在 FLEX 中动态改变 Datagrid 列的宽度



【中文标题】在 FLEX 中动态改变 Datagrid 列的宽度【英文标题】:Dynamically change the width of Datagrid column in FLEX 【发布时间】:2010-11-03 09:40:50 【问题描述】:





对于 Gridview 控件,您可以向下钻取 SelectedRowStyle 属性并将 Wrap 设置为 True。


哦...我想您是在谈论 ASP.NET ...我的问题是关于 Flex。抱歉,我一开始没有提到。【参考方案2】:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"

            // imports:
            import mx.events.FlexEvent;
            import mx.core.UIComponent;
            import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
            import mx.controls.Text;
            import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
            import mx.controls.Label;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            // data provider:
            [Bindable] private var dp:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

            private function onComplete():void 
                // populate data provider here
                // to avoid calcMaxLengths execution when the app is created:
                dp = new ArrayCollection(
                         col1: "Short", col2: "Other column 1" ,
                         col1: "Some long string", col2: "Other column 2" ,
                         col1: "Short", col2: "Other column 3" ,
                         col1: "Short", col2: "Other column 4" ,
                         col1: "The longest value in this column", col2: "Other column 5" ,
                         col1: "Short", col2: "Other column 6" ,
                         col1: "Short", col2: "Other column 7" 

            // this is going to be executed whenever the data provider changes:
            private function calcMaxLengths(input:ArrayCollection):ArrayCollection 
                // if there are items in the DP:
                if ( input.length > 0 ) 
                    // and no SPECIAL child exists:
                    if ( getChildByName("$someTempUICToRemoveAfterFinished") == null ) 
                        // create new SPECIAL child
                        // this is required to call measureText
                        // if you use custom data grid item renderer
                        // then create instance of it instead of UIComponent:
                        var uic:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
                        // do not show and do not mess with the sizes:
                        uic.includeInLayout = false;
                        uic.visible = false;
                        // name it to leverage get getChildByName method:
                        uic.name = "$someTempUICToRemoveAfterFinished";
                        // add event listener:
                        uic.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onTempUICCreated);
                        // add to parent:
                // return an input:
                return input;

            // called when SPECIAL child is created:
            private function onTempUICCreated(event:FlexEvent):void 
                // keep the ref to the SPECIAL child:
                var renderer:UIComponent = UIComponent(event.target);
                // output - this will contain max size for each column:
                var maxLengths:Object = ;
                // temp variables:
                var key:String = "";
                var i:int=0;
                // for each item in the DP:
                for ( i=0; i<dp.length; i++ ) 
                    var o:Object = dp.getItemAt(i);
                    // for each key in the DP row:
                    for ( key in o ) 
                        // if the output doesn't have current key yet create it and set to 0:
                        if ( !maxLengths.hasOwnProperty(key) ) 
                            maxLengths[key] = 0;
                        // check if it's simple object (may cause unexpected issues for Boolean):
                        if ( ObjectUtil.isSimple(o[key]) ) 
                            // measure the text:
                            var cellMetrics:TextLineMetrics = renderer.measureText(o[key]+"");
                            // and if the width is greater than longest found up to now:
                            if ( cellMetrics.width > maxLengths[key] ) 
                                // set it as the longest one:
                                maxLengths[key] = cellMetrics.width;

                // apply column sizes:
                for ( key in maxLengths ) 
                    for ( i=0; i<dg.columnCount; i++ ) 
                        // if the column actually exists:
                        if ( DataGridColumn(dg.columns[i]).dataField == key ) 
                            // set size + some constant margin
                            DataGridColumn(dg.columns[i]).width = Number(maxLengths[key]) + 12;
                // cleanup:


    <mx:DataGrid id="dg" horizontalScrollPolicy="on" dataProvider="calcMaxLengths(dp)" >
            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="col1"  />
            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="col2"  />






然后列宽将自动调整大小以适应 DataGrid 的宽度。您也可以手动设置列宽,只要滚动设置为开或关且未设置为自动。我发现了一篇关于此的有趣文章,http://junleashed.wordpress.com/2008/07/10/flex-datagridcolumn-width-management/。基本上,他手动管理列宽,然后计算滚动条应该打开还是关闭。



我最近遇到了同样的问题,我发现的唯一解决方案是使用自定义函数来优化 DataGrid 的列宽,建议 here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
import mx.core.UITextField;
import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer;

public function optimiseGridColumns(dg:DataGrid):void 
                        var dgCol:DataGridColumn;
                        var renderer:UITextField;
                        var tf:TextFormat;
                        var col:int;

                        if (dg.columnCount > 0 && dg.dataProvider != null) 
                        // initialize widths array
                               var widths:Array = new Array (dg.columnCount);
                                for (col = 0; col < widths.length; ++col) 
                                        widths[col] = -1;

                        // go through each data item in the grid, estimate
                        // the width of the text in pixels
                                for each (var item:Object in dg.dataProvider) 
                                        for (col = 0; col < widths.length; ++col) 
                                                renderer = new DataGridItemRenderer();
                                                // Must add to datagrid as child so that it inherits
                                                // properties essential for text width estimation,
                                                // such as font size

                                                dgCol = dg.columns[col] as DataGridColumn;
                                                renderer.text = dgCol.itemToLabel(item);
                                                widths[col] = Math.max(renderer.measuredWidth + 10,widths[col]);

                                                // remove renderer from datagrid when we're done

                                // go through headers in the grid, estimate the width of
                                // the text in pixels, assuming the text is bold
                                for (col = 0; col < widths.length; ++col) 
                                        // it's ok to reuse renderer, but I chose not
                                        // to for safety reasons. Optimize if needed.
                                        renderer = new DataGridItemRenderer();

                                        // Must add to datagrid as child so that it inherits
                                        // properties essential for text width estimation,
                                        // such as font size

                                        dgCol = dg.columns[col] as DataGridColumn;
                                        renderer.text = dgCol.headerText;

                                        tf = renderer.getTextFormat();
                                        tf.bold = true;
                                        renderer.setTextFormat (tf);

                                        widths[col] = Math.max(renderer.measuredWidth + 25, widths[col]);

                                        // remove renderer from datagrid when we're done

                                // set width of columns to determined values
                                for (col = 0; col < widths.length; ++col)
                                        if (widths[col] != -1)
                                                dg.columns[col].width = widths[col];

    <mx:XMLList id="employees">
            <name>Christina Coenraets</name>
            <name>Joanne Wall</name>
            <name>Maurice Smith</name>
            <name>Mary Jones</name>
        <mx:DataGrid id="dg1"   rowCount="5" dataProvider="employees" creationComplete="optimiseGridColumns(dg1)">
                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="name" headerText="Name"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="phone" headerText="Phone"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="email" headerText="Email"/>



-1 ...链接到独家专家交流不是很有帮助。

以上是关于在 FLEX 中动态改变 Datagrid 列的宽度的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

大家好,请问Flex4.5 的DataGrid怎么才能交换列的位置(拖动) spark.components.DataGrid


easyui datagrid 动态加入移除editor

flex datagrid - 使网格高度动态和包含它的组件

wpf 通过为DataGrid所绑定的数据源类型的属性设置Attribute改变DataGrid自动生成列的顺序

Flex3 Datagrid:标志上的自定义行