如何在 SpriteKit 中使用不同大小的纹理制作动画



【中文标题】如何在 SpriteKit 中使用不同大小的纹理制作动画【英文标题】:How to animate with textures of different sizes in SpriteKit 【发布时间】:2017-11-16 20:34:49 【问题描述】:


首先我在 func didMove(to view: SKView) 上创建一个 SKSpriteNode 并将其添加到场景中:

//create monster, add physics to detect collision with projectile and add to scene with walking animation
let monster = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "zombie")
monster.yScale = CGFloat(-0.58)
monster.xScale = CGFloat(0.58)
monster.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOf: monster.size)
monster.physicsBody?.isDynamic = true
monster.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = PhysicsCategory.Monster
monster.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = PhysicsCategory.Projectile
monster.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = PhysicsCategory.None
// Determine where to spawn the monster along the Y axis
 let actualY = random(min: monster.size.height/2, max: size.height - (monster.size.height/2)-20)
 // Position the monster slightly off-screen along the right edge,
 // and along a random position along the Y axis as calculated above
 monster.position = CGPoint(x: size.width + monster.size.width/2, y: actualY)

// Add the monster to the scene

        // Determine speed of the monster

        let actualDuration = random(min: CGFloat(2.0)-CGFloat(self.level/10), max: CGFloat(4.0)-CGFloat(self.level/10))

        // Create the actions
        let actionMove = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: -monster.size.width/2, y: actualY), duration: TimeInterval(actualDuration))

        let actionMoveDone = SKAction.removeFromParent()

        let atlas = SKTextureAtlas(named: monsterVariant)
        var m0 = SKTexture()
        var m1 = SKTexture()
        var m2 = SKTexture()
        var m3 = SKTexture()
        var m4 = SKTexture()
        var m5 = SKTexture()
        m0 = atlas.textureNamed("\(monsterVariant)_Walk1") //222x396
        m1 = atlas.textureNamed("\(monsterVariant)_Walk2")//222x366
        m2 = atlas.textureNamed("\(monsterVariant)_Walk3")//250x375
        m3 = atlas.textureNamed("\(monsterVariant)_Walk4")//237×379
        m4 = atlas.textureNamed("\(monsterVariant)_Walk5")//221×371
        m5 = atlas.textureNamed("\(monsterVariant)_Walk6")//228×402

        let textures = [m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5]
        let walkAnimation = SKAction.animate(with:textures, timePerFrame: 0.07)

然后,当弹丸和怪物相撞时,我希望播放骰子动画并让怪物消失。请注意 cmets 上的纹理尺寸:

func projectileDidCollideWithMonster(projectile: SKSpriteNode, monster: SKSpriteNode) 
        let dyingMonsterPosition = monster.position

        let atlas = SKTextureAtlas(named: String(monster.name!))
        var m1 = SKTexture()
        var m2 = SKTexture()
        var m3 = SKTexture()
        var m4 = SKTexture()
        var m5 = SKTexture()
        var m6 = SKTexture()
        var m7 = SKTexture()
        var m8 = SKTexture()
        m1 = atlas.textureNamed("\(String(monster.name!))_Dead1")//220 × 374
        m2 = atlas.textureNamed("\(String(monster.name!))_Dead2")//272 × 377
        m3 = atlas.textureNamed("\(String(monster.name!))_Dead3")//349 × 355
        m4 = atlas.textureNamed("\(String(monster.name!))_Dead4")//384 × 296
        m5 = atlas.textureNamed("\(String(monster.name!))_Dead5")//380 × 248
        m6 = atlas.textureNamed("\(String(monster.name!))_Dead6")//406 × 218
        m7 = atlas.textureNamed("\(String(monster.name!))_Dead7")//465 × 211
        m8 = atlas.textureNamed("\(String(monster.name!))_Dead8")//475 × 193
        let textures = [m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8]

        let playSound = SKAction.run 
            SKAction.playSoundFileNamed("163442__under7dude__man-dying.wav", waitForCompletion: false)
        let dieAnimation = SKAction.animate(with: textures, timePerFrame: 0.1, resize: false, restore: true)
        let removeMonster =  SKAction.run 
        let monsterDieSequence = SKAction.sequence([playSound,dieAnimation,removeMonster])

如果我使用 SKAction.animate 中的 resize:true 我有一个完美的动画,但我失去了原始的 monster.xScale 和 monster.yScale。怪物“生不如死”。

如果我使用 resize:false 动画会变形:

这个问题有一个可能的答案: animate-an-skspritenode-with-textures-that-have-a-size-different-from-the-origin




你试过不使用旋转的精灵吗?我的意思是,在人物肖像上绘制整个垂死序列,并使用 ZRotation 方法与使用 SKAction.group( [旋转,动画])。


以上是关于如何在 SpriteKit 中使用不同大小的纹理制作动画的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

SpriteKit 部分纹理映射

在 SpriteKit 中预加载纹理


使用纹理图集时 SpriteKit 中的高内存使用率

如何避免 SpriteKit 中的平滑效果?

如何在 iOS7 SpriteKit 中为不同大小的图像设置动画?