使用 MediaCodec 和 MediaMuxer 将图像转换为视频



【中文标题】使用 MediaCodec 和 MediaMuxer 将图像转换为视频【英文标题】:Images to Video using MediaCodec and MediaMuxer 【发布时间】:2014-01-03 04:41:27 【问题描述】:

我有一堆保存为 jpeg 文件的本地图像。我的图像是使用 CameraPreview 捕获的,PreviewFormat 是默认的:NV21。我想从固定数量的图像中生成一个小视频。

我不会使用 FFMpeg,因为它需要 NDK 并且会引入兼容性问题。

MediaCodec 和 MediaMuxer 似乎可行,但网络上没有一种可行的解决方案。



这个是fadden写的。它非常适合我的需要,只是他使用的是 createInputSurface 而不是 queueInputBuffer。

2.Convert bitmap array to YUV (YCbCr NV21)

我按照这个答案进行转换。 https://***.com/a/17116985/3047840

3.Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video

这个问题看起来和我的很相似,但我不费心使用 MediaMuxer。


public class EncodeAndMux extends Activity 
private static final String TAG = "EncodeAndMuxTest";

private static final boolean VERBOSE = false;

private static final File OUTPUT_DIR = Environment

private static final String MIME_TYPE = "video/avc";

private static final int FRAME_RATE = 10;
// 10 seconds between I-frames
private static final int IFRAME_INTERVAL = 10;

private static final int NUM_FRAMES = 5;
private static final String DEBUG_FILE_NAME_BASE = "/sdcard/test";
// two seconds of video size of a frame, in pixels
private int mWidth = -1;

private int mHeight = -1;
// bit rate, in bits per second
private int mBitRate = -1;

private byte[] mFrame;

// largest color component delta seen (i.e. actual vs. expected)
private int mLargestColorDelta;
// encoder / muxer state
private MediaCodec mEncoder;
private MediaMuxer mMuxer;
private int mTrackIndex;
private boolean mMuxerStarted;
private Utils mUtils;
private float mPadding;
private int mColumnWidth;

private static final int TEST_Y = 120; // YUV values for colored rect
private static final int TEST_U = 160;
private static final int TEST_V = 200;
private static final int TEST_R0 = 0; // RGB equivalent of 0,0,0
private static final int TEST_G0 = 136;
private static final int TEST_B0 = 0;
private static final int TEST_R1 = 236; // RGB equivalent of 120,160,200
private static final int TEST_G1 = 50;
private static final int TEST_B1 = 186;

private static final boolean DEBUG_SAVE_FILE = false; // save copy of
                                                        // encoded movie
// allocate one of these up front so we don't need to do it every time
private MediaCodec.BufferInfo mBufferInfo;
private ArrayList<String> mImagePaths = new ArrayList<String>();

byte[] getNV21(int inputWidth, int inputHeight, Bitmap scaled) 

    int[] argb = new int[inputWidth * inputHeight];
    scaled.getPixels(argb, 0, inputWidth, 0, 0, inputWidth, inputHeight);
    byte[] yuv = new byte[inputWidth * inputHeight * 3 / 2];
    encodeYUV420SP(yuv, argb, inputWidth, inputHeight);
    return yuv;

void encodeYUV420SP(byte[] yuv420sp, int[] argb, int width, int height) 
    final int frameSize = width * height;

    int yIndex = 0;
    int uvIndex = frameSize;

    int a, R, G, B, Y, U, V;
    int index = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) 
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) 

            a = (argb[index] & 0xff000000) >> 24; // a is not used obviously
            R = (argb[index] & 0xff0000) >> 16;
            G = (argb[index] & 0xff00) >> 8;
            B = (argb[index] & 0xff) >> 0;

            // well known RGB to YUV algorithm
            Y = ((66 * R + 129 * G + 25 * B + 128) >> 8) + 16;
            U = ((-38 * R - 74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128;
            V = ((112 * R - 94 * G - 18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128;

            // NV21 has a plane of Y and interleaved planes of VU each
            // sampled by a factor of 2
            // meaning for every 4 Y pixels there are 1 V and 1 U. Note the
            // sampling is every other
            // pixel AND every other scanline.
            yuv420sp[yIndex++] = (byte) ((Y < 0) ? 0
                    : ((Y > 255) ? 255 : Y));
            if (j % 2 == 0 && index % 2 == 0) 
                yuv420sp[uvIndex++] = (byte) ((V < 0) ? 0
                        : ((V > 255) ? 255 : V));
                yuv420sp[uvIndex++] = (byte) ((U < 0) ? 0
                        : ((U > 255) ? 255 : U));


public static Bitmap decodeFile(String filePath, int WIDTH, int HIGHT) 

