如何使用 MATLAB 让黑板文字显得更清晰?



【中文标题】如何使用 MATLAB 让黑板文字显得更清晰?【英文标题】:How to make the blackboard text appear clearer using MATLAB? 【发布时间】:2013-11-26 11:17:00 【问题描述】:



你尝试过什么吗?如果可以,可以分享一下代码吗? 我首先转换为灰度图像并应用中值滤波器(matlab 中窗口大小为 7x7 的 medfilt2)。虽然我不想将最终图像作为灰度图像。 @Shivendra 仔细查看董事会:(a-b)(a+b)=a^2-b^2不是 a^2+b^2 @Shai 你把我带到了那里。哎呀,我的坏。我乱写得很仓促。虽然那是不可原谅的。 :) 【参考方案1】:

在识别图像中的文本时,您最好使用Stroke Width Transform。

这是我在您的图像上获得的一个小结果(基本变换 + 不带过滤的连接组件):

我的 mex 实现基于来自 here 的代码

#include "mex.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

#define PI 3.14159265

struct Point2d 
    int x;
    int y;
    float SWT;

struct Point2dFloat 
    float x;
    float y;

struct Ray 
    Point2d p;
    Point2d q;
    std::vector<Point2d> points;

void strokeWidthTransform(const float * edgeImage,
    const float * gradientX,
    const float * gradientY,
    bool dark_on_light,
    float * SWTImage,
    int h, int w,
    std::vector<Ray> & rays) 
    // First pass
    float prec = .05f;
    for( int row = 0; row < h; row++ )
        const float* ptr = edgeImage + row*w;        
        for ( int col = 0; col < w; col++ )
            if (*ptr > 0) 
                Ray r;

                Point2d p;
                p.x = col;
                p.y = row;
                r.p = p;
                std::vector<Point2d> points;

                float curX = (float)col + 0.5f;
                float curY = (float)row + 0.5f;
                int curPixX = col;
                int curPixY = row;
                float G_x = gradientX[ col + row*w ];                        
                float G_y = gradientY[ col + row*w ];
                // normalize gradient
                float mag = sqrt( (G_x * G_x) + (G_y * G_y) );
                if (dark_on_light)
                    G_x = -G_x/mag;
                    G_y = -G_y/mag;
                    G_x = G_x/mag;
                    G_y = G_y/mag;                    
                while (true) 
                    curX += G_x*prec;
                    curY += G_y*prec;
                    if ((int)(floor(curX)) != curPixX || (int)(floor(curY)) != curPixY)         
                        curPixX = (int)(floor(curX));
                        curPixY = (int)(floor(curY));
                        // check if pixel is outside boundary of image
                        if (curPixX < 0 || (curPixX >= w) || curPixY < 0 || (curPixY >= h))     
                        Point2d pnew;
                        pnew.x = curPixX;
                        pnew.y = curPixY;

                        if ( edgeImage[ curPixY*w+ curPixX ] > 0) 
                            r.q = pnew;
                            // dot product
                            float G_xt = gradientX[ curPixY*w + curPixX ];
                            float G_yt = gradientY[ curPixY*w + curPixX ];
                            mag = sqrt( (G_xt * G_xt) + (G_yt * G_yt) );
                            if (dark_on_light)
                                G_xt = -G_xt/mag;
                                G_yt = -G_yt/mag;
                                G_xt = G_xt/mag;
                                G_yt = G_yt/mag;                                

                            if (acos(G_x * -G_xt + G_y * -G_yt) < PI/2.0 ) 
                                float length = sqrt( ((float)r.q.x - (float)r.p.x)*((float)r.q.x - (float)r.p.x) + ((float)r.q.y - (float)r.p.y)*((float)r.q.y - (float)r.p.y));
                                for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator pit = points.begin(); pit != points.end(); pit++) 
                                    float* pSWT = SWTImage +  w * pit->y + pit->x;
                                    if (*pSWT < 0) 
                                        *pSWT = length;
                                        *pSWT = std::min(length, *pSWT);
                                r.points = points;

bool Point2dSort(const Point2d &lhs, const Point2d &rhs) 
    return lhs.SWT < rhs.SWT;

void SWTMedianFilter(float * SWTImage, int h, int w,
        std::vector<Ray> & rays, float maxWidth = -1 ) 
    for (std::vector<Ray>::iterator rit = rays.begin(); rit != rays.end(); rit++) 
        for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator pit = rit->points.begin(); pit != rit->points.end(); pit++) 
            pit->SWT = SWTImage[ w*pit->y + pit->x ];
        std::sort(rit->points.begin(), rit->points.end(), &Point2dSort);
        //std::nth_element( rit->points.begin(), rit->points.end(), rit->points.size()/2, &Point2dSort );
        float median = (rit->points[rit->points.size()/2]).SWT;
        if ( maxWidth > 0 && median >= maxWidth ) 
            median = -1;
        for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator pit = rit->points.begin(); pit != rit->points.end(); pit++) 
            SWTImage[ w*pit->y + pit->x ] = std::min(pit->SWT, median);

