如何在 Vuex 4 和 TypeScript 中使用其他存储模块 getter/actions/mutations



【中文标题】如何在 Vuex 4 和 TypeScript 中使用其他存储模块 getter/actions/mutations【英文标题】:How to use other store module getters/actions/mutations with Vuex 4 and TypeScript 【发布时间】:2021-08-08 19:58:53 【问题描述】:

我正在使用 TypeScript 和 Vuex4 开发一个 Vue 3 项目。 现在,我正在使用带有 TS 的 vuex 中的每个商店模块使用样板声明方法。 看起来像这样: 或者如果我的代码可读性不够,这里是我用来指导我的:https://betterprogramming.pub/the-state-of-typed-vuex-the-cleanest-approach-2358ee05d230

//#region Store
export const state: State = 
  stateVar: null,
  isError: false,

export const getters: GetterTree<State, RootState> & Getters = 
  getStateVar: state => state.stateVar,
  getIsError: state => state.isError,

export const mutations: MutationTree<State> & Mutations = 
  [ModuleMutationTypes.setStateVar](state: State, payload: StateVarType) 
    state.stateVar = payload;
  [ModuleMutationTypes.setIsError](state: State, payload: boolean) 
    state.isError = payload;

export const actions: ActionTree<State, RootState> & Actions = 
  async [ModuleActionTypes.doRequest]( commit, getters ) 
    //do something and commit it 
    // for example here i would like to access the getters or action from another store how is that possible 
    commit(ModuleMutationTypes.setStateVar, someValue);
//#endregion Store

//#region Store Type
export type State = 
  someStateVar: SomeStateVarType;
  isError: boolean;

export type Getters = 
  getStateVar(state: State): someStateVarType;
  getIsError(state: State): boolean;

export type Mutations<S = State> = 
  [ModuleMutationTypes.setStateVar](state: S, payload: SomeSTateVarType): void;
  [ModuleMutationTypes.setIsError](state: S, payload: boolean): void;

export interface Actions 
  [ModuleActionTypes.doRequest](context: AugmentedActionContext): Promise<any>;

type AugmentedActionContext = 
  commit<K extends keyof Mutations>(key: K, payload: Parameters<Mutations[K]>[1]): ReturnType<Mutations[K]>;
    [K in keyof Getters]: ReturnType<Getters[K]>;
  dispatch<K extends keyof Actions>(
    key: K,
    payload?: Parameters<Actions[K]>[1],
    options?: DispatchOptions
  ): ReturnType<Actions[K]>;
 & Omit<ActionContext<State, RootState>, 'commit' | 'getters' | 'dispatch'>;
//#endregion Store Type

//#region Store Module
export type ModuleStore<S = State> = Omit<VuexStore<S>, 'getters' | 'commit' | 'dispatch'> & 
  commit<K extends keyof Mutations, P extends Parameters<Mutations[K]>[1]>(
    key: K,
    payload: P,
    options?: CommitOptions
  ): ReturnType<Mutations[K]>;
  dispatch<K extends keyof Actions>(
    key: K,
    payload?: Parameters<Actions[K]>[1],
    options?: DispatchOptions
  ): ReturnType<Actions[K]>;
    [K in keyof Getters]: ReturnType<Getters[K]>;

export const store: Module<State, RootState> = 
  //namespaced also breaks everything
  // But without it, a bigger store might have ***es in namings
  // namespaced: true,
//#endregion Store Type & Module

现在正如你所见,这让我重复了很多很多东西,但是在 Vuex 5 之前我不知道是否还有其他更好的解决方案。 另外我对 TypeScript 很陌生,我只是使用这个样板作为模板来让我的商店打字。


    如何访问其他模块的 getter 或特定模块中的操作或突变,如果我可以让 RootGetters 和 RootActions 工作,我什至会很高兴,但我尝试过,但无法使其工作,但正如我提到的我是新手,所以也许我不知道更好。或者我导入这个导出的 const 存储:Module ... 就那么容易,这会使我的代码变得笨拙,因为当我想使用来自 4 个不同模块的 getter 时,我需要导入所有 4 个?李> 我怎样才能使这些模块命名空间,我有一些相当大的商店,谈论大约 500 行和很多东西,所以名字不冲突会很好吗?也许这样可以更容易地在其他模块中使用它们?


