new int[M];
h_i = new int[M];
h_j = new int[M];
cudaMalloc(&d_M, M*Mx*My*sizeof(mt));
cudaMalloc(&d_N, N*Nx*Ny*sizeof(mt));
cudaMalloc(&d_n, M*sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc(&d_i, M*sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc(&d_j, M*sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
h_n[i] = rand()%N;
h_i[i] = rand()%(Nx - Mx);
h_j[i] = rand()%(Ny - My);
for (int i = 0; i < N*Nx*Ny; i++) h_N[i] = (mt)(i%3);
for (int i = 0; i < M*Mx*My; i++) h_M[i] = (mt)((i%3)+1);
cudaMemcpy(d_M, h_M, M*Mx*My*sizeof(mt), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_N, h_N, N*Nx*Ny*sizeof(mt), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_n, h_n, M*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_i, h_i, M*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_j, h_j, M*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemset(d_n, 0, M*sizeof(int));
#if 0
const int sl = 40;
const int sb = sl * Nx * sizeof(mt);
ki<<<N, nTPB, sb>>>(d_M, d_N, d_n, d_i, d_j, M, sl);
cudaMemcpy(r2, d_N, N*Nx*Ny*sizeof(mt), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
dim3 block(Mx, 8);
#if 0
ka<<<M, block>>>(d_M, d_N, d_n, d_i, d_j, M);
cudaMemcpy(r2, d_N, N*Nx*Ny*sizeof(mt), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
int *d_locks;
cudaMalloc(&d_locks, N*sizeof(int));
cudaMemset(d_locks, 0, N*sizeof(int));
kl<<<M, block>>>(d_M, d_N, d_n, d_i, d_j, M, d_locks);
cudaMemcpy(r2, d_N, N*Nx*Ny*sizeof(mt), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cudaMemcpy(d_N, h_N, N*Nx*Ny*sizeof(mt), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
k<<<N, nTPB>>>(d_M, d_N, d_n, d_i, d_j, M);
cudaMemcpy(r1, d_N, N*Nx*Ny*sizeof(mt), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for (int i = 0; i < N*Nx*Ny; i++) if (r1[i] != r2[i]) std::cout << "mismatch at: " << i << " was: " << r2[i] << " should be: " << r1[i] << std::endl; return 0;
$ nvcc -o t34 t34.cu -O3 -lineinfo
$ nvprof ./t34
==17970== NVPROF is profiling process 17970, command: ./t34
==17970== Profiling application: ./t34
==17970== Profiling result:
Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
GPU activities: 34.57% 3.09036s 2 1.54518s 1.54294s 1.54742s [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
33.18% 2.96615s 1 2.96615s 2.96615s 2.96615s void k<float>(float const *, float*, int const *, int const *, int const *, int)
31.81% 2.84401s 6 474.00ms 1.4255ms 1.27035s [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
0.45% 39.949ms 1 39.949ms 39.949ms 39.949ms void kl<float>(float const *, float*, int const *, int const *, int const *, int, int*)
0.00% 2.1120us 1 2.1120us 2.1120us 2.1120us [CUDA memset]
API calls: 96.13% 8.94558s 8 1.11820s 1.9203ms 4.51030s cudaMemcpy
3.60% 334.59ms 6 55.765ms 277.58us 330.37ms cudaMalloc
0.15% 13.752ms 8 1.7190ms 1.3268ms 2.2025ms cuDeviceTotalMem
0.11% 10.472ms 808 12.959us 172ns 728.50us cuDeviceGetAttribute
0.01% 997.81us 8 124.73us 100.93us 176.73us cuDeviceGetName
0.00% 69.047us 2 34.523us 32.349us 36.698us cudaLaunchKernel
0.00% 68.013us 1 68.013us 68.013us 68.013us cudaMemset
0.00% 46.172us 8 5.7710us 1.8940us 23.025us cuDeviceGetPCIBusId
0.00% 8.5060us 16 531ns 260ns 1.5030us cuDeviceGet
0.00% 3.7870us 8 473ns 229ns 881ns cuDeviceGetUuid
0.00% 3.3980us 3 1.1320us 610ns 2.0780us cuDeviceGetCount
矩阵更新将需要读取 2 个值并写入一个值。如果我们用它作为我们的估计,我们会得出M*Mx*My*3*sizeof(element_of_M)/GPU_memory_bandwidth
。在我的 V100(~700GB/s BW)上,内核持续时间的下限约为 20 毫秒。
矩阵。这给出了约 3 秒的非最佳运行时间,但根据 n
矩阵。简单。运行时间“快”约为 40 毫秒。 (原子方法可能比非均匀n
分布更快。我目睹了内核运行时间低至 8 毫秒!)然而,这并不容易推广到没有原子等价物的操作,例如乘法。
情况,它的性能与原子情况大致相同。它的好处是它可以轻松处理其他归约操作,例如乘法。一个缺点是,在 n
中存在非均匀随机分布的情况下,性能可能会受到影响,最坏的情况是在幼稚内核(3-5 秒)的范围内。
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