


【中文标题】如何定义嵌入?【英文标题】:How to make an embed defined? 【发布时间】:2021-04-09 04:01:03 【问题描述】:

我的代码的问题是我目前有两个错误。 “语法错误:意外令牌“。”即使“。”是代码的一部分,应该可以正常工作。然后当我摆脱“。”时,另一个是“参考错误:fairyEmbed未定义”这是代码有问题:

    const Discord = require("discord.js");

module.exports = fairyEmbed;
    .setDescription('Fairy types are too cutesy for my preference. They’re weak to Poison and Steel type and Fire, Steel and Poison types resist their attacks. But they do a lot of damage to Dark, Fighting and Dragon types. Dragon type attacks don’t effect them at all, so they’re good in that department.')

module.exports = fightingEmbed;
    .setDescription('Fighting types are very resilient. Their attacks are super effective against Rock, Steel, Dark, Normal and Ice types and they resist Dark, Rock and Bug type attacks. Fighting type attacks won’t do well against Flying, Psychic, Fairy, Poison or Bug types and they won’t do anything to Ghost types and they’re very weak to Fairy, Psychic and Flying type attacks.')

module.exports = steelEmbed;
    .setDescription('Steel types are the prime definition of defense with an amazing resistance to Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Steel and Fairy type attacks and are immune to Poison attacks. They’ll do immense damage to Rock, Fairy and Ice types. If they get hit by Fire, Ground or Fighting type attacks, they’ll be greatly damaged and they don’t do much to Water, Fire, Electric or other Steel types.')

module.exports = darkEmbed;
    .setDescription('Dark type Pokémon are masters of the night and dirty, underhanded tactics. They’re very strong against Psychic and Ghost and resist Dark and Ghost type attacks. Psychic type attacks don’t stand a chance due to their immunity. It’s best to avoid putting them against Fighting, Fairy and Bug type attacks because of their weakness and they won’t do as much damage against Dark, Fighting and Fairy type Pokémon. Either way you slice it, Dark type Pokémon are very strong. Spikemuth’s gym is a prime example of that.')

module.exports = dragonEmbed;
    .setDescription('Dragon types are very rare and thought to be a mystical type. If you want to stop them in their tracks, use Fairy, Ice or Dragon type moves against them. Dragon types resist Fire, Water, Grass and Electric type attacks and Dragon Type attacks are only strong against themselves but have a wide variety of attacks. Dragons type moves don’t do much to Steel types and Fairy types are completely immune to their attacks. My bro said Raihan was infamous for completely demolishing trainers with his overwhelming dragons, so I’d watch your choices around them.')





 const Discord = require("discord.js");
 let fairyEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
 .setDescription('Fairy types are too cutesy for my preference. They’re weak to Poison and Steel type and Fire, Steel and Poison types resist their attacks. But they do a lot of damage to Dark, Fighting and Dragon types. Dragon type attacks don’t effect them at all, so they’re good in that department.')

您必须对每个嵌入都执行此操作。您拥有的解决方案无法工作,因为您的程序应该从哪里知道 fairyEmbed 例如是 MessageEmbed?定义意味着将值存储在变量中。在这种情况下,我们的值是 MessageEmbeds。如果您定义了它,您的程序就能够知道您正在使用嵌入。然后你可以这样做:

module.exports = fairyEmbed;




const  MessageEmbed  = require('discord.js');

module.exports.fairyEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
    .setDescription('Hello World!');



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