        File f = new File(filePath);

        BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
        o.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
        o.inPurgeable = true;
        o.inInputShareable = true;
        BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f), null, o);

        final int REQUIRED_WIDTH = WIDTH;
        final int REQUIRED_HIGHT = HIGHT;
        int scale = 1;
        while (o.outWidth / scale / 2 >= REQUIRED_WIDTH
                && o.outHeight / scale / 2 >= REQUIRED_HIGHT)
            scale *= 2;
        BitmapFactory.Options o2 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
        o2.inSampleSize = scale;
        o2.inPurgeable = true;
        o2.inInputShareable = true;
        return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f), null, o2);
     catch (FileNotFoundException e) 
    return null;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 
    mUtils = new Utils(this);
    mImagePaths = mUtils.getBackFilePaths();
    mPadding = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP,
            AppConstant.GRID_PADDING, getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
    mColumnWidth = (int) ((mUtils.getScreenWidth() - ((AppConstant.NUM_OF_COLUMNS + 1) * mPadding)) / AppConstant.NUM_OF_COLUMNS);

     catch (Exception e) 
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
     catch (Throwable e) 
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

 * Returns the first codec capable of encoding the specified MIME type, or null if no
 * match was found.
private static MediaCodecInfo selectCodec(String mimeType) 
    int numCodecs = MediaCodecList.getCodecCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < numCodecs; i++) 
        MediaCodecInfo codecInfo = MediaCodecList.getCodecInfoAt(i);

        if (!codecInfo.isEncoder()) 

        String[] types = codecInfo.getSupportedTypes();
        for (int j = 0; j < types.length; j++) 
            if (types[j].equalsIgnoreCase(mimeType)) 
                return codecInfo;
    return null;

 * Returns a color format that is supported by the codec and by this test code.  If no
 * match is found, this throws a test failure -- the set of formats known to the test
 * should be expanded for new platforms.
private static int selectColorFormat(MediaCodecInfo codecInfo, String mimeType) 
    MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities capabilities = codecInfo.getCapabilitiesForType(mimeType);
    for (int i = 0; i < capabilities.colorFormats.length; i++) 
        int colorFormat = capabilities.colorFormats[i];
        if (isRecognizedFormat(colorFormat)) 
            return colorFormat;
    Log.e("","couldn't find a good color format for " + codecInfo.getName() + " / " + mimeType);
    return 0;   // not reached

 * Returns true if this is a color format that this test code understands (i.e. we know how
 * to read and generate frames in this format).
private static boolean isRecognizedFormat(int colorFormat) 
    switch (colorFormat) 
        // these are the formats we know how to handle for this test
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar:
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar:
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar:
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_TI_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar:
            return true;
            return false;

 * Returns true if the specified color format is semi-planar YUV.  Throws an exception
 * if the color format is not recognized (e.g. not YUV).
private static boolean isSemiPlanarYUV(int colorFormat) 
    switch (colorFormat) 
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar:
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar:
            return false;
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar:
        case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_TI_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar:
            return true;
            throw new RuntimeException("unknown format " + colorFormat);

 * Does the actual work for encoding frames from buffers of byte[].
private void doEncodeDecodeVideoFromBuffer(MediaCodec encoder, int encoderColorFormat,
        MediaCodec decoder, boolean toSurface) 
    final int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;
    ByteBuffer[] encoderInputBuffers = encoder.getInputBuffers();
    ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = encoder.getOutputBuffers();
    ByteBuffer[] decoderInputBuffers = null;
    ByteBuffer[] decoderOutputBuffers = null;
    MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
    MediaFormat decoderOutputFormat = null;
    int generateIndex = 0;
    int checkIndex = 0;
    int badFrames = 0;
    boolean decoderConfigured = false;
    OutputSurface outputSurface = null;

    // The size of a frame of video data, in the formats we handle, is stride*sliceHeight
    // for Y, and (stride/2)*(sliceHeight/2) for each of the Cb and Cr channels.  Application
    // of algebra and assuming that stride==width and sliceHeight==height yields:

    // Just out of curiosity.
    long rawSize = 0;
    long encodedSize = 0;