**更新:** 您可以看到关于如何使用 allAction|MutationTypes 的公认答案,只需导入它而不是子模块特定的 Action|MutationTypes 并在调用调度或提交时使用它。



  Getters as AxiosGetters,
 from '@/store/modules/axios/axios';
  Getters as SiteSettingsGetters,
 from '@/store/modules/site_settings/site_settings';
  Getters as UserGetters
 from '@/store/modules/user/user';

export interface RootGetters extends AxiosGetters, SiteSettingsGetters, UserGetters 

import RootGetters from '@/store';

type AugmentedActionContext = 
  commit<K extends keyof Mutations>(key: K, payload: Parameters<Mutations[K]>[1]): ReturnType<Mutations[K]>;
    [K in keyof Getters]: ReturnType<Getters[K]>;
    [K in keyof RootGetters]: ReturnType<RootGetters[K]>;
  dispatch<K extends keyof Actions>(
    key: K,
    payload?: Parameters<Actions[K]>[1],
    options?: DispatchOptions
  ): ReturnType<Actions[K]>;
 & Omit<ActionContext<State, RootState>, 'commit' | 'getters' | 'dispatch' | 'rootGetters'>;

export interface Actions 
  [ActionTypes.doSomething](context: AugmentedActionContext): Promise<void>;

export const actions: ActionTree<State, RootState> & Actions = 
  [ActionTypes.doSomething]( commit, rootGetters, dispatch ) 
      // You can now use getters From other stores, and also the mutation and action useing All(name)Types and having them typed





// store/action-types.ts
import  ActionTypes as rootActionTypes  from "./modules/root/action-types";
import  ActionTypes as authUserActionTypes  from "./modules/authUser/action-types";
import  ActionTypes as counterActionTypes  from "./modules/counter/action-types";

export const AllActionTypes = 


import  useStore  from "../../composables/useStore";
import  AllActionTypes  from "../../store/action-types";

// setup()

    const store = useStore();

    onMounted(async () => 
      await store.dispatch(AllActionTypes.GET_USERS).catch((e) => 
      await store.dispatch(AllActionTypes.GET_COUNT).catch((e) => 


// store/index.ts
import  createStore  from "vuex";
import  IRootState  from "./interfaces";
import  AuthUserStoreModuleTypes  from "./modules/authUser/types";
import  CounterStoreModuleTypes  from "./modules/counter/types";
import  RootStoreModuleTypes  from "./modules/root/types";

// all the modules are registered in the root
import root from "./modules/root";

export const store = createStore<IRootState>(root);

// namespacing
type StoreModules = 
  counter: CounterStoreModuleTypes;
  root: RootStoreModuleTypes;
  authUser: AuthUserStoreModuleTypes;

export type Store = CounterStoreModuleTypes<Pick<StoreModules, "counter">> &
  RootStoreModuleTypes<Pick<StoreModules, "root">> &
  AuthUserStoreModuleTypes<Pick<StoreModules, "authUser">>;


太棒了,这看起来很棒,我还有一个问题,因为你的答案没有涵盖它,getter 如何在全球范围内访问?此外,您已经向我展示了在组件中使用的 allActionTypes 的示例,但这并不是一个如此胖的问题,而是我如何在其他商店中使用它们。这也适用于吸气剂?

以上是关于如何在 Vuex 4 和 TypeScript 中使用其他存储模块 getter/actions/mutations的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何使用 vuex 和 typescript 将 axios 调用移动到自己的方法中

使用 vuex 时如何在 typescript 语法中使用 mapState 函数?

Typescript Vuex - 如何使用 setter 和 getter 定义状态?

如何在单独的非 Vue 组件、JavaScript/TypeScript 文件中访问 Vuex 状态?

使用 Vuex mapGetters 时如何修复 TypeScript 错误?

问:使用 Vue 3 和 typescript(使用 cli 构建的项目)使 vuex 存储在全球范围内可用 +已解决