将组件作为道具传递时在 Flow 中键入 React 组件



【中文标题】将组件作为道具传递时在 Flow 中键入 React 组件【英文标题】:Typing React components in Flow when passing a component as a prop 【发布时间】:2017-09-20 19:40:38 【问题描述】:

我想将一个 React 组件作为输入道具传递给另一个 React 组件。我试图将它引用为 React.Component 但是当我在渲染方法中使用传递的组件时出现错误。这就是我编写流程代码的方式。

/* @flow */

import React,  Component  from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

const Input = props => <div>Yo</div>

type DefaultProps = 
  InputComponent: Input

type Props = 
  InputComponent: React.Component<*, *, *>

class App extends Component<DefaultProps, Props, void> 
  static defaultProps = 
    InputComponent: Input

  props: Props;

    const  InputComponent  = this.props

    return (
        <InputComponent />

  <App />,

但是在 App 渲染方法中我得到了错误

React element `InputComponent` (Expected React component instead of React$Component)




在 Flow 0.93.0 版本上,您可以执行以下操作。

从'react'导入类型元素作为ReactElement; 类型道具 = 组件:反应元素



从 v0.59.0 开始,你应该使用 React.Component。例如:

/* @flow */

import React from 'react';

const Input = props => <div>Yo</div>

type Props = 
  InputComponent: React.Component<*, *>

class App extends React.Component<Props, void> 
  static defaultProps = 
    InputComponent: Input

    const  InputComponent  = this.props

    return (
        <InputComponent />

Here is a working example 为 0.59.0。如cmets中所述,有a description of the changes here。

:: v0.59.0 之前 ::

您应该使用ReactClass&lt;*&gt; 而不是React.Component

这里是working example,文档是here!

 * Type of a React class (not to be confused with the type of instances of a
 * React class, which is the React class itself). A React class is any subclass
 * of React$Component. We make the type of a React class parametric over Config,
 * which is derived from some of the type parameters (DefaultProps, Props) of
 * React$Component, abstracting away others (State); whereas a React$Component
 * type is useful for checking the definition of a React class, a ReactClass
 * type (and the corresponding React$Element type, see below) is useful for
 * checking the uses of a React class. The required constraints are set up using
 * a "helper" type alias, that takes an additional type parameter C representing
 * the React class, which is then abstracted with an existential type (*). The *
 * can be thought of as an "auto" instruction to the typechecker, telling it to
 * fill in the type from context.
type ReactClass<Config> = _ReactClass<*, *, Config, *>;
type _ReactClass<DefaultProps, Props, Config: $Diff<Props, DefaultProps>, C: React$Component<DefaultProps, Props, any>> = Class<C>;


该示例似乎不再起作用,我在文档中找不到任何关于 ReactClass 的信息。这个问题是否可能适用于旧版本的流程? 确实,ReactClass 似乎已被删除:github.com/facebook/flow/commit/… 现在看起来类型是 React.ComponentType。这就是我猜你可能会称之为更改文档的内容:github.com/facebook/flow/commit/… 现在看来 React Components 应该只是 React.Component,但我还没有测试新版本。 这看起来也很适合转变:medium.com/flow-type/…

以上是关于将组件作为道具传递时在 Flow 中键入 React 组件的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

使用 Material UI makeStyles 时键入的道具



如何将 ref 作为组件对象中的道具传递?

将 AJAX 结果作为道具传递给子组件