    // Save a copy to disk.  Useful for debugging the test.  Note this is a raw elementary
    // stream, not a .mp4 file, so not all players will know what to do with it.

    if (toSurface) 
        outputSurface = new OutputSurface(mWidth, mHeight);

    // Loop until the output side is done.
    boolean inputDone = false;
    boolean encoderDone = false;
    boolean outputDone = false;
    while (!outputDone) 
        Log.e(TAG, "loop");

        // If we're not done submitting frames, generate a new one and submit it.  By
        // doing this on every loop we're working to ensure that the encoder always has
        // work to do.
        // We don't really want a timeout here, but sometimes there's a delay opening
        // the encoder device, so a short timeout can keep us from spinning hard.
        if (!inputDone) 
            int inputBufIndex = encoder.dequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC);
            Log.e(TAG, "inputBufIndex=" + inputBufIndex);
            if (inputBufIndex >= 0) 
                long ptsUsec = computePresentationTime(generateIndex);
                if (generateIndex == NUM_FRAMES) 
                    // Send an empty frame with the end-of-stream flag set.  If we set EOS
                    // on a frame with data, that frame data will be ignored, and the
                    // output will be short one frame.
                    encoder.queueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, ptsUsec,
                    inputDone = true;
                    Log.e(TAG, "sent input EOS (with zero-length frame)");
                    generateFrame(generateIndex, encoderColorFormat, mFrame);

                    ByteBuffer inputBuf = encoderInputBuffers[inputBufIndex];
                    // the buffer should be sized to hold one full frame

                    encoder.queueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, mFrame.length, ptsUsec, 0);
                    Log.e(TAG, "submitted frame " + generateIndex + " to enc");
                // either all in use, or we timed out during initial setup
                Log.e(TAG, "input buffer not available");

        // Check for output from the encoder.  If there's no output yet, we either need to
        // provide more input, or we need to wait for the encoder to work its magic.  We
        // can't actually tell which is the case, so if we can't get an output buffer right
        // away we loop around and see if it wants more input.
        // Once we get EOS from the encoder, we don't need to do this anymore.
        if (!encoderDone) 
            int encoderStatus = encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, TIMEOUT_USEC);
            if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) 
                // no output available yet
                Log.e(TAG, "no output from encoder available");
             else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) 
                // not expected for an encoder
                encoderOutputBuffers = encoder.getOutputBuffers();
                Log.e(TAG, "encoder output buffers changed");
             else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) 
                // not expected for an encoder

                if (mMuxerStarted) 
                    throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
                MediaFormat newFormat = encoder.getOutputFormat();
                Log.e(TAG, "encoder output format changed: " + newFormat);

                // now that we have the Magic Goodies, start the muxer
                mTrackIndex = mMuxer.addTrack(newFormat);
                Log.e(TAG, "muxer defined muxer format: " + newFormat);
                mMuxerStarted = true;

             else if (encoderStatus < 0) 
                Log.e("","unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + encoderStatus);
             else  // encoderStatus >= 0
                ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                if (encodedData == null) 
                    Log.e("","encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus + " was null");

                // It's usually necessary to adjust the ByteBuffer values to match BufferInfo.
                encodedData.limit(info.offset + info.size);

                encodedSize += info.size;

                if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) 
                    // Codec config info.  Only expected on first packet.  One way to
                    // handle this is to manually stuff the data into the MediaFormat
                    // and pass that to configure().  We do that here to exercise the API.

                    MediaFormat format =
                            MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(MIME_TYPE, mWidth, mHeight);
                    format.setByteBuffer("csd-0", encodedData);
                    decoder.configure(format, toSurface ? outputSurface.getSurface() : null,
                            null, 0);

                    decoderInputBuffers = decoder.getInputBuffers();
                    decoderOutputBuffers = decoder.getOutputBuffers();
                    decoderConfigured = true;
                    Log.e(TAG, "decoder configured (" + info.size + " bytes)"+format);
                    // Get a decoder input buffer, blocking until it's available.

                    int inputBufIndex = decoder.dequeueInputBuffer(-1);
                    ByteBuffer inputBuf = decoderInputBuffers[inputBufIndex];
                    decoder.queueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, info.size,
                            info.presentationTimeUs, info.flags);

                    encoderDone = (info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0;
                    Log.e(TAG, "passed " + info.size + " bytes to decoder"
                            + (encoderDone ? " (EOS)" : ""));

                encoder.releaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);