typedef std::vector< std::set<int> > graph_t; // graph as a list of neighbors per node

void connComp( const graph_t& g, std::vector<int>& c, int i, int l ) 
    // starting from node i labe this conn-comp with label l
    if ( i < 0 || i > g.size() ) 
    std::vector< int > stack;
    // push i
    c[i] = l;
    while ( ! stack.empty() ) 
        // pop
        i = stack.back();
        // go over all nieghbors
        for ( std::set<int>::const_iterator it = g[i].begin(); it != g[i].end(); it++ ) 
            if ( c[*it] < 0 ) 
                stack.push_back( *it );
                c[ *it ] = l;

int findNextToLabel( const graph_t& g, const vector<int>& c ) 
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < c.size(); i++ ) 
        if ( c[i] < 0 ) 
            return i;
    return c.size();

int connected_components(const graph_t& g, vector<int>& c) 
    // check for empty graph!
    if ( g.empty() ) 
        return 0;
    int i = 0;
    int num_conn = 0;
        connComp( g, c, i, num_conn );
        i = findNextToLabel( g, c );
     while ( i < g.size() );
    return num_conn;

std::vector< std::vector<Point2d> >
        findLegallyConnectedComponents(const float* SWTImage, int h, int w,
        std::vector<Ray> & rays) 
    std::map<int, int> Map;
    std::map<int, Point2d> revmap;
    std::vector<std::vector<Point2d> > components; // empty
    int num_vertices = 0, idx = 0;
    graph_t g;
    // Number vertices for graph.  Associate each point with number
    for( int row = 0; row < h; row++ )        
        for (int col = 0; col < w; col++ )
            idx = col + w * row;
            if (SWTImage[idx] > 0) 
                Map[idx] = num_vertices;
                Point2d p;
                p.x = col;
                p.y = row;
                revmap[num_vertices] = p;
                std::set<int> empty;
    if ( g.empty() ) 
        return components; // nothing to do with an empty graph...
    for( int row = 0; row < h; row++ )        
        for (int col = 0; col < w; col++ )
            idx = col + w * row;
            if ( SWTImage[idx] > 0) 
                // check pixel to the right, right-down, down, left-down
                int this_pixel = Map[idx];
                float thisVal = SWTImage[idx];
                if (col+1 < w) 
                    float right = SWTImage[ w*row + col + 1 ];
                    if (right > 0 && (thisVal/right <= 3.0 || right/thisVal <= 3.0)) 
                        g[this_pixel].insert( Map[ w*row + col + 1 ] );                    
                        g[ Map[ w*row + col + 1 ] ].insert( this_pixel );
                        //boost::add_edge(this_pixel, map.at(row * SWTImage->width + col + 1), g);
                if (row+1 < h) 
                    if (col+1 < w) 
                        float right_down = SWTImage[ w*(row+1) + col + 1 ];
                        if (right_down > 0 && (thisVal/right_down <= 3.0 || right_down/thisVal <= 3.0)) 
                            g[ this_pixel ].insert( Map[ w*(row+1) + col + 1 ] );
                            g[ Map[ w*(row+1) + col + 1 ] ].insert(this_pixel);                            
                            // boost::add_edge(this_pixel, map.at((row+1) * SWTImage->width + col + 1), g);
                    float down = SWTImage[ w*(row+1) + col ];
                    if (down > 0 && (thisVal/down <= 3.0 || down/thisVal <= 3.0)) 
                        g[ this_pixel ].insert( Map[ w*(row+1) + col ] );
                        g[ Map[ w*(row+1) + col ] ].insert( this_pixel );
                        //boost::add_edge(this_pixel, map.at((row+1) * SWTImage->width + col), g);
                    if (col-1 >= 0) 
                        float left_down = SWTImage[ w*(row+1) + col - 1 ];
                        if (left_down > 0 && (thisVal/left_down <= 3.0 || left_down/thisVal <= 3.0)) 
                            g[ this_pixel ].insert( Map[ w*(row+1) + col - 1 ] );
                            g[ Map[ w*(row+1) + col - 1 ] ].insert( this_pixel );
                            //boost::add_edge(this_pixel, map.at((row+1) * SWTImage->width + col - 1), g);

    std::vector<int> c(num_vertices, -1);    
    int num_comp = connected_components(g, c);    

    //std::cout << "Before filtering, " << num_comp << " components and " <<     num_vertices << " vertices" << std::endl;
    for (int j = 0; j < num_comp; j++) 
        std::vector<Point2d> tmp;
        components.push_back( tmp );
    for (int j = 0; j < num_vertices; j++) 
        Point2d p = revmap[j];

    return components;

