


【中文标题】输入到特定长度的填充文本添加空格【英文标题】:Padout text entered to a specific length adding blank spaces 【发布时间】:2021-08-04 06:06:22 【问题描述】:

我是一个 c++ 菜鸟,我一直在试图弄清楚如何将输入

如果我有: cout

           cin << stringentered ;

我希望它循环添加一个空格,直到达到 30 个字符。



今天____是____a_____晴天____天。 = 这是我想要在循环结束时显示的 = 30 个字符(_ 是空格)。





从字符串中提取所有单词 计算字符串中所有单词的字符总和 其余部分可用于空间。计算一下 然后我们将可用空间除以单词之间的间隙数 整数除法可能有余数,我们会平均分配


#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>

// Maximum filed width
constexpr size_t MaxWidth = 30u;

int main() 

    // Instruction for the user
    std::cout << "\nPlease enter a string\n";
    if (std::string stringEntered; std::getline(std::cin, stringEntered)) 

        // Only do something if the string is shorter than the maximum filed width (and, if the string is not empty)
        if (stringEntered.length() < MaxWidth and not stringEntered.empty()) 

            // We want to extract words (and spaces)
            std::istringstream iss(stringEntered);

            // Get all words (not white spaces) from the string
            std::vector words(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(iss), );

            // Get accumulated length of all words
            size_t wordsLength = std::accumulate(words.begin(), words.end(), 0, [](size_t i, const std::string& s)  return i + s.length(); );

            // Get the number of separators
            size_t numberOfSeparators = (words.empty() ? 0u : words.size() - 1u);

            // How much place do we have for spaces?
            size_t spaceToDistribute = MaxWidth - wordsLength;

            // For an equal distribution, we need to know, how many spaces to print
            size_t separatorLength = spaceToDistribute / numberOfSeparators;
            int separatorLengthRest = static_cast<int>(spaceToDistribute % numberOfSeparators);

            // Now, output all words and spaces
            // Some ruler
            std::cout << std::string(MaxWidth, '.') << '\n';

            // Print result
            for (const std::string& word : words) 

                // Calculate number of spaces. Do an even distribution
                size_t numberOfSpaces = separatorLength + (((separatorLengthRest--) > 0) ? 1 : 0);

                // No spaces after last word
                if (word == words.back()) numberOfSpaces = 0;

                // Show word and spaces
                std::cout << word << std::string(numberOfSpaces,' ');

            std::cout << "\n\n";

    return 0;

需用 C++17 编译。


上面的答案看起来像一些很棒的代码,但是当我在 C++17 编译器上运行它时出现错误,我不知道为什么。我在下面发布了一些伪代码,也许有帮助。【参考方案2】:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

//Function prototypes
void padOutSpaces(string validInput);

int main()
// ask for input
// initialInput = fetchInput(); 

// check that the input is not greater than 30 characters – if it is, display an error message
// initialInput = checkValidityAndAskAgain(initialInput); // haven't checked if this is valid syntax

// take input of 30 or less and fill in spaces

 //This will fetch the initial input from the user, any length is acceptable

 // string fetchInput() 
 //ask for input

 //Check that the param is not greater than 30 characters – if it is, display an error message and asks for intput again

// string checkValidityAndAskAgain(String ) 
// while NOT string length > 30
// we ask again
// return value

//Take input of 30 or less and fill in spaces

//void padOutSpaces(string validInput) 
// int desiredLength = 30;

// while validInput length is less than 30 aka desired length variable at the beginning of the func
// <code here>
    // loop through each char (up till validInput length) so we can check for spaces
    // <code here>
        // check if/whether at a space yet AND whether our string length is still under desired length
        // <code here>
            // add a space at the next index so that it now appears after the "found" space
            // <code here>
            // push index 1 forward forward again so it skips the next char which is the one we just inserted
            // <code here>

    //force a break out of loop. 

cout << "*********** Checked input length and it's now 30 :D" << endl;
cout << validInput << endl;


@Armin Montigny 伪以上


在 Java 中添加空格

如何在 Python 中用空格将字符串填充到固定长度?

SQL Server中易混淆的数据类型