        // Check for output from the decoder.  We want to do this on every loop to avoid
        // the possibility of stalling the pipeline.  We use a short timeout to avoid
        // burning CPU if the decoder is hard at work but the next frame isn't quite ready.
        // If we're decoding to a Surface, we'll get notified here as usual but the
        // ByteBuffer references will be null.  The data is sent to Surface instead.
        if (decoderConfigured) 
            int decoderStatus = decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, 3*TIMEOUT_USEC);
            if (decoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) 
                // no output available yet
                Log.e(TAG, "no output from decoder available");
             else if (decoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) 
                // The storage associated with the direct ByteBuffer may already be unmapped,
                // so attempting to access data through the old output buffer array could
                // lead to a native crash.
                Log.e(TAG, "decoder output buffers changed");
                decoderOutputBuffers = decoder.getOutputBuffers();
             else if (decoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) 
                // this happens before the first frame is returned
                decoderOutputFormat = decoder.getOutputFormat();
                Log.e(TAG, "decoder output format changed: " +
             else if (decoderStatus < 0) 
                Log.e(TAG, "unexpected result from deocder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + decoderStatus);

             else   // decoderStatus >= 0
                if (!toSurface) 
                    ByteBuffer outputFrame = decoderOutputBuffers[decoderStatus];

                    outputFrame.limit(info.offset + info.size);
                    mMuxer.writeSampleData(mTrackIndex, outputFrame,
                    rawSize += info.size;
                    if (info.size == 0) 
                        Log.e(TAG, "got empty frame");
                        Log.e(TAG, "decoded, checking frame " + checkIndex);

                        if (!checkFrame(checkIndex++, decoderOutputFormat, outputFrame)) 

                    if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) 
                        Log.e(TAG, "output EOS");
                        outputDone = true;
                    decoder.releaseOutputBuffer(decoderStatus, false /*render*/);
                    Log.e(TAG, "surface decoder given buffer " + decoderStatus +
                            " (size=" + info.size + ")");
                    rawSize += info.size;
                    if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) 
                        Log.e(TAG, "output EOS");
                        outputDone = true;

                    boolean doRender = (info.size != 0);

                    // As soon as we call releaseOutputBuffer, the buffer will be forwarded
                    // to SurfaceTexture to convert to a texture.  The API doesn't guarantee
                    // that the texture will be available before the call returns, so we
                    // need to wait for the onFrameAvailable callback to fire.
                    decoder.releaseOutputBuffer(decoderStatus, doRender);
                    if (doRender) 
                        Log.e(TAG, "awaiting frame " + checkIndex);

                        if (!checkSurfaceFrame(checkIndex++)) 

    Log.e(TAG, "decoded " + checkIndex + " frames at "
            + mWidth + "x" + mHeight + ": raw=" + rawSize + ", enc=" + encodedSize);

    if (outputSurface != null) 

    if (checkIndex != NUM_FRAMES) 

        Log.e(TAG, "awaiting frame " + checkIndex);
    if (badFrames != 0) 
        Log.e(TAG, "Found " + badFrames + " bad frames");

private void generateFrame(int frameIndex) 

    Bitmap bitmap = decodeFile(mImagePaths.get(frameIndex), mColumnWidth,

    mFrame = getNV21(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), bitmap);

 * Generates data for frame N into the supplied buffer.  We have an 8-frame animation
 * sequence that wraps around.  It looks like this:
 * <pre>
 *   0 1 2 3
 *   7 6 5 4
 * </pre>
 * We draw one of the eight rectangles and leave the rest set to the zero-fill color.
private void generateFrame(int frameIndex, int colorFormat, byte[] mFrame) 
    final int HALF_WIDTH = mWidth / 2;
    boolean semiPlanar = isSemiPlanarYUV(colorFormat);
    // Set to zero.  In YUV this is a dull green.
    Arrays.fill(mFrame, (byte) 0);

    int startX, startY, countX, countY;

    frameIndex %= 8;
    //frameIndex = (frameIndex / 8) % 8;    // use this instead for debug -- easier to see
    if (frameIndex < 4) 
        startX = frameIndex * (mWidth / 4);
        startY = 0;
        startX = (7 - frameIndex) * (mWidth / 4);
        startY = mHeight / 2;