    EIN = 0,
    NIN ;

void mexFunction( int nout, mxArray* pout[], int nin, const mxArray* pin[] ) 
    // make sure images are input in transposed so that they are arranged row-major in memory
    mxAssert( nin == NIN, "wrong number of inputs" );
    mxAssert( nout > 1, "only one output" );

    int h = mxGetN( pin[EIN] ); // inputs are transposed!
    int w = mxGetM( pin[EIN] );

    mxAssert( mxIsClass( pin[EIN], mxSINGLE_CLASS ) && h == mxGetN( pin[EIN] ) && w == mxGetM( pin[EIN] ), "edge map incorrect");
    mxAssert( mxIsClass( pin[GXIN], mxSINGLE_CLASS ) && h == mxGetN( pin[GXIN] ) && w == mxGetM( pin[GXIN] ), "edge map incorrect");
    mxAssert( mxIsClass( pin[GYIN], mxSINGLE_CLASS ) && h == mxGetN( pin[GYIN] ) && w == mxGetM( pin[GYIN] ), "edge map incorrect");

    const float * edgeImage = (float*) mxGetData( pin[EIN] );
    const float * gradientX = (float*) mxGetData( pin[GXIN] );
    const float * gradientY = (float*) mxGetData( pin[GYIN] );

    bool dark_on_light = mxGetScalar( pin[DOLFIN] ) != 0 ;
    float maxWidth = mxGetScalar( pin[MAXWIN] );

    // allocate output
    pout[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix( w, h, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
    float * SWTImage = (float*) mxGetData( pout[0] );
    // set SWT to -1
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < w*h; i++ ) 
        SWTImage[i] = -1;

    std::vector<Ray> rays;
    strokeWidthTransform ( edgeImage, gradientX, gradientY, dark_on_light, SWTImage, h, w, rays );
    SWTMedianFilter ( SWTImage, h, w, rays, maxWidth );

    // connected components
    if ( nout > 1 ) 
        // Calculate legally connect components from SWT and gradient image.
        // return type is a vector of vectors, where each outer vector is a component and
        // the inner vector contains the (y,x) of each pixel in that component.
        std::vector<std::vector<Point2d> > components = findLegallyConnectedComponents(SWTImage, h, w, rays);
        pout[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix( w, h, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
        float* pComp = (float*) mxGetData( pout[1] );
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < w*h; i++ ) 
            pComp[i] = 0;
        for ( int ci = 0 ; ci < components.size(); ci++ ) 
            for ( std::vector<Point2d>::iterator it = components[ci].begin() ; it != components[ci].end(); it++ ) 
                pComp[ w * it->y + it->x ] = ci + 1;

Matlab 函数调用 stroke-width-transform (SWT) mex-file:

function [swt swtcc] = SWT( img, dol, maxWidth )

if size( img, 3 ) == 3
    img = rgb2gray(img);
img = im2single(img);

edgeMap = single( edge( img, 'canny', .15 ) ); 
img = imfilter( img, fspecial('gauss',[5 5], 0.3*(2.5-1)+.8) );
gx = imfilter( img, fspecial('prewitt')' ); %//'
gy = imfilter( img, fspecial('prewitt') );
gx = single(medfilt2( gx, [3 3] ));
gy = single(medfilt2( gy, [3 3] ));

[swt swtcc] = swt_mex( edgeMap.', gx.', gy.', dol, maxWidth ); %//'

swt = swt'; %//'
swtcc = double(swtcc'); %//'


感谢出色的实现。为什么会有这么多颜色出现?我不能为文本设置单一颜色吗? @Shivendra 颜色代表不同的笔画。阅读论文,您会在其中找到更多详细信息。 非常好的代码@Shai。你能澄清一些事情吗?我想我明白 maxwidth 的用途,但是 dol 呢?另外,你如何显示颜色?我只设法从此代码(swtcc)中获得黑白图像,而 swt 似乎有宽度信息。没有笔画宽度的部分为-1,其他部分为笔画宽度。提前致谢 @DiamantatosParaskevas dol 是“暗光”文本的二进制标志。该算法将根据此标志跟踪笔画。您可以使用 ind2rgb 将组件的索引从 swtcc 转换为颜色 @Shai 希望有一个 Python/OpenCV 实现!【参考方案2】:


I = imread('...'); % Your board image
ThreshConstant = 1; % Try to vary this constant.

bw = im2bw(I , ThreshConstant * graythresh(I)); % Black-white image

SegmentedImg = I.*repmat(uint8(bw), [1 1 3]);

只需执行imshow(bw);,您将获得正常分割良好的 2 色图像。

如果阈值太强,请尝试使用ThreshConstant 将 0.5 转为 1.5。


这几乎可以工作了。但是,当我增加 ThreshConstant 时,写作并不顺利,我必须这样做以删除不需要的像素。写作中也有断点。感谢您让我开始。 您要求获得两种不同的颜色,im2bw 是实现它的最简单方法。也许,您需要对图像进行预处理以平滑事物,并可能在图像上获得均匀的照明。如果你看左上角,图像比右下角更闪亮。这可以稍微改变阈值。【参考方案3】:


im = imread('http://i.imgur.com/uJIXp13.jpg');  %the image posted above
bw=im2bw(im2,(double(minp+maxp))/(2*255));  %the threshold as alexandre said, but with the min max idensity as threshold
bw=~bw; % you need to reverse from black font - whit letters to black letters white font :P




以上是关于如何使用 MATLAB 让黑板文字显得更清晰?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章