    for (int y = startY + (mHeight/2) - 1; y >= startY; --y) 
        for (int x = startX + (mWidth/4) - 1; x >= startX; --x) 
            if (semiPlanar) 
                // full-size Y, followed by UV pairs at half resolution
                // e.g. Nexus 4 OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar
                // e.g. Galaxy Nexus OMX.TI.DUCATI1.VIDEO.H264E
                //        OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar
                mFrame[y * mWidth + x] = (byte) TEST_Y;
                if ((x & 0x01) == 0 && (y & 0x01) == 0) 
                    mFrame[mWidth*mHeight + y * HALF_WIDTH + x] = (byte) TEST_U;
                    mFrame[mWidth*mHeight + y * HALF_WIDTH + x + 1] = (byte) TEST_V;
                // full-size Y, followed by quarter-size U and quarter-size V
                // e.g. Nexus 10 OMX.Exynos.AVC.Encoder COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar
                // e.g. Nexus 7 OMX.Nvidia.h264.encoder COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar
                mFrame[y * mWidth + x] = (byte) TEST_Y;
                if ((x & 0x01) == 0 && (y & 0x01) == 0) 
                    mFrame[mWidth*mHeight + (y/2) * HALF_WIDTH + (x/2)] = (byte) TEST_U;
                    mFrame[mWidth*mHeight + HALF_WIDTH * (mHeight / 2) +
                              (y/2) * HALF_WIDTH + (x/2)] = (byte) TEST_V;

 * Sets the desired frame size and bit rate.
private void setParameters(int width, int height, int bitRate) 
    if ((width % 16) != 0 || (height % 16) != 0) 
        Log.w(TAG, "WARNING: width or height not multiple of 16");
    mWidth = width;
    mHeight = height;
    mBitRate = bitRate;
    mFrame = new byte[mWidth * mHeight * 3 / 2];

public void testEncodeDecodeVideoFromBufferToSurface720p() throws Throwable 
    setParameters(1280, 720, 6000000);


  12-17 18:25:47.405: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): found codec: OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc
  12-17 18:25:47.405: I/OMXClient(16415): Using client-side OMX mux.
  12-17 18:25:47.455: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): found colorFormat: 21
  12-17 18:25:47.455: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): format: frame-rate=10, bitrate=6000000, height=720, mime=video/avc, color-format=21, i-frame-interval=10, width=1280
  12-17 18:25:47.465: I/OMXClient(16415): Using client-side OMX mux.
  12-17 18:25:47.495: E/ACodec(16415): [OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc] storeMetaDataInBuffers (output) failed w/ err -2147483648
  12-17 18:25:47.495: I/ACodec(16415): setupVideoEncoder succeeded
  12-17 18:25:47.535: I/OMXClient(16415): Using client-side OMX mux.
  12-17 18:25:47.545: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): loop
  12-17 18:25:47.545: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): inputBufIndex=0
  12-17 18:25:47.655: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): submitted frame 0 to enc
  12-17 18:25:47.655: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): encoder output format changed: csd-1=java.nio.ByteArrayBuffer[position=0,limit=8,capacity=8], height=720, mime=video/avc, csd-0=java.nio.ByteArrayBuffer[position=0,limit=18,capacity=18], what=1869968451, width=1280
  12-17 18:25:47.655: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): muxer defined muxer format: csd-1=java.nio.ByteArrayBuffer[position=0,limit=8,capacity=8], height=720, mime=video/avc, csd-0=java.nio.ByteArrayBuffer[position=0,limit=18,capacity=18], what=1869968451, width=1280
 12-17 18:25:47.655: I/MPEG4Writer(16415): limits: 2147483647/0 bytes/us, bit rate: -1 bps and the estimated moov size 3072 bytes
 12-17 18:25:47.655: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): inputBufIndex=2
 12-17 18:25:47.795: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): submitted frame 1 to enc
 12-17 18:25:47.825: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): decoder configured (26 bytes)csd-0=java.nio.DirectByteBuffer[position=0,limit=26,capacity=692224], height=720, width=1280, mime=video/avc
 12-17 18:25:47.855: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): no output from decoder available
  12-17 18:25:47.855: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): inputBufIndex=0
  12-17 18:25:47.976: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): submitted frame 2 to enc
  12-17 18:25:48.136: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): passed 3188 bytes to decoder
  12-17 18:25:48.176: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): no output from decoder available
  12-17 18:25:48.176: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): inputBufIndex=1
  12-17 18:25:48.296: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): submitted frame 3 to enc
  12-17 18:25:48.296: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): passed 1249 bytes to decoder
 12-17 18:25:48.326: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): no output from decoder available
  12-17 18:25:48.326: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): loop
  12-17 18:25:48.326: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): inputBufIndex=2
   12-17 18:25:48.396: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): submitted frame 4 to enc
   12-17 18:25:48.396: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): passed 3085 bytes to decoder
  12-17 18:25:48.436: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): no output from decoder available
  12-17 18:25:48.436: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): inputBufIndex=0
   12-17 18:25:48.436: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): sent input EOS (with zero-length frame)
  12-17 18:25:48.436: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): passed 3056 bytes to decoder
    12-17 18:25:48.466: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): no output from decoder available
   12-17 18:25:48.466: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): passed 1085 bytes to decoder (EOS)
  12-17 18:25:48.476: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): decoder output buffers changed
  12-17 18:25:48.496: E/EncodeAndMuxTest(16415): decoder output format changed:


对于帧输入端,最接近您想要的可能是bigflake.com/mediacodec/#EncodeDecodeTest 中的缓冲区到缓冲区或缓冲区到表面测试,它通过 YUV420 字节向 MediaCodec 提供输入缓冲区。因此,您可以选择将 JPEG 作为纹理加载并通过 GLES 渲染以使用 Surface 输入方法,或者将 JPEG 转换为 YUV420(使用平面或半平面,具体取决于设备支持的格式)并通过一个字节缓冲区。 EncodeDecodeTest 代码说明了像素布局。 非常感谢@fadden 这就是要走的路。我正在使用 Nexus 4 进行调试。注释中的输出格式更改为 0x7FA30C03 OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka。无法播放视频。我需要将其转换为其他颜色格式吗? 输出颜色格式对于编码器来说无关紧要,只是输入颜色格式。通过“无法播放视频”,我假设您仍然可以获得可播放的 .mp4 文件,但内容看起来很混乱?我没有看到代码中有任何明显错误。如果您将encodeYUV420SP() 替换为一些微不足道的东西(也许generateFrame() 来自EncodeDecodeTest),它看起来合理吗? (只是试图减少可能的罪魁祸首。) 是的,你是对的。太感谢了!是转换问题。你知道如何将 JPEG-compress Bitmap 转换为 YUV420SemiPlanar ByteBuffer 吗?我使用的解决方案只会生成绿色的乱码视频。 任何对 4.3 以下的复用器解决方案感兴趣的人都可以在这里查看:***.com/a/23000620/727768 【参考方案1】:

读取 Jpeg,解压缩,然后重新压缩它们会导致图像质量下降(并占用 CPU 工作量/时间),只需将它们完全附加并将它们扔到视频容器中会更快并产生更好的视频。

MJpeg 视频格式已经很老了,所以(几乎)任何程序都可以播放 Mjpeg 视频。

我建议类似http://sourceforge.net/projects/jpegtoavi/ IE 的解决方案:从您的 Jpeg 制作 Mjpeg 电影。有不止一个程序可供选择,使用搜索引擎(或我们的搜索栏)查找更多源代码。


我通过使用以下命令创建文件来测试我的手机是否可以理解 Mjpegs:

ffmpeg.exe -i test_in.mp4 -vcodec mjpeg -acodec copy test_out.mp4

输入:流 #0:0(und):视频:h264(主要)(avc1 / 0x31637661)、yuv420p、1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9]、1568 kb/s、29.97 fps、29.97 tbr , 90k tbn, 59.94 tbc (默认) 输出:流 #0:0(und):视频:mjpeg (l[0][0][0] / 0x006C), yuvj420p, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=2-31, 200 kb/s,30k tbn,29.97 tbc(默认)

不幸的是,android“Gallery Player”是不理解该格式的程序之一,但如果您希望生成的视频在您的手机上播放,BSPlayer、VLC 和 MPlayer for Android 可以播放该格式(无需编写更多内容)代码)。


以上是关于使用 MediaCodec 和 MediaMuxer 将图像转换为视频的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Android媒体解码MediaCodec MediaExtractor学习

使用 MediaCodec 和 MediaMuxer 将图像转换为视频

在 Android 上使用 AudioRecord 和 MediaCodec 编码 AAC 音频

使用 MediaCodec 和 MediaMuxer 录制视频,但码率和帧率不正确

如何在 MediaCodec 编码器和 CameraX 之间共享 Surface

MediaCodec 硬编